
Guangzhou The arm of a friendly technology SBC-2410X Guide



1. sleep0 3 Linux Linux 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 88 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn TERA VO
2. 1220 20 JTAG SD RJT 45 PDA 120mmx90mm PDA SBC 2410X
3. I2S 3 ISCON FIEFO FIFO IISCON 0 CPU FIFO IISCON 1 FIFO 0 CPU FIFO FIFO 1 DMA ISFCON IS FIFO DMA FIFO DMA FIFO DMA ISCON 4 5 1I2S SBC 2410X UDA1341TS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 103
4. 1 6 2 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 81 com KEL DEB http www arm9 com cn MiA W B socket socket 1 1 bind bind 2s ped ggndtol recvfron ede fey t revcfrom sandtol closet closet 6 2 UDP fead0 writeO0 recvfrom0 sendto0
5. irq dev_id regs device proc interrupts flag Linux m 4 malloc free kmalloc kfree include lt linux kernel h gt void kmalloc unsigned int len int priority void kfree void obj BR len HABA NS A obj VARINA TAFT priority 29 2 BG VI TESRTEBTG 7G GFP_KERNEL IO segmentation fault
6. s gt actice DMA DMA DMA while copy_to_userO copy_to_user0 46 W 5c Ja 4 dma_queue_buffer 4 2247 X FEI 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 117 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 6 4 Bootloader 6 4 1 bootloader FETKAS AZ AMR PC CMOS firmware bootloader KAS AZ bootloader
7. Internet Qtopia PDA QE IZIT R WRH Trolltech SEFF license 3 Q Gui aha FEVERS RAT Rt AG GUI 7 1 2 Microwindows Nano X Mirowindows http www microwindows orfg Linux PC X Windows Microwindows X Windows Microwindows 100KB 60KB Microwindows TE HRA SK Linux Linux2 2 x framebuffer Mic
8. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 87 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn ws _ d a Stel ASU RS 6 Linux 6 5 Linux Linux open read write ioctO close0 open Linux 6 3 1 1 Linux 3 1 2 WO
9. MIZI arm Linux Mp3 EXC Web CGID Ftp Telnet SBC 2410X SBC 2410X WindowsCE4 2 net WindowsCE Word Excel Power Point Pdf Word a IE Was GASES A EYER AS SBC 2410X SBC 2410X 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 3 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn SBC 2410X SBC 2410X
10. ioct ioctl switch case PS WO IS S3C2410X IS 8 00khz codeclk 384 8x384 3 0720MHz A Ut FAS PCLK N 1 3 072MHz N 50 75 3 072 1 15 67 0x10 IISPSR 0 4 B 5 9 A ISPSR rUSPSR 15 lt lt 5 15 ioct IS static int smdk2410 audio 10ctl struct inode inode struct file file uint cmd ulong arg long val 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 110 com KELE DEEZ switch cmd case SNDCTL DSP SETFMT get user val long arg if val amp AUDIO FMT MASK audio fmt val break else return EINVAL
11. WW 59 4 8 ZR PP PCABCRURS Je PEPPER I PC BS 2308 15 1 3I INZ HERE FE NI A EDK 60 42 hp rP Bs sea BERR SAO IRINA K BBS 2 UDA1341 friendly arm kernel drivers sound s3c2410 udal341 c DUDA1341 dioct OT MBE HY FB BOA Se il QUDA1341 int init s3c2410_udal341_init void unsigned long flags local_irq_save flags CPU GPB 4 L3CLOCK OUTPUT set_gpio_ctrl GPIO_L3CLOCK
12. Linux file_operations linux fs h file_operations struct file_operations struct module owner loff t IIseek struct file loff_t int ssize t read struct file char size t loff t ssize t write struct file const char size t loff t int readdir struct file void filldir t unsigned int poll struct file struct poll table struct int ioctl struct inode struct file unsigned int unsigned long int mmap struct file struct vm_area_struct int open struct inode struct file int flush struct file int release struct inode struct file int fsync struct file struct dentry int datasync int fasync int struct file int int lock struct file int struct file_lock ssize_t readv struct file const struct iovec unsigned long loff t ssize_t writev struct file const struct 10vec unsigned long loff t ssize t sendpage struct file struct page int size t loff t int unsigned long get unmapped area struct file unsigne
13. source 4 1 4 rm rm file 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 39 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn rm frdir dir mv source target source 3H 44 7j target 4 1 6 diff diff dirl dir2 1 2 diff filel file2 1 2 4 1 7 echo echo message HER PETIT echo message message2 AL RAN EB HY TN 4 1 8 du du SW da Bm du sm root root M 4 1 9 cat cat file DOS type cat file more more less file 4 1 10 more more s more
14. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 125 com KELE DE EN http www arm9 com cn 6 6 2 NFS 6 1 7 10 11 NFS exports friendly arm root rw sync no root squash friendly arm root SBC 2410X rw no_root_squash root exports A o SBC 2410X vivi nfs param_nfs txt param set linux_cmd_line console ttySO root dev nfs nfsroot 192 168 0 1 friendly arm root ip 192 168 0 cane 168 0 1 192 168 0 1 255 255 255 0 matrix4 i net ethO off jelcome to minicom 7 00 0 UPTIONS History Huffer F key Macros Search History Buffer Idm ompiled om Ian 25 2005 00 15 18 Press CIRL
15. led echo 0 0 2 gt tmp led control 4 led 0 2 echo 1 0 2 gt tmp led control IBA An 4A led EZ UIRIBS 0 2 TP BST IRIS TT S87 88 e 4 2 2 LED led led led leds lgd player etc rc d init d leds stop led player led led root fa led Usage leds led no Oll led no led 0 1 2 3 0 1 led 2 1 Kee LED3 4 2 3 buttons buttons SBC 2410X buttons Kl 1 129 7 buttons K2 2 130 buttons K3 3 1312 buttons KK4 4 132 0x80 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 43 com KE
16. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 44 com KELE DE EN http www arm9 com cn s start TIME skip to begin at TIME HH MM SS DDD t timeZDURATION play only for DURATION HH MM SS DDD Z Shuffle randomize file list r repeat MAX play files MAX times or indefinitely tty control enable keyboard controls no tty control disable keyboard controls Miscellaneous V version display version number and exit license show copyright license message and exit h help display this help and exit Supported output formats cdda CD audio 16 bit 44100 Hz stereo PCM cdr cda aiff Audio IFF 16 bit PCM aif aiff wave Microsoft RIFF WAVE 16 bit PCM wav snd Sun NeXT audio 8 bit ISDN mu law au snd raw binary 16 bit host endian linear PCM hex ASCII hexadecimal 24 bit linear PCM null no output decode only madplay your mp3 yourmp3 4 2 5 SBC 2410X dev scsi host1l bus0 target0 lun0 part Linux In s dev scsi host1 bus0 target0 lun0 partl dev sda1 etc init d reS
17. SBC 2410X lo loopback 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 46 com AELE PATER ZT http www arm9 com cn EF BEE Bw FG eT Ay Die a3 2a eth rnetmFa H iFrenFig Link emcap Ethermet inet addr i192 168 868 200 HBcast 182 168 UP ERUBDLRST EKUuHHIHZ HRTICHST TUES 00 EX packets errors dropped 8 overruns Th packets 8 errers B dropped 8 perrus collisions 8 tequeuelen 100 EX bytes 0 8 iB TA bytes 0 0 ifj Interrgspt 37 Base ad dress sd d Link emcap Lucal Luephackh inet a8dr 127 8 80 7 Hask 255 8 i d UP L UFBAHCK HUHHIHLG HIU 16hd6 PHpetrirc 1 EK packetz 8 amp errorz drupped 8 overruns IX packepts B errersi8 dropped 8 euerrunc cullisions 8 txquruelpn 8 EX bytes 0 0 iB TX bytes 0 0 if rnetgra H HWadd BIUIB UIDHIFFIEE G8H 255 Haskid965 2765 205 8 Metric 1 B Frame sE carrier ii 0 Frane 0 0 carrier si D DL TT lE Bue 8c Es Bgm O6 HTE d ifconfig eth0 192 168 0 230 netmask 255 255 255 0 ifconig ifconfig
18. make vivi 6 5 kernel SBC 2410X kernel sources friendly arm kernel vivi make menuconfig kerneltsgz friendly arm SBC 2410X make make zImage zrmage arch arm boot 6 6 Linux Kernel root Linux Linux mount root 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 121 com AcEZOB Bf http www arm9 com cn Kenel panic VFS Unable to mount root fs on 02 00
19. http www arm9 com cn Serial Device dev ttysp Leckfile Locetien Fear lock Callim Program Callout Program 1 Bps TFar Eitsa Gs Eel Hardware Flee Cantrol Yeu Softeute Flee Central He A E 0 E F Changes which setting I L Screen and keyboard Save dete s dil Save setup an Exit Exit from Minicom wwe Serial Device JZ E ARE bps par Bits CEP ZR Au PER PER UI DL EBORE z 115200 droote capbily Shell Konsole r E erg Pirim tiri Serial Current 115200 BNI Lackfile 1 Callin P pee Farity Data allet F Bpa Par A L Mane 8 Bardware B M Even T amp Uu y i Software J t 2 Ddd D Mask LL F ftapbits S5creen G i W 1 Save n E i i Save a I j Exit J Z I T Exit f H 1 E 1 kange whic E 1 Spare Choice or Enter to exit l F Hardware Flow Control NO Huis 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 154 com RBZ DE Bz2h http www arm9 com cn EMroot cap
20. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 40 com http www arm9 com cn 4 1 11 date date date s 20 30 30 20 30 30 date s 2002 3 2002 3 5 4 1 12 4 find find name path file E path Hae FARA AA file 4 1 13 grep grep ir chars chars i f 4 1 14 export export LC_ALL zh_CN GB2312 LC_ALL zh_CN GB2312 4 1 15 vi vifile file vi ctrlt ce x x w w r file fe s oldchars newchars g oldchars newchars 4 1 16 tar tar xfzv file tgz file tgz tar cfzv file tgz source_path source_path file tgz 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 41 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 1 17 422 mount
21. root SBC 2410X 3 root dev bon 2 root dev mtdblock 0 ASHER 3h GRA IA S77 sk root dev nfs root dewbon 2 mizi cramfs SBC 2410X cramfs yaffs flash jffs2 Flash SBC 2410X yaffs NFS ARM flash 6 6 1 yaffs SBC 2410X
22. telnet inetd SBC 2410X 192 168 0 230 gt telnet 192 168 0 230 root SBC 2410X Hi 020 87530209 13719442657 Email 49 KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 3 7 ftp ftp Linux ftp 192 168 0 80 shell ftp 192 168 0 80 a PEDIS Gn PAESE fH ftp RIRS T ELEM inl FE Or BH Pic o Ai Cle oF raatBfa 718 fip 197 166 60 80 Connected to 192 164 068 228 WFTPD 2 0 service bs Texas Imperial Software ready for new user Hane 192 168 8 88 root fa 331 Give me your password please Password 238 Logged in successfully iHemote system type 1z M5DUS ftp Is 1700 PORT command okay 1158 File Listing Fol lows in ASCIT mode drwxrekres 1 moore nogroup B Dec 77 28003 drexrekrex 1 moo im HI B Dec 77 280803 rwxrhir Bx 1 rie nogroup 15116748 Dec 38 20801 10 mmp3 rWwEkrHETBS 1 nope negroup 322956487 Oct 2 2002 137 MP3 PR 1 ero nogroup 6960016 May 19 7865 THAGE ADM r Kr Wr 1 n
23. 7 2 2 PC Hello SBC 2410X 1 Qt Qtopia cd friendly arm x86 arm build QT 2 Hello cd hello make hello QPEDIR bin 3 Hello helllo qptoia hello desktop qtopia cp hello desktop QPEDIR apps Applications Framebuffer qyIb amp QT qpe NM QT 7 1 qpotia hello 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 145 com AELB BITE http www arm9 com cn bud Virtual framebuffer 240x TEPER Calculator Clock i Hellaz41U Media Player abes Q9 Calendar Contacts Tracer S File Manager Help Browser oyster Info Viewer Terminal Hello2410 Qtopia hello2410 7 2 Hello Hit 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 146 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn
24. I2S L3 DMA Hui 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 104 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn H t 6e LS BH RE ERA AEM F Di Ee a ll a d FR ALA ie eh te EB aE PEL ORE HEE DRIEK BU T Be BK A Ret BY DA tig Ee EKA G
25. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 95 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn Ae leds insmod lib matrix5 leds o rmmod matrix5 leds YE SBC 2410X FRAY Linux AMOAT AAS ACF ACR AE LE WSK FA ay PA AT SE 5 FEES V AE ES RU IN 4 LED led friendly arm examples leds led 6 3 4 SBC 2410X Fo dO E E a S J E FP B friendly arm kernel drivers char matrix5 buttons c 1 SBC 2410X 4 IO CPU 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 96 com ZE HB B ZJ KIN TS EINT 2 include lt linux config h gt include lt linux module h gt include lt linux kernel h gt include lt linux init h gt include lt linux miscdevice h gt include lt linux sched h gt include lt linux delay h gt include lt linux poll h gt include lt linux spinlock h gt include lt linux irg h gt include lt linux delay h gt JN AC RBC BR 2S http www arm9 com cn VDDASV pr j K 6 7 ERER Hi 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 97 com AELB MER B ZJ inc
26. 12 3 siavsvrcp 15 16 17 4 2 SBC 2410X 0772 AT EX ELA P EI Jb dO d Open Closed Closed 2 3 3 2 4 2 1 LAN RJ45 SBC 2410X HUB 3 3 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 25 com T KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn ET T Ta MATRIX Y ERSO 3 3 SBC 2410X 3 2 SBC 2410X Mm 4 NC Notcomneeted 6 RX Reeivepam v O O O 8 NC Neeemeeee 4 2 2 H 1 COMI1 Samsung S3C2410X 3 SBC 2410X 1 DB9 14 2 0mm COM1 3 CPU COM1 3 3 3 SBC 2410X 1 3 3 SBC 2410X 1 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 26 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 2 3 0O 1 3 COM1 3 SBC 2410X COM1 3 3 3 141210 8 6 4 2 132115 7T FF 3 1 3 4 SBC 2410X COM1 3
27. e QtE e QtE CPU E LENA ERKAK 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 142 com KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn Linux Linux QE Frame Buffer C gcc Qte QNX WindowsCE e Unicode Alpha Trolltech QtE Qtopia GUI
28. major name Linux name major EINVAL major H EINVAL A UM EAT HOS V vi 28 cte IE ig RS GRAZE PT IN TO Yi H open 1 2 3 Linux 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 91 com
29. Yes Erootmcapbily Shell Konsole Session Edi View Bookmarks Settings Help FS Unable to momat root fs via HFS trying flegpy F5 Meusted root cramfs filesgstem Mounted dewfs on des ingt meer 58K hub c DSS few device connect an butli assigned device mimir 2 zcsil 5051 emulation for U5H Mass 5terage devices Vmendpr m Mode Ea Dirmr i XLrcsemm SCS revision OF Leave Minicamr jal O id O dun oO SCSI device sda 6400O 5 MEETEEMN Wa MB ada Write Protect is oft A Partitism check Fdav bci hosti tanl tanget lumi pi init started BusyBax 0 60 5 XXI3 09 065 09 2540009 multi ell bis a y Please press Enter ta activate this ceasale BusyBoex wO 5D5 5 2000 008 05 06 925 40000 Built im ahell uri help for a list of Pailt in cemnmunds run t accemsk tty jnb reztral turmed aff raat fa minicom PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 156 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn C VIVI VIVI guide txt Getting started with vivi Janghoon Lyu nandy mizi com This is a short introduction about the vivi Revision History Revision v0 1 2002 10 21 Revised by jl Initial public release very very short descriptions with foolish sentences Table of Contents 1 Introducti
30. IO IO WO IO printk printf Printf 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 90 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn ED fa AM LE ae ETRE ECF syslog HA 6 3 1 3 Linux register_chrdev register_chrdev include lt linux fs h gt include lt linux errno h gt int register chrdev unsigned int major const char name struct file operations fops major 0 Name Fops
31. Modem Modem 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 149 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Hiyp e l eminal T fou need bo natal a modem belnee you can make a connection Vaf culd pau ke bo do this nc LE wj 4 3 No 4 4 ttyS0 COM1 ER aLi Windows ki Ei FA A E EE Ceo AAR OD Im 4 4 SBC 2410X 1 4 5 x S Prin HTABTVEEBET EL HF HERA tE BB xj X E3 nz EEH PI ET 4 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 150 com http www arm9 com cn Ba IBN Pewee TERA AM BP Ane Blah SBC 2410X
32. dewsdal USB HOST USB HUB mount dev sdal mnt mnt Ho 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 45 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 4 6 USB vidcat vidcat vidcat h root fa vidcat h vidcat invalid option h VidCat Version 0 7 2 Usage vidcat lt options gt b make a raw PPM instead of an ASCII one d lt device gt video device default dev video f ppmljpeglpnglyuv4mpeg output format of the image g greayscale instead of color 1 tvlcompllcomp2ls video which input channel to use loop on doesn t make sense in most cases n pallntsclsecam select video norm O file write output to file instead of stdout p clglylY videopalette to use q quality only for jpeg quality setting 1 100 default 80 s NxN define size of the output image default 320x240 Example vidcat xsetbg stdin 4 3 4 3 1 ifconfig ifconfig
33. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 118 com A3SEZOE BMAE HIJ http www arm9 com cn NO ee 6 9 make menuconfig vivi Load on Alternate Configuration File arch def configs SBC 2410X 6 10 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 119 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn wt ee e SEEK T X HE Edt View Temral Go Help roo c apbiby l opt q rea C capbiy fnen reab 2 capbily rien root capbibly impi rootb capbih Ares Enter the name of the configuration file you wish to load Accept the name show to restore the configuration you last retrieved Leave blank to SEE lt ip gt I 6 10 OK 6 9 6 11 Yes 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 120 com RBZ DE Bz http www arm9 com cn III 0 X Fie Edn Wiew Temmnal Go Help mot c apbily loptjg roc capbily frien rootacaphihy fien root caphih Amp raorstcapbily jifrien E Do you wish to save your mew VIVI configuration IZE lt r gt 6 11
34. SBC 2410X capbily capbily hotmail com Al 1505 020 87530209 560630 Email capbily hotmail com Py tit http www arm9 net http www arm9 com cn 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 4 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn tenente teretes tnter tete se sn en inopi 9 1 1 CUDA EAD TEI te enne 9 MM MM MEME M I SEU EIS 9 1 2 1 00 nenenenenntnd 9 1 2 2 nennen 9 1 2 3 mizi 10 SBC 2410X ki nete toten sn tnt tete te testen no po 11 11 29 SBCOATOX TU descensum epee MM MIS EE E LEE EI 12 2 2 1 0 13 EE ss UE IP UE E UI EDI 13 223 uico 14 0 0 16 ee 17 nn 18 Sr 18 OA SA CST MN m M 19 Step3 LCD Ees arste aetakse starete rrene 19 Step4 Lingx 0 20 1 ee 20 2 EE oe 21 Steps WindowSsCE kk 22 1 CD BG OG 22 EE RUE Sea Been URN
35. 0 EINVAL EBUSY register_chrdev proc dvices Linux dev ls 1 0 0 0 Linux kernel 2 0 3x f 128 3 iz 4 amp 9 Linux kernel 2 2 4l 2 4 Sz 256 3 4 amp 0 4I 255 Linux Linux Linux cleanup_module0O int unregister chrdev unsigned int major const char name
36. vivi vivi gt friendly arm gt bs flash 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 132 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn a root capbily opt qtopia Eile Edt View Terminal Go Help Please press Enter to activate this console Artist 7 7 7 Year 2000 Genre Goa BusyBox vO 60 5 2003 09 05 09 25 0000 Built in sheil fash Enter help for a list of built in commands ish can t access tty job control turned off i root fa i bs ed Formating for yaffs z lErasing NAND for Yaffs 6 15 flash 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 133 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Tv TTT OT File Edt View Terminal Go Help oc capbiy jotta ok capbiy end l www
37. Linux 2 2 2 DIY SBC 2410X 120mmx90mm 64M SDRAM 64M Nand Flash 1M Boot Flash USB Host USB slave SD CPU PC DIY Mp3 Mp3 DIY 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 13 com
38. MREZE RRA Hif 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 68 com REL BET http www arm9 com cn aco Virtual framebuffer 240x File View Hel Date Time Time one Seas Hour 18 Minute 06 M Date Thursday 7 October 2004 Time format ed hour Weeks start on Sunday Date format DiMA r Qtopia Qtopia JN AC RBC Hit 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 69 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn v Virtual framebuffer 240 framebuffer 240x Breiner ELE View aad lish a lish British BESE ean S 91 a egian Norsk jlified chinese f8 f amp rh x ditional Chinese RERE PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 70 com KEL DE EE http www arm9 com cn v Virtual framsbuffer 240x EL File Wiew Add Hetwork Service These are the network services available ta be added Dialup PPP Dial up PPP IrDA a LAN TCP IP For local area network connections through PC Card netwark interface card Add
39. TV LED3 nXDACKI GPB9 LED4 nXDACKO GPB 10 WD RE OIK NA 2 LED SMO TYPE GREEN RES JK S PA a LEZ SMD TYPE GREEN RRO IK i DLED N AA n 3 nLED 3 LED3 SMD TYPE GREEN M ROO IK j 1 4 LED SMD TYPE GREEN 6 6LED 2 LED include lt linux config h gt include lt linux module h gt include lt linux kernel h gt include lt linux init h gt include lt linux miscdevice h gt include lt linux sched h gt include lt linux delay h gt PNAC ZEB 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 93 com REZ include lt linux poll h gt include lt linux spinlock h gt include lt linux irg h gt include lt linux delay h gt include lt asm hardware h gt define DEVICE NAME eds 4E X led W4 amp HJ AA E define LED MAJOR 231 Pere SL led KAN ERS http www arm9 com cn static unsigned long led_table J I O led GPIO B7 GPIO B GPIO B9 GPIO B10 js ioctl led static int matrix4_leds_ioctl struct inode inode struct file file unsigned int cmd unsigned long arg switch cmd case 0 case 1 if arg gt 4 return EINVAL j write gpio bit led table arg cmd default return EINVAL j static struct file_operations matrix4_leds_fops owner THIS MO
40. ARM RAM RAM read write IO Linux ioctl 4 DMA DMA DMA DMA
41. IO 0 open dewdevice release close e_operations fle_operations NULL file_operations file_operations 6 3 1 2 Linux Linux request_irq free_irq include lt linux sched h gt int request_irq unsigned int irq void handler int irq void dev id struct pt regs regs unsigned long flags const char device void dev 1d void free irq unsigned int irq void dev id irq handler
42. Linux c b 6 3 1 Linux Linux e
43. http www arm9 com cn 2 2 3 SBC 2410X I Samsung S3C2410X 200MHz 3 3 frg 266Mhz 1 MB AMD Flash ROM 64M Samsung Nand Flash ROM EE py 1 USB Host A USB1 1 USB Host B USB1 1 7 Audio 8 RTC 32 768KHz JTAG 20 2 0mm JTAG bootloader a 5V 6 3mm 5mm SBC 2410X CON LCD LCD STN 50 2 0mm CON GPIO GPIO 36 2 0mm 10 6 AD 1 SPI I2C 2 2 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 14 com http www arm9 com cn i Tomon 5 BUS CON 44 14 16 25 SBC 2410X for Linux
44. Jtag 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 17 com http www arm9 com cn puc HB S Step 1 3 1 SBC 2410X 020 87530209 13719442657 Email cay 18 KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Step2 SV 25AnR OVER 2 USDA OH SBC 24 10 hog FRE 3 2 Step3 LCD I oh 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 19 com http www arm9 com cn 3 3 LCD Step4 F LE A R Linux 1 LCD WAN Al 3 4 Qt 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 20 com http www arm9 com cn jusb registered new driver usblp printer c wO B USB Printer Device Class driver usb c registered new driver ov511 ovGli c vi 48a for Linux 2 4 OV511 USB Camera Driver Initializing USB Mass Storage driver usb c registered new driver usb storage USB Mase Storage support registered NET4 Linux
45. SBC 2410X Linux 192 168 0 1 SBC 2410X 192 168 0 230 x86 udptalk 192 168 0 230 2000 192 168 0 1 2000 SBC 2410X arm udptalk 192 168 0 1 2000 192 168 0 230 2000 6 3 6 4 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 84 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn root capbily friendly arm examples udptalk File Edit View Terminal Go Help root capbily root capbily f root capbily root capbily root capbily udptalk x86 udptalk x86 udptalk lt dest IP address gt dest port lt source IF address gt lt source port root capbily udptalk x86 udptalk 192 168 0 230 2000 192 168 0 1 2000 peer peer Hello Capbily Hello SBC 2410X peer 6 3 x86 udptalk PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 85 com KELE DEBE http www arm9 com cn Edit View Terminal Go Help 02 Dec 2030 18 41 57 oer boa server version Bund 94 13 02 Dec 2030 18 41 57 0000 boa server built Feb 28 2004 at 2 02 Dec 2030 18 41 57 0000 boa starting server pid 34 port 0 Please press Enter to activate this console Ipeer Hello SBC
46. yaffs vivi VIVI version 0 1 4 root capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 0 1 4 Mon Oct 4 16 20 35 CST 2004 MMU table base address 0x33DFC000 Succeed memory mapping NAND device Manufacture ID Oxec Chip ID 0x76 Samsung K9D1208VOM Could not found stored vivi parameters Use default vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUX now any other key for vivi Copy linux kernel from 0x00030000 to 0x30008000 size 2 0x00100000 done zImage magic 0x016f2818 Setup linux parameters at 0x30000100 linux command line 1s noinitrd rootz dev mtdblock 0 init linuxre console ttySO MACH TYPE 2 193 NOW Bootng Linux Uncompressing LInUX aaaiiiiiiitaaaasassrnanetetees done booting the kernel Linux version 2 4 18 rmk7 pxal root capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 9 Wed Oct 6 17 00 54 CST 2004 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 122 com KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn CPU ARM CIRRUS Arm920Tsid wb revision 0 Machine Samsung SMDK2410 On node 0 totalpages 16384 zone 0 16384 pages zone 1 0 pages zone 2 0 pages Kernel command line noinitrd root dev mtdblock O init linuxrc console ttySO DEBUG timer count 15626 Calibrating delay loop 99 94 BogoMIPS Mem
47. QtE be Qt BIEN XE AK QtE e QtE HTE Java Q QtE QtE 600K Qt QtE C F QE QtE QtE Qt API Qt API
48. UDA1341 mp3 wav 4 2 9 SBC 2410X 4 IO IO K1 K2 K3 K4 LL EE TH Ja 3 11 SBC 2410X 3 6 SBC 2410X KEY BOARD ji HH 5 wc s ms 3 wc s mn MDAGEISBORHSUH 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 32 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 2 10 HF LED SBC 2410X 4 IO LED LEDI LED LEDS LED4 3 12 SBC 2410X LED 3 7 3 7 CPU CPU 4 2 11 LCD Samsung S3C2410X SBC 2410X 3 14 3 8 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 33 com http www arm9
49. J27 3 3V 5SV LCD 1 2 2 3 3 3V v 3 15 LCD 4 2 12 JTAG SBC 2410X 2 0mm 20 JTAG 3 15 2 54 2 0mm 2 54mm JTAG 3 16 3 9 20 JTAG Huis 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 35 com T KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 20 18176141210 8 6 4 2 3 16 SBC 2410X JTAG 2 0mm 3 17 2 0 2 54 JTAG X 3 9 JTAG TDI GND TMS GND TCK GND 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 36 com KELE DE EN http www arm9 com cn 4 2 13 IO HH CON GPIO S3C2410 SBC 2410X CON GPIO 10 6 AD 1 SPI a5 33 d 1 tees on nni opt TED Ces Sores I n E L L F L Te w LI i s a lU HET IT pa 3 18 CON GPIO
50. Mincrowindows 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 143 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 7 1 3 MiniGUI MiniGUI AJER KERFERRE RAKERA K AAA H GE GPL 8 H Linux MiniGUI MiniGUI PAL Fe WANES Ay LAY GUI 70 MiniGUI MiniGUI Threads MiniGUI Lite MiniGUI Threads MiniGUI Lite MiniGULThreads MiniGUI Lite PDA MiniGUI 7 2 Qt Embedded AY Ast
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52. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email ca 29 http www arm9 com cn i 3 3V 3 9 SBC 2410X 3 3V 4 2 7 SBC 2410X 2 0mm CPU BUS CTRL BUS CON E 5 E E n E 13 T a I3 If 17 E 1 iu 20 E Ri ad E i go 4 mm m gm mE LL m al P M a a ii __ iJ r 4M rE 2 4l a 4a DDN Fg ZBL BE PRA n 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 30 com Vcr KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 3 10 SBC 2410X 3 4 SBC 2410X BUS CTRL 5 necs 6 b 7 owo s owm 9 mwe 0 mwe 3 S SBC 2410X BUS CON mp 6 5 rp wsm 8 7 om rpamo 10 9 rpAmm 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 31 com http www arm9 com cn 4 2 8 Samsung S3C2410X I2S SBC 2410X PS
53. 6 24 PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 140 com RBZ DE B2h http www arm9 com cn Press Return to start the LINUX muw amy other key for viwi tvpe help fur help friendly arm friendly arm load flash wivi x Ready for downloading using xmoden Waltimp BE s era Failed downloading file friendly arm load flash kernel x Ready for downloading using xmodes aitimp friendly arm load flash kernel x Ready for downloading using xmoden aitimp Failed downloading file friendly arm load flash kernel x Ready for downloading usinz xmgodem 828672 bytes Written 828672 bytes friendly arm 6 24 vivi fash IERT WRIA boot vivi NFS 6 6 1 NFS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 141 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Ao PASH PH Ae HS Fe 7 1 BATA Z8 Zt 2T 7 1 1 Qt Embedded QtuEmbedded f amp f QUE P zT 2 AN GR EE HERUET P TIER Qt X EU Trolltech
54. SBC 2410X Q PC USB hello mount dev sdal mnt cp hello mnt umount mnt SBC 2410X USB HOST mount dev sdal mnt cp mnt hello bin hello bin hello PUT hello 2 hello ftp SBC 2410X ftp PC cp hello home ftp hello ftp SBC 2410X cd bin bin PNAC ZEB 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 77 com AELB ftp 192 168 0 1 ftp gt get hello hello gt bye ftp chmod a x hello hello hello hello 6 2 2 Wiz LED http www arm9 com cn led friendly arm examples led include lt stdio h gt include lt stdlib h gt include lt unistd h gt include lt sys ioctl h gt int main int argc char argv int on
55. int buttons_ fd int key_value lTTJESESE DC t OCT ESI 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 79 com buttons_fd open dev buttons 0 if buttons_fd lt 0 perror open device buttons exit 1 for 3 fd_set rds int ret FD_ZERO amp rds FD SET buttons fd amp rds 4 H 38255 URL H select f i 15 He 99 M dev buttons 1x 1 2 8 ret select buttons_fd 1 amp rds NULL NULL NULL ER E ter US EE if ret lt 0 perror select exit 1 if ret 0 printf Timeout n j PEWS ERI PZH else if FD_ISSET buttons_fd amp rds key_value int ret read buttons_fd amp key_value sizeof key_value if ret sizeof key_value if errno EAGAIN perror read buttons n continue 1 else 3T EDRERELS printf buttons value 9odin key value 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 80 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn j PRA SOE RIT close buttons_fd return 0 j hello buttons SBC 2A10X i541 6 2 4 UDP TCP IP UDP User Data
56. Cancel JEET EEN Eu lt JN AC RBC Hts 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 71 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn w Virtual framebuffer 240x EER File iew z sound Settings Screen sound o gt ai Loud a x Silent a Qtopia SBC 2410X 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 72 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Require code at power on Sync Accept sync from network 132 766 0071 6 4 5 Microwindows SBC 2410X microwindows mine VEZ BR e Qtopia mine Qtopia mine kill qtopia IL qtopia Ef mine mine 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 73 com http www arm9 com cn Bpr E Pe PTEE ur En TRE SBC 2410X i247 Microwindows DOIN
57. e Kkernel flash RAM e e flash RAM flash bootloader vivi Vivi mizi ARM bootloader vivi SBC 2410X 6 4 2 vivi vivi cd friendly arm vivi HEC UI ZA make menuconfig default configuration file vivi vivi arch def configs 3 arch def configs SBC 2410X make vivi cd friendly arm Vivi make menuconfig
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59. 115200 4 6 4 7 4 7 4 7 vivi arm linux 4 8 arm linux 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 151 com http www arm9 com cn Fehen TA HE SERN AT YEA Linux R26 Yuki OCTp KA RHI RFN ZERRE MEF ARER t OMM e mI vereion i 1 amp is LN BIzj com Locr uerzjon 2 55 3 Z2 diHdt5 release amp G eo 14 71 19 KEF 204 i ls M address wl CUBP end memory mapping MHG devica Hanifaebure DU wec Chii ID Oa Samiung KMOUHDSSDE could mol found stored vivi parsmeterz Uze default vivi parameters Frees BHedurn tn alari the L IMIE nme ey other key frr yiiri c mew USE bus registered mzzigned bus mumber 1 e USE hub found Hi suspemed Hi al iwect per cl port detected Initializing USE Mass Storage driver ush c e PNEU new driver ush storage forage supoort registerad ie Linux TCP IP L H For METG O IP Protocols DCH CP IP Paul ing cache hash table af 51 buckets Aki bes TCR Hash t
60. TERNAN TARAK ome 0 xa ROM CRAM EXT2 FAT32 NFS YA X ROM CRAM EXT2 FAT32 NFS YAFFS FFS file system Me 10Base T external Ethernet device 10M driver FTP 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 15 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Web base management suite Sample only ERME FEF NAAA ees O 777777 Local console through RS232 and telnet F3 remote telnet configuration and management Sample Only WEB configuration and management Sample Only Network ping ping Ifconfig route inetd ifocnfig route inetd login sh echo discard cat chmod discard echo flashfsd Linux flashwrite free genhtml hostname init kill loader Is mkdir mount ps reboot rm smanaged sysconf yes insmod Ismod rmmod madplay mp3 Qt EMBEDED ASAE TS BA HRA SLAB LP SP Bt ARTA ATER armsql 2 2
61. USB Qtopia PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS Hif 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 58 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn vw TT TO File View Help Terminal Font Options m z co e Qr 0 m Bereta Cite see pele st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Tab g w e r t v uji o p 1 V P Caps a s d f j g h i k 1 s Ret ZLRHEIBIEIEILILIB i shit cella o TEES QE 15 58 a 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 59 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn v Virtual framebuffer 240x hello Text Editor x File Edit View ON Friendly AAM hello SBC 24 10 Qtopia PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 60 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn bd Virtual framebuffer 240x File View Help Edit Contact Details xE DE Fersanal Business Home n Title First Name capbily Pronunciation N Middle Mame yang Last Mame Pronunciation I co Lifting Sane
62. vivi 34 41 load flash kernel x 7 16 load vivi flash flash kernel kernel x xmdoem Ctrl a MES s xmodem PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 137 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn ve TTE Fle Edt View Terminal Go Help Welcoom to minicon 7 00 0 OPTIONS History Buffer F key Macros Search History Buffer 118m Compiled om Jan 23 2003 00 15 18 Press CTRL A Z for help on special keys friendly arm VIVI version 0 1 4 root amp capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 70 1 4 MM table base address xz3DECOOQ Succeed memory mapping NAND device Manufacture ID xec Chip ID 0x76 Samsung KSDI7O0RVOM Found saved vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUX now any other key for vivi type help for help friendly arm load flash kernel x Ready for downloading usins xmodem 6 20 load Hs File Edit View Terminal Go Help Found sawed Vivi paramete
63. wd Virtual File Miew Help Test my first Qtopia Application Hello Qtopia world a sid QE 3E ra 1 06 7 2 Hello is Running GR Da Ser oa We BOT BC QT cd friendly arm x86 arm set env set env hello 7 2 3 SBC 2410X JE hello SBC 2410X hello Makefile Qt Qtopia for ARM cd friendly arm arm arm build QT for ARM 2 hello cd hello make 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 147 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn hello friendly arm arm qtopia bin 3 SBC 2410X hello hello hello desktop SBC 2410X lopt qtopia bin H 5x amp l opt qtopia apps Applications H 2X FE AT ARES AS ae AE Qtopia RR KZA F hello FEY OA Aare Ty ZU Em EN 25 KR 7 3 F Microwindows Nano X Be Ax GUI iXit 7 3 1 Microwindows Nano X Jf Ri 7 3 2 PC Hello SBC 2410X 7 3 3 SBC 2410X 020 87530209 137194426
64. KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn Linux proc devices int register_chrdev unsigned int const char struct filr_operations fr_operation Ae linux include linux fs h 4 Q In request_irq unsigned int irq void handler int void struct pt_regs unsigned long flags const char device void dev 1d 5 WO DMA int init chr_driver_init void _init chr_driver_init int init_module void ik 41247 ins
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66. Success charlia 5DIO SDHOST SDCSDCardDllEntry DLL PROCESS ATTACH STSIHTR SD OENInterruptDizable zii OSISINIB DMAO OENInterruptDisable STSINTE SUNNC CARD DETECT ENInterzuptEnable SDI INTERRUPT OEMInterruptEnable Initializelardware SL Open Ox 31546 0 apenz 3L GetStatus Ox3154d0 3 8 3 6 WindowsCE Hi C1 115200 8N1 4 PE wee DOIN Fg ZEB AG PRA n 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 23 com Ree DE Bz2h http www arm9 com cn SBC 2410X 4 1 SBC 2410X SBC 2410X EE E i ES ram mE fig TIT EEEEEETELEL FM i n Felo HH mH RI x BREESE FTTTI 11 12 i3 14 3 1SBC 2410 3 1 SBC 2410X HOV COMI 3 CPU COM1 2 3 BOOT SEL ROM USB DEVICE USB T MAREL ERRA RAT 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 24 com http www arm9 com cn 6 vusHor umasa 7 N 5V 8 RESET 9 BUSCTL 16 25 1 KEYBOARD GHRH JTAG s conme VR SHAB
67. case SNDCTL DSP CHANNELS case SNDCTL DSP STEREO get user val long arg if cmd 2 SNDCTL DSP STEREO val val 2 1 if val 1 amp amp val 2 return EINVAL audio_channels val break case SOUND PCM READ CHANNELS put user audio channels long arg break case SNDCTL DSP SPEED get user val long arg val audio set dsp speed val if val 0 return EINVAL put_user val long arg break case SOUND PCM READ RATE put user audio rate long arg break case SNDCTL DSP GETFMTS put userr AUDIO FMT MASK long arg break 020 87 30209 13719442657 Email http www arm9 com cn capbily hotmail 111 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn case SNDCTL DSP GETBLKSIZE if file 5f mode amp FMODE WRITE return put user audio fragsize long arg else return put user audio fragsize int arg case SNDCTL DSP SETFRAGMENT if file gt f mode amp FMODE WRITE if output stream buffers return EBUS Y get user val long arg audio fragsize 2 val amp OxFFFF if audio fragsize 16 audio fragsize 16 if audio fragsize 16384 audio fragsize 16384 audio nbfrags val 16 amp Ox7FFF if audio nbfrags 2 audio nbfrags 2 if audio nbfrags audio fragsize 128 1024 audio nbfrags 128 1024 audio fragsize if audio setup buf amp output stream
68. 64M SDRAM 64M Nand Flash 1M Boot Flash RJ 45 USB Host USB slave SD 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 12 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn 2 0mm CPU mizi Arm Linux Mp3 IAr Web Ftp Telnet SBC 2410X SBC 2410X Flash YAFFS 62M ERIS 2 2 1 SBC 2410X Protel99SE
69. Gnu C 2 95 3 Gnu make 3 79 1 binutils 2 11 2 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 158 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn And then your host platform are installed these tools You have a cross compiler and tool chains You have a Baurne Again shell bin bash You have a ncurses library 2 2 Straight forward compilation The compiliation configuration environment of the vivi is simlilar to the environment of the linux kernel So you can do make distclean make clean make oldconfig make menuconfig and make config General compiling sequence sequence iS 1 make distclean 2 make menuconfig 3 make Note that If you change configurations run make clean and make Next two sections describes compilation of two examples 2 3 SA 1110 Based machines with the NOR flash I will take an example about the vivi compliation I assumed that a target platform s core block 1s composed like this CPU SA 1110 processor ROM 32MB Intel Strata Flash 32 bit wide RAM 32MB DRAM These features make sense to you Many platforms I have met is designed core block like above For instance KINGS GILL and ENDA s core block is designed like this Therefore you refer to vivi arch def configs kings vivi arch def configs gill and vivi arch d ef configs enda If you want to compile vivi for KINGS e a configuration of a target board alredy exist in
70. audio buf info arg MDAG ZOBURHSC 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 113 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn int err verify_area VERIFY_WRITE inf sizeof inf int 1 int frags 0 bytes 0 if file gt f_ mode amp FMODE_READ return EIN VAL if err return err for 1 2 0 1 s nbfrags i 4 1 if atomic read amp s buffers 1 sem count 0 if s gt buffers i size s gt fragsize frags bytes s gt buffers 1 size j put user frags amp inf fragments put_user s gt nbfrags amp inf gt fragstotal put_user s gt fragsize amp inf gt fragsize put_user bytes amp inf gt bytes break case SNDCTL_DSP_RESET if file gt f mode amp FMODE_READ audio clear buf amp input stream if file gt f_mode amp FMODE_ WRITE audio clear buf amp output stream j return 0 case SNDCTL DSP NONBLOCK file gt f_flags I O NONBLOCK return 0 case SNDCTL DSP POST case SNDCTL DSP SUBDIVIDE case SNDCTL DSP GETCAPS case SNDCTL DSP GETTRIGGER 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 114 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn case SNDCTL DSP SETTRIGGER case SNDCTL DSP GETIPTR case SNDCTL DSP GETOPTR case SNDCTL DSP MAPINBUF case SNDCTL DSP MAPOUTBUF case SNDCTL DSP SETSYNCRO case SNDCTL DSP SETDUPLEX return ENOS YS default return smdk2410
71. break j J Ze p e BUR D chunksize b gt size if chunksize gt count chunksize count DPRINTK read d from d n chunksize s gt buf_idx if copy to user buffer b gt start s gt fragsize b gt size chunksize up amp b gt sem return EFAULT b gt size chunksize buffer chunksize count chunksize 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 116 com KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn if b gt size gt 0 up amp b gt sem break s3c2410_dma_queue_buffer s gt dma_ch void b b gt dma_addr s gt fragsize DMA_BUF_RD NEXT BUF s buf if buffer bufferO ret buffer bufferO DPRINTKC audio_read return d n ret return ret struct file buffer 0 if s gt mapped
72. com Ree DE Bz2h http www arm9 com cn E 1 virtual framebuffer 240x File Miew Help Media Plaver SBC 2410X Camra Tracer Open Source MREZE RRA Hif 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 55 com http www arm9 com cn 7 2 M g j USB Qtopia MREZE RRA Hui 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 56 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn virtual framebuffer 240x File iew A Ar bas Qtopia t H3 Ed Fri bias AA ae EBS SESE SCR SCR bmp png xpm 4 PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS Hui 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 57 com REL BET http www arm9 com cn E 4 virtual framebulffer 240x File Miew Help shht0006 bmp Image Viewer Xx Image View Sy 2 W EG
73. return ENOMEM j if file gt f mode amp FMODE READ if input stream bufters return EBUS Y get user val int arg audio fragsize 2 1 lt lt val amp OxFFFF if audio_fragsize lt 16 audio_fragsize 16 if audio_fragsize gt 16384 audio_fragsize 16384 audio_nbfrags val gt gt 16 amp Ox7FFF if audio_nbfrags lt 2 audio_nbfrags 2 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 112 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn if audio_nbfrags audio_fragsize gt 128 1024 audio_nbfrags 128 1024 audio_fragsize if audio_setup_buf amp input_stream return ENOMEM break case SNDCTL DSP_ SYNC return audio_sync file case SNDCTL DSP GETOSPACE audio stream t s 2 amp output stream audio buf info inf 2 audio buf info arg int err verify area VERIFY WRITE inf sizeof inf int 1 int frags 0 bytes 0 if err return err for G 0 1 lt s gt nbfrags 1 if atomic read amp s buffers i sem count 0 if s gt buffers i size O frags bytes s gt fragsize s gt buffers 1 size j put user frags amp inf fragments put_user s gt nbfrags amp inf gt fragstotal put_user s gt fragsize amp inf gt fragsize put_user bytes amp inf gt bytes break case SNDCTL DSP GETISPACE audio stream t s amp input stream audio buf info inf 2
74. 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 8 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 1 1 MATRIV IV SBC 2410X SBC 2410X PATU arm linux 1 2 1 2 A3 amp Z BE ImASUEHS IR AR http www arm9 net http www arm9 com cn 1 2 2 CS8900A fHCirrus Logic ISA Ethernet controller chip SJ gt ill http www cirrus com 2MAX3232CSE maxim http www maxim com 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 9 com KELE WEEL 3HY57V561620BT EH W E ERAR AS E E P as http www samsungsemi com K9F5608U0C EE E E S S AS ZS a AE pill te http www arm9 com cn 1 2 3 mizi COSE Ei EE 2 S Y n http www samsungsemi com OHH mizi HEA Al htt
75. 3 10 CON GPIO ee MM 3 Er 4 EmNT4 ENS 6 EN EN 8 ENB ENTI4 10 ENS O ENTIS 12 END 1 o MDAGEIZCBORHSOH Hii 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 37 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 2 14 SBC 2410X 3 19 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 38 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn Linux 4 1 Linux AS 45B http www tomlinux com Miz Linux FR PMR AAS M Linux Hare EMEA FRA cK Linux 42 4 1 1 ls ls ls a SWRPUS OCPEBLTS Ede x qr Isl amp WoRXfbETE BEA HH FSER AOS REA AT 4 1 2 cd cd dir 0 2 nT Ae FAY dir Axe cd 57 SIR Hx cd 4 1 3 cp cp source target source target cp root source root source cp av soure_dir target_dir cp fr source_dir target dir
76. 3 3 COM1 3 5 Two 6 o NC 4 2 4 ROM BOOT SEL Samsung S3C2410 xc fi Nor Flash fll Nand Flash JH 2 J SBC 2410X BOOTSEL 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 27 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn J 3 5 BOOT SEL 40 232 7N 14 Nand Flash z LI 3 6 BOOT SEL Nor Flash 4 2 5 USB 20 Samsung S3C2410X CPU 2 USB Host Slave Slave SBC 2410X USB HOST PC A USB DEVICE B 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 28 com http www arm9 com cn 3 7 USB EMO 3 8 USB HOST USB DEVICE 4 2 6 CN1 S600 SBC 2410X 5V S600
77. A4 Z for help un special keys VIVI version 0 1 4 root capbily pec version 2 95 3 20010315 release 40 1 4 table base addrexs Ux33DFCOMM Succeed memory mappinz iAND device Mamafacture ID taer Chip ID x76 Samsanp ES01208V0M ould not found stored vivi parameters Use default vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUS mw any other key for vivi type help fur help friendly arm param set l imux cmd line console ttySO ront dev mnfs nfsroot 192 rcomsonle ttySO rnot dew nfs nfsraot 197 15H 0 1 done done iritten 49152 bytes Saved vivi private data friendly arm 6 12 nfs nfs 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 126 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn VIVI version 0 1 4 root capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 0 1 4 Mon Oct 4 16 20 35 CST 2004 MMU table base address 0x33DFC000 Succeed memory mapping NAND device Manufacture ID Oxec Chip ID 0x76 Samsung K9D1208VOM Found saved vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUX now any other key for vivi type help for help friendly arm gt param set linux_cmd_line console ttySO root dev nfs nfsroot 192 168 0 1 friendly arm root ip 192 168 0 69 192 168 0 1 192 168 0 1 255 255 255 0 matrix4 arm9 net ethO off Change linux command line to console ttySO root dev nfs nfsroot 192 168
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79. DMA DMA DMA static int audio_setup_buf audio_stream_t s int frag int dmasize 0 char dmabuf 0 dma_addr_t dmaphys 0 if s gt buffers return EBUSY 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 108 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn DK BAF TY A A FF s gt nbfrags audio_nbfrags s gt fragsize audio_fragsize s gt buffers audio_buf_t kmalloc sizeof audio buf t s gt nbfrags GFP_KERNEL if s buffers goto err lig tS EN memset s gt buffers 0 sizeof audio buf t s gt nbfrags for frag 0 frag lt s gt nbfrags frag audio_buf_t b amp s gt buffers frag DMA if dmasize dmasize s gt nbfrags frag s gt fragsize do dmabuf consistent_alloc GFP_KERNELIGFP_DMA dmasize amp dmaphys if dmabuf dmasize s gt fragsize while dmabuf amp amp dmasize if dmabuf goto err b gt master dmasize x audio_buf b gt start dmabuf b gt dma_addr dmaphys sema_init amp b gt sem 1 DPRINTKC buf d start p dma d n frag b gt start b gt dma_addr dmabuf s gt fragsize dmaphys s gt fragsize dmasi
80. GPB 3 L3DATA OUTPUT set gpio ctrl GPIO L3DATA GPB 2 L3MODE OUTPUT set gpio ctrl GPIO L3MODE 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 105 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn GPE 3 I2SSDI set gpio ctrl GPIO E31GPIO PULLUP EN GPIO MODE I2SSDI GPE 0 DSLRCK set gpio ctrl GPIO E01 GPIO PULLUP EN GPIO MODE I2SSDID GPE 1 DSSCLK set gpio ctrl GPIO EI I GPIO PULLUP EN GPIO MODE I2SSCLK GPE 2 CDCLK set gpio ctrl GPIO E21 GPIO PULLUP EN GPIO MODE CDCLK GPE 4 DSSDO set gpio ctrl GPIO E4 GPIO PULLUP EN GPIO MODE I2SSDO local irq restore flags 4 2545 UDA1341 1nit uda1341 output_stream dma_ cn DMA_CH2 if audio_init_dma amp output_stream UDA1341 out audio_clear_dma amp output_stream printk KERN WARNING AUDIO NAME VERBOSE unable to get DMA channels n return EBUSY input_stream dma_ch DMA_CH1 if audio_init_dma amp input_stream UDA1341 in audio_clear_dma amp input_stream printk KERN WARNING AUDIO NAME VERBOSE unable to get DMA channels n return EBUS Y FEE BEER el audio dev dsp register sound dsp amp smdk2410 audio fops 1 audio dev mixer register sound mixer amp smdk2410 mixer fops 1 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 106 com KELE DEEZ http
81. GUI iZit QtE SBC 2410X QtE TEZI TJ Zi Fe QtE Documents Qtopia docs 7 2 1 Qt Embedded Qt DVD ROM Step mount dev cdrom mnt cdrom Step2 BEA Qt FREAK cd mnt cdrom SBC 2410X Linux EmGUI Step3 ZA X86 Qt MI Qtopia WARAS tar xvzf x86 qtipia C friendly arm Step4 SBC 2410X Qtopia tar xvzf arm qtipia C friendly arm Step5 ed eject 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 144 com KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn PC Qtopia Qt etc ld so conf Qt Redhat Qt 1d so conf friendly arm x86 qtopia qt lib friendly arm x86 qtopia qtopia lib usr kerberos lib usr X11 R6 lib usr lib sane usr lib mysgl ldconfig Qt
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83. Step10 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 75 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn cat exports gt gt etc exports Step11 etc init d nfs restart Step12 umount dev cdrom eject 339b ANT AW PEE EH arm linux gec arm linux PATH 6 1 etc profile X fF iw root capbily friendly arm root File Edit View Terminal Go Help Path manipulation if id u 0 then pathmunge sbin pathmunge usr sbin pathmunge usr local sbin arm linux gcc PATH pathmunge usr X11R6 bin after unset pathmunge 6 1 arm linux PATH PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 76 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 6 2 6 2 1 Hello SBC 2410X Step1 PC hello c include lt stdio h gt int main void printf Hello SBC 2410X n return 0 j Step2 hello arm linux gcc o hello hello c hello Step3
84. cn ide Assuming 50MHz system bus speed for PIO modes override with idebus xx eth0 cs8900 rev J 3 3 Volts found at Oxd0000300 cs89x0 media RJ 45 IRQ 37 Linux video capture interface v1 00 SCSI subsystem driver Revision 1 00 scs10 SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices UDA1341 audio driver initialized NAND device Manufacture ID Oxec Chip ID 0x76 Samsung K9D1208VOM bon0 00000000 0002c000 0002c000 00000000 bon1 00030000 00130000 00100000 00000000 bon2 00130000 03ffc000 03ecc000 00000000 usb c registered new driver usbdevfs usb c registered new driver hub usb ohci c USB OHCI at membase Oxe9000000 IRQ 26 usb c new USB bus registered assigned bus number 1 hub c USB hub found port 1 suspened port 0 alived hub c 1 port detected usb c registered new driver usblp printer c v0 8 USB Printer Device Class driver usb c registered new driver ov511 ov511 c v1 48a for Linux 2 4 OV511 USB Camera Driver Initializing USB Mass Storage driver usb c registered new driver usb storage USB Mass Storage support registered NET4 Linux TCP IP 1 0 for NET4 0 IP Protocols ICMP UDP TCP IP routing cache hash table of 512 buckets 4Kbytes TCP Hash tables configured established 4096 bind 4096 NET4 Unix domain sockets 1 0 SMP for Linux NET4 0 NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0 95 c 1998 1999 Rebel com FAT bogus logical sector size 42986 yaffs dev is 7936 name is 11 00 VFS Mounted root yaffs file
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88. to erase flash memory flash erase partname offset size 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 163 com
89. 0 1 friendly arm root ip 192 168 0 69 192 168 0 1 192 168 0 1 255 255 255 0 matrix4 arm9 net ethO off friendly arm gt boot Copy linux kernel from 0x00030000 to 0x30008000 size 2 0x00100000 done zImage magic 0x016f2818 Setup linux parameters at 0x30000100 linux command line is console ttySO root dev nfs nfsroot 192 168 0 1 friendly arm root ip 192 168 0 69 192 168 0 1 192 168 0 1 255 255 255 0 matrix4 arm9 net ethO off MACH_TYPE 193 NOW Booting Linux Lncompressine LITUX soonest done booting the kernel Linux version 2 4 18 rmk7 pxal root capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 9 Wed Oct 6 17 00 54 CST 2004 CPU ARM CIRRUS Arm920Tsid wb revision 0 Machine Samsung SMDK2410 On node 0 totalpages 16384 zone 0 16384 pages zone 1 0 pages zone 2 0 pages Kernel command line console ttySO root dev nfs nfsroot 192 168 0 1 friendly arm root ip 192 168 0 69 192 168 0 1 192 168 0 1 255 255 255 0 matrix4 arm9 net ethO off DEBUG timer count 15626 Calibrating delay loop 99 94 BogoMIPS Memory 64MB 64MB total Memory 62676KB available 1374K code 364K data 56K init Dentry cache hash table entries 8192 order 4 65536 bytes 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 127 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn Inode cache hash table entries 4096 order 3 32768 bytes Mount cache hash table entries 1024 order 1 8
90. 192 bytes Buffer cache hash table entries 4096 order 2 16384 bytes Page cache hash table entries 16384 order 4 65536 bytes POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX Linux NET4 0 for Linux 2 4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3 039 Initializing RT netlink socket CPU clock 200 000 Mhz HCLK 100 000 Mhz PCLK 50 000 Mhz Initializing 53C2410 buffer pool for DMA workaround usbctl zombie gt reset gt default Device in default state S3C2410 USB Controller Core Initialized USB Function Character Driver Interface 0 5 C 2001 Extenex Corp usbctl Opened for usb char usbctl Started for usb char Starting kswapd devfs v1 10 20020120 Richard Gooch rgooch Q atnf csiro au devfs boot options Ox1 ttyS d0 at I O 0x50000000 irg 52 is a S3C2410 ttyS d1 at I O 0x50004000 irq 55 is a S3C2410 ttyS d2 at I O 0x50008000 irg 58 is a S3C2410 pty 256 Unix98 ptys configured leds initialized S3C2410 Real Time Clock Driver v0 1 block 128 slots per queue batch 32 Uniform Multi Platform E IDE driver Revision 6 31 ide Assuming 50MHz system bus speed for PIO modes override with idebus xx eth0 cs8900 rev K 3 3 Volts found at 0xd0000300 cs89x0 media RJ 45 IRQ 37 Linux video capture interface v1 00 SCSI subsystem driver Revision 1 00 scs10 SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices UDA1341 audio driver initialized NAND device Manufacture ID Oxec Chip ID 0x76 Samsung
91. 2410X 6 4 SBC 2410X arm udptalk 6 2 5 6 2 6 USB f 6 3 Linux Linux REWE HEERE A REITER KARE 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 86 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn open0 read0 writeO ioctl0
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96. Fg ZEB AG PRA n 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 74 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn BN FEF S3C 2410X HRA st Linux SBC 2410X FARKAS Linux S amp 4 8 H oe fH f n SIN yaffs SBC 2410X FEB PT Sa 1 2 3 SBC 2410X 6 1 Redhat9 0 1GB SDK 2228 WB root SBC 2410X Stepl HRGA mount dev cdrom mnt cdrom Step2 friendly arm mkdir friendly arm Step3 cd mnt cdrom SBC 2410 Linux Step4 ZW ds tar xvzf arm linux toolchains tgz C friendly arm Step5 SBC 2410X tar xvzf matrix5 kernel tgz Step6 22 Jtag FES Pe AV tar xvzf Jflash tgz C friendly arm Step7 Cnfs root tar xzvf root for nfs v5 tgz C friendly arm Step8 228 bootloader tar xzvf boot tgz C friendly arm Step9 ZRN HFEF URRAIS tar xzvf Sa tgz C friendly arm
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100. SBC 2410X Version0 9 JIN ACI RDC http www arm9 com cn http www arm9 net bootloader vivi KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 2 145 ld so conf 2004 11 1 1 WEAR WREE AAN DRE ZJ 2004 11 1 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 2 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn SBC 2410X ARM9 ARM S3C2410X 6 S3C2410X ARM920T MMU SBC 2410X SBC 2410X S3C2410X
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108. btyjopvat ls1ze 828608 ibad block lee Done Please reboot using nis amp A T ELI CELL LAE EELLLLEI i root fa bk if Partition meminfo size 67108864 idoing partition isize 0 size 196608 size 1245184 icheck bad block part 0 end 196608 part 1 end 12745184 part 2 end 67108864 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 131 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 6 13 bk w root amp capbily opt gtopia Fie Edt View Terminal Go Help root caphily foptiqta root capbily friend art offset 1245184 size 65847296 bad block 6 BSSEESSSSESESEUESSSSESSESSIUISSSSISSSEESESEES H Burn vivi and kernei E IEERZZZERERESERZEERESERERZSEREREEESESERER meminfo size 67108864 isize 69304 isize 69304 ibad block 0 imeminfo size 67108864 isize 828608 isize 828608 ibad_block 0 PAREN ERREAREN EEEE AREEN REER REEERE Done Please reboot using nfs amp BHEEESSTESSSGRSSSSESSSSEIESSOISSSQISSSSRESS root fa 3 i 6 14 bk bk nfs
109. com cn STM LCD displays Suppose 3 bypes of LCD panels d it dual ecan d t simge siam and B biL angle scan deplay type Supports the monochrome 4 gray levels and 16 gray levels Suppose 2565 colors amd J0965 colors for color STN LCD pana Supports multiple screen size Typical actual screen sine 640 480 3206240 1606180 and others Par ariel acre ee ie 2h beytes Maximurn variual screen ese in z55 color mode 40985 1024 2038 2043 1024 405 and offers TFT LOD displays PE 1 2 dor bpp ht per poel palettized color deplaye for TFT Supports 156 bpp nor pale amp ized true color deplags for color TFT Supports zZ4 bpp non palefized trua color displays for cokor TFT Supports maximum 16M color TFT at 24bit per piel mode Supports mult ple scresn se Typical acbual screen size 640380 320240 160 160 and others hdaximunm virtual screen size is dMEbgtes Maximum virtual screen sze in GAE color mode 20481024 and others 3 13 S3C2410X S3C2410X E 5 9 5 5 9 P B B P 5 Bo amp D 5 PO e a E 3 14 SBC 2410X 50 LCD 1 3 8 LCD vew 2 1 vcc VDO VD1 VD3 VD5 VD7 VD9 DOIN Fg ZBL BEA IRA n 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 34 com http www arm9 com cn
110. d long unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long E file_operations major minor fle_operations lseek read buf count inode L_blksize write read select select select IO ioct cmd 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 89 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn mmap open
111. devfs on dev Freeing init memory 56K z Friendly ARM Tech Ltd http www arm9 net http www arm9 com cn init started BusyBox v0 60 5 2003 09 05 09 25 0000 muld c 1 binary Using lib input o Using lib keybdev o insmod unresolved symbol handle_scancode 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 129 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn insmod unresolved symbol keyboard_tasklet insmod unresolved symbol kbd_ledfunc Using lib mousedev o mice PS 2 mouse device common for all mice Using lib evdev o Using lib video o insmod couldn t find the kernel version the module was compiled for Using lib videodev o Linux video capture interface v1 00 video dev unable to get major 81 insmod init module videodev Input output error Using lib ov5 11 0 usb c registered new driver ov511 ov511 c v1 48a for Linux 2 4 OV511 USB Camera Driver Using lib Icd640x480x32 0 lcd address is c4960000 33800000 LCD640x480x32 installed by capbily hotmail com http www arm9 net Using lib hid core o insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_connect insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_hid_event insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_disconnect Using lib usbmouse o usb c registered new driver usb_mouse usbmouse c v1 6 USB HID Boot Protocol mouse driver Using lib usbkbd o usb c registered new driver keyboard usbkbd c USB HID Boot Protocol keyboard driver 04 Dec 20
112. elnet telnet SBC 2410X telnet SBC 2410X telnet tenet 192 168 0 1 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 48 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn telnet 192 168 0 1 BEA H IP E RUE go n Ee Pe f HI VA od T it Fd telnet bbs SBC 2410X SBC 2410X bbs ifconfig SBC 2410X AY IP thik route route add default gw 192 168 0 1 SBC 2410X bbs HE amem WJ RIAD MH Dia 5 5 cis ej cape character W HLFILCERNET 5E B E arc sr ed LF nA ee EE to Bullet oe el ee a ee LERNET Ea 7 nhal Ce Pet I vou have any problems please send email I EEEa IB Li LINAHA guest XE REF 0 06 02 ANISTW L 15 200 D Mm E 4 15 SBC 2410X bbs 4 3 6 Telnet inetd SBC 2410X IP
113. esssvavavasacecessevavaceeees 131 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 7 com KELE DE EN http www arm9 com cn 6 6 1 ee ttettettte teretes 131 6 6 2 5555 ee 134 ee 142 TN A 142 Te COUEN DECA i 142 Tb NICEONIDOION S INOBOSUS oo ie 143 J MG AI EA A 144 7 2 Qt Embedded MJ HRASK GUI 0 144 7 2 1 Qt Embedded i 144 Tona T PCI COSCO co eo ann E E 145 oc EEA ET 147 7 3 EF Microwindows Nano X HY HAZ GUI U0 0 occ cece 148 7 3 1 Microwindows Nano X kk 148 7 3 2 PC EIE qm 148 148 A Windows Lassen nennen tenentes 149 MB licom Tn 153 CO Vo oc Md ME Ie UN Ie UE 157 EE Eo 158 158 PA eom Ue VT 158 PR OUD MN T OTT 158 2 2 Sicarehit FOrward CODHDIDALIOPL ee Eo Oene A 159 2 3 SA 1110 Based machines with the NOR flash 159 2 4 S3C2410 Based machines with the NAND flash i ahd 160 PUM EIL A E E E E E EE 160 Jl Interface between anuser and Me VV iodo ei Nuper d eS uE IS E aT eeE Ue Nap ue ETE Ip e ERIS oO TIER EtUTS 160 2 Diltniserecoiiiiiianus oo 101 PNAC ZEB
114. euCHURUSNMUpU USUS REM T SUE P MU RIPE EE MR IEEE EU IER UE 23 SBC 2410X 0 n onin bninn inna nn anniren onnenn rnn rnnas 24 4 1 SBC 2410X kk 24 SDC OMT ec S 25 IO EAXN IRIS este cee ea ode ec even eee NIMM MEI M EE 25 4 2 2 FRED 1 COMI 26 4 2 3 FREI 1 3 COMI 3 sss tenente retener toten trente tete srt ne neret 27 4 2 4ROM BOOT SEL etre tenente testet send 27 nR E n m 28 4 2 6 CN1 S600 kk 29 4 2 7 setntne tete te testen te tete sette tese se stad 30 PNAC ZEB 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 5 com Re DEB http www arm9 com cn 32 CROAS BE E MU NEMESIS 32 4 2 10 LED cc Ea i anai aai ata 33 LCD Efe a 33 4 2 12 JTAG 0 35 4 2 13 IO CON GPIO eerte trennen treten etre tete treten etre n ne 37 494 WG 38 Linux es 39 39 4 1 1 Bk 39 4 1 2 cd 39 4 3 0 A E E E 39 39 4 1 5 mV 40 40 4 1 7 OCHO es 40 EE oo 40 4 1 9 cat kk 40 4 1 10 ANOLE cresccciesecnasdeceactacesvaceslnnseiwinpociaendnescecacenseecedpssleeesaacsaevedeuaeedinacseewisoacueeaceoes 40 4 1 11 date ccc emen me
115. ge boot media type partname lt addr gt lt size gt media type This argument is where to store the linux kernel image Availabe values are ram nor and smc partname or lt addr gt lt size gt This arguement determines location where to store the linux kernel If you want to use pre defined mtd partiton information just type a partition name Otherwise you shuld specify an address and a size Note that all argument is optional If you omit all argument just type boot all arguments 1s parsing from pre defined mtd parititon information called kernel For example vivi boot the vivi read the linux kernel binary from the kernel mtd parititons vivi boot nor 0x80000 the vivi read the linux kernel binary form the nor flash memory The offset is 0x80000 and the size is default value 0xc0000 Ocassionally you want to test the kernel 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 162 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn on the ram not store kernel to flash you can do it on the vivi On the SA 1110 based machine vivi load ram 0xc0008000 x vivi boot ram On the S3C2410 based machine vivi load ram 0x30008000 x vivi boot ram On the PXA 240 based machine vivi load ram 0xA0008000 x vivi boot ram the vivi boot the linux kernel from the ram 3 2 5 flash command A flash comamnd manages the flash memory If you want
116. gram Protocol UDP TCP socket socket socket SOCK_DGRAM sockfd socket AF_INET SOCK DGRAM 0 socket Sendto recvfrom int sendto int s const void msg int len unsigned int flags const struct sockaddr to int tolen int recvfrom int s void buf int len unsigned int flags struct sockaddr from int fromlen s socket msg buf 27 3l 2g ACIEM Er len JAPKE flags 0 to from tolen fromlen to from socket
117. l erase flash memroy etc Avalilable commands are Display mtd partition informations part show Add a new mtd partition part add name offset size flag name is name of a new mtd partiton offset 1s offset in the mtd device size is a size of a mtd parition flag is flags of a mtd parition Available valuse are JFFS2 LOCKED and BONFS Delete a mtd partiton part del partname 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 161 com KELB HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn Reset mtd partitions to default values part reset Save paramter valuse and mtd parition informations to flash permanently part save 3 2 3 param command The vivi has some parameter values For example the boot_delay paramter determines how long wait keystroek when the vivi is in the autoboot mode I m sorry that this feature is in progress So all listed parameter is not available Here I give several tips for you If you change the linxu command line vivi param set linux cmd line you wish If you want to see paramters vivi param show If you want to wait a long time when recevie file via xmodem vivi param set xmodem initial timeout 3000000 If you want to boot imediately when a hardware reset vivi param set boot delay 100000 3 2 4 boot command A boot command is boot the linux kernel which is stored in the flashmemroy or ram Usa
118. lude lt asm hardware h gt http www arm9 com cn H4define DEVICE NAME buttons xE X TR ER Ve 4 4 define BUTTON MAJOR 232 4g NL TRUE Ew e S static struct key info int irq no unsigned int gpio port int key no key info tab 4 CPU IRQ EINTI GPIO Fl 1 IRQ EINT2 GPIO F2 2 IRQ_EINT3 GPIO_F3 3 IRQ _EINT7 GPIO_F7 4 static int ready 0 static int key_value 0 static DECLARE WAIT QUEUE HEAD buttons wait Fe Fn static void buttons_irq int irq void dev_id struct pt_regs reg struct key_info k int 1 int found 0 int up int flags for G 0 1 lt sizeof key_info_tab sizeof key_info_tab 1 1 k key_info_tab 1 if k gt irq_no irq found 1 break j if found printk bad irq d in button n irq 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 98 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn return save_flags flags cli set gpio mode user k 5gpio port GPIO MODE IN up read gpio bit k 2gpio port set external irq k irq no EXT BOTH EDGES GPIO PULLUP DIS restore flags flags if up key_value k gt key_no 0x80 1 else key_value k gt key_no j ready 1 wake_up_interruptible amp buttons_wait j Aig RSH ATT SA id fio E BUZE EJHECNI P EEIRIS A E Hn SP sta
119. mixer 1ioctl 1node file cmd arg return 0 j write read DMA static ssize t smdk2410 audio read struct file file char buffer size t count loff t ppos const char buffer0 buffer audio stream t s 2 amp input stream int chunksize ret 0 DPRINTK C audio_read count d n count if ppos amp file gt f_pos return ESPIPE FERA GR DOR Er if S gt buffers int 1 if audio_setup_buf s return ENOMEM PAK UK M EP n pe BUR for 1 0 1 lt s gt nbfrags i audio_buf_t b s gt buf 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 115 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn down amp b gt sem s3c2410_dma_queue_buffer s gt dma_ch void b b gt dma_addr s gt fragsize DMA_BUF_RD NEXT BUF s buf while count gt Q audio_buf_t b s gt buf FERRET DX Ae SE iy if file gt f_flags amp O_NONBLOCK ret EAGAIN if down_trylock amp b gt sem break 1 else ret ERESTARTSYS if down_interruptible amp b gt sem
120. mod init module 6 3 2 BEITIRA Linux ARM EFF AARASK Linux A Linux 1 2 3 4 file_operations 6 insmod 7 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 92 com KES DE E 6 3 3 LED http www arm9 com cn SBC 2410X led friendly army kernel drivers char matrixS leds c 1 LED SBC 2410X 4 IO LED LED LED IO 6 1 CPU Ff CPU
121. mount t yaffs dev mtdblock 0 mnt 3 dev mtdblock O 223 1 mnt mount t nfs 192 168 0 1 friendly arm root mnt 4 nfs IRA WIE A ae friendly arm root mnt 4 1 18 dmesg dmesg kernle 4 1 19 chmod chmod a x file file bash file chmod 666 file X fr file Vx B Jn ix 53 4 1 20 mknod mknod dewttyl c 4 1 ttyl 4 1 tty 4 1 21 ps ps ps ef 4 1 22 kill kill 9 500 500 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 42 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 2 SBC 4 2 1 LED led player LED etc re d init d leds led player led player rtmp led control
122. ner ener ener enn 41 m 41 NN U Re uc NONE 41 A I onnsidtona teni ntm UNUM UDCR ON UM MUN M IM CDD EE UI OSEE 41 OO ae des 4 41 16 H5 tabescere tester obest breaches SEO INuunuuITOO0O0O nre cut 4 AN MEETS IP aieri nnana ainan Na Nania KAA AAEN N aA aAa Naadani 42 dT18 2 E 1 snorintnasinsenosaewintnncinsoienaexintrecnasmeaaavineeanannsacetl 42 4 1 19 chmod 42 RA CR a S MR E I E N 42 4 1 21 PS tetntne tette tetnt ete toten tn serere sese sn 0d 42 EE Ee a UMS IO 42 42 SBC 3E EUG PE Ee asusccsoistetitudiescstedstedpea diese ted ihe dea diese tededcedias e tudisedire dias a 43 a bee UE 43 4 2 2 LED led 43 4 2 3 buttons lt 43 4 2 4 Mp3 madplay ki 44 4 2 5 m 45 4 4 6 USB vidcat kk 46 PNAC ZEB 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 6 com KELE DE EN http www arm9 com cn 4 3 PRR ARS ADV BED eese nnne nennen retento ni 46 LM F orrara EEE E EREE ER EEEE EA EENE A EERE A 46 LI TEES RE T neces ease geen ee 48 A 3 4 traceroute anken neono E PaE PASEL AR NEESS EPAPER EESEL EDAN EES PEASE EESE E EEan Erann 48 er 48 4 3 6 Telnet inetd a 49 50 4 3 8 Ftp inetd kk 50 4 3 9 Web DOS ecesupeeses sit tour Fete ee ota seat dia sov abeo v
123. ome zImage5 yaffs v5l gnome desktop gnome2 gname private gnome private gpilotd Escape to exit Space to tag friendly arm load flesh kernel x Goto Prev Show Tag Untag EE IS Te S Eur A ee Lt s n b i LES LET en a Lin LN LI E LU Eu BI NL 6 22 Xmodem PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 139 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn N O DS a rm SLE Ble Edt View Temmin Go Help roatZ capbily MVI version 0 1 4 root capbily gcc version 2 95 3 20010315 release 70 11 24 MMU table base address Ox3S0FO000 succeed memory mapping NAND device Manufacture ID Oxec Chip ID Ox Samsung ESDI208VON Found saved vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUX mow any other key for vivi type hel xmodem upload Fress CIHL C to quit friendly Sending zImage 6373 blocks Give your local XMODEW receive c friendly nmmand now Ready for Xmnodem sectors kbytes sent 327 65k Ready for Waiting friendly arm load flash kernel x Ready for downlnadinp using xmodem Waiting Failed downloading file friendly arm lnad flash kernel x Ready for downloading using xmodem 6 23 Kernel vivi flash
124. on 1 1 Definitions 2 Compiling the vivi 2 1 Pre Requirements 2 2 Straight forward compilation 2 3 SA 1110 Based machines with the NOR flash 2 4 S3C2410 Based machines with the NAND flash 3 Using the vivi 3 1 Interface between an user and the vivi 3 2 Built in user commands 3 2 1 load command 3 2 2 part command 3 2 3 param command 3 2 4 boot command 3 2 5 flash command 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 157 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 1 Introduction This document explains to you 1 compiling the vivi 2 interface an user and the vivi 3 avaliable user commands 1 1 Definitions vivi The vivi is one of arm boot loaders Autoboot mode The vivi has two modes one of these is autoboot mode This is a default mode In this mode The vivi automatically boot up the linux kernel when a delay time is expired Prompt mode One of vivi s modes is prompt mode In this mode An user is able to command to the vivi doing something Host platform Generally an engineer develop the software on the powerful destktop computer not on the embedded machines This descktop called host platform Target platform Target platform means developemnt boards or embedded machines 2 Compiling the vivi This section describes how to compile the vivi 2 1 Pre Requirements Here is a list of the minimum levels of software necessary to compile the vivi
125. ope nogroup 22149746 Jul 14 2009 ba mpd rweresres 1 meee nograup 26388 ct 7 ARS bios bin reru us mome nogroup 341838 Dec 2B donggan mwav rwkrwsrwx 1 noone Me Up T 2 amp 648 Feb of 15 594 fa rovt cramfs rwr wr ux 1 noone nogroup 963 amp amp Sep 1 ZOI t wav rwxrwxrwx lo noone nogroup 32842298 Mar 02 10 wrong wav Fal Transfer finished successfully 1 4 Tous pue 8 E E 4 17 ftp 4 3 8 Ftp inetd SBC 2410X inetd ftp SBC 2410X ftp C gt ftp 192 168 230 fa WU fa SBC 2410X 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 50 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 4 3 9 Web boa LED SBC 2410X SBC 2410X IP 192 168 0 230 web boa http 192 168 0 230 SBC 2410X eU BENE Hicreseft Intarnat Hzglarar mg SEO X o0 Pew IAU
126. ory 64MB 64MB total Memory 62676KB available 1374K code 364K data 56K init Dentry cache hash table entries 8192 order 4 65536 bytes Inode cache hash table entries 4096 order 3 32768 bytes Mount cache hash table entries 1024 order 1 8192 bytes Buffer cache hash table entries 4096 order 2 16384 bytes Page cache hash table entries 16384 order 4 65536 bytes POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX Linux NET4 0 for Linux 2 4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3 039 Initializing RT netlink socket CPU clock 200 000 Mhz HCLK 100 000 Mhz PCLK 50 000 Mhz Initializing 53C2410 buffer pool for DMA workaround usbctl zombie gt reset gt default Device in default state S3C2410 USB Controller Core Initialized USB Function Character Driver Interface 0 5 C 2001 Extenex Corp usbctl Opened for usb char usbctl Started for usb char Starting kswapd devfs v1 10 20020120 Richard Gooch rgooch Q atnf csiro au devfs boot options Ox1 ttyS d0 at I O 0x50000000 irg 52 is a S3C2410 ttyS d1 at I O 0x50004000 irg 55 is a S3C2410 ttyS d2 at I O 0x50008000 irg 58 is a S3C2410 pty 256 Unix98 ptys configured leds initialized S3C2410 Real Time Clock Driver v0 1 block 128 slots per queue batch 32 Uniform Multi Platform E IDE driver Revision 6 31 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 123 com KELE HEB ZJ http www arm9 com
127. p www mizi com 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 10 com http www arm9 com cn Fe SBC 2410X amp fFEFHNE Va Ad I SBC 2410X PC 2 1 SBC 2410X SBC 2410X Linux e j DVD e 3 DB9 MERJE F Hk RJ 45 IKAI EN USB JTAG 5V 2 5A 5Y 2 5A DVD US8 HOM _I 24 E I 5BC 2410X Jag tT ae 2 1 SBC 2410X BEA DIN ACI RA IL ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 11 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 2 2 SBC 2410X 2 2 SBC 2410X SBC 2410X ARM S3C2410X 6 S3C2410X ARM920T MMU SBC 2410X SBC 2410X 120mmx90mm
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129. rowindows Linux framebuffer 1 2 4 8 16 24 32 RGB Microwindows microwindows Framebuffer Linux eCos FreeBSD RTEMS Microwindows Linux Microwindows Microwindows NanoGUI Microwindows WIN32 API Microwindows X Windows Xlib API X11 Microwindows Nanx X Nano X Microwindows 2003 5 AJR AAT 0 90
130. rs Press Return to start the LINUX now any other key for wiwi tvpe help for help friendly arm load flash kernel x Heady for downloading usimp xmexlem Waiting E RM ee NN ogni Failed downlo Uplaoad friendly arm zmodem VIVI wersion 0 1 4 rnot amp capb v sion 2 95 3 20010315 release 70 1 4 MMU table base address Ong3 i Succeed mnemory mapping MAND device Manufacture ID x76 Samnsumg KBSLD1208WV0W Found saved vivi parameters Press Return to start the LINUX now any other key for wiwi type help for help friendly arm friendly arm load flash vivi x Ready for downloading usimp xmexlem Waiting I Failed downloading file Eiig amS load flash kermel x mere for downloading wsimg xmedem DOIN Fg ZBL BG PRA n Hig 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 138 com KELA HEB ZJ http www arm9 com cn 6 21 xmodem root 6 22 6 23 root capbily Fle Edt Wew Temind Go Help art Found saved vivi parameters A iE Select a file for upload ty Dirertory ront J bash_historys fr Re Wa bash pwd designer r galeon VI gconf M gcanfd gftp gimp 1 2 Mo file selected enter filename gn
131. ss n exit O j memset amp localaddr 0 socklen localaddr sin_family AF_INET if inet_pton AF_INET argv 3 amp localaddr sin_addr lt 0 printf Wrong source IP address n eX1t 0 j localaddr sin_port htons atoi argv 4 if bind sockfd amp localaddr socklen lt O printf bind local address err in udptalk n 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 83 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn exit 2 if fgets recmsg BUFLEN stdin NULL exit 0 if sendto sockfd recmsg strlen recmsg 0 amp peeraddr socklen lt 0 printf sendto err in udptalk n exit 3 for recv amp send message loop n 2 recvfrom sockfd recmsg BUFLEN 0 amp peeraddr amp socklen if n lt 0 printf recvfrom err in udptalk n exit 4 lelse SAP EA recmsg n 0 printf peer 96s recmsg j if fgets recmsg BUFLEN stdin 22 NULL exit 0 if sendto sockfd recmsg strlen recmsg 0 amp peeraddr socklen lt 0 printf sendto err in udptalk Fn exit 3 udptalk c friendly arm exampls udptalk Makefile x86 udptalk SBC 2410X arm udptalk make arm udptalk
132. system Mounted devfs on dev Freeing init memory 56K 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 124 com ZS Deez http www arm9 com cn Friendly ARM Tech Ltd http www arm9 net http www arm9 com cn init started BusyBox v0 60 5 2003 09 05 09 25 0000 multi c 5 1 binary Using lib input o Using lib keybdev o insmod unresolved symbol handle scancode insmod unresolved symbol keyboard tasklet insmod unresolved symbol kbd_ledfunc Using lib mousedev o mice PS 2 mouse device common for all mice Using lib evdev o Using lib Icd640x480x32 0 lcd address is c4950000 33800000 LCD640x480x32 installed by capbily hotmail com http www arm9 net Using lib hid core o insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_connect insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_hid_event insmod unresolved symbol hidinput_disconnect Using lib usbmouse o usb c registered new driver usb_mouse usbmouse c v1 6 USB HID Boot Protocol mouse driver Using lib usbkbd o usb c registered new driver keyboard usbkbd c USB HID Boot Protocol keyboard driver 04 Dec 2030 15 58 07 0000 boa server version Boa 0 94 13 04 Dec 2030 15 58 07 0000 boa server built Feb 28 2004 at 21 47 23 04 Dec 2030 15 58 07 4 0000 boa starting server pid 34 port 80 Please press Enter to activate this console
133. the vivi arch def cofnigs just do like this make kings Other machines can complie same ways 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 159 com http www arm9 com cn 2 4 S3C2410 Based machines with the NAND flash Here I will take an example about a S3C2410 Based machine The SMDK 2410 a development board by SAMSUNG is a S3C2410 Based machine The core block of SMDK 2410 is composed like this CPU S3C2410 ROM 64MB SMC NAND Flash RAM 64MB DRAM A configuration for SMDK 2401 will be found atvivi arch def configs smdk2410 To compile for SMDK 2410 do like this As I described above make smdk2410 3 Using the vivi 3 1 Interface between an user and the vivi The vivi uses the serical communication for user interface Therefore to connect the vivi you 1 connect a serial cable between host platform and target platform 2 already have a serial communication program like the minicom 3 properly make the vivi binary to support a UART port when you configure the vivi If all of above is ok you can see messages on the screen printed by the vivi For example below messages catched from the SMDK 2410 See the last line on the screen As I mentioned section 1 1 the vivi has two mode an autoboot mode and a prompt mode The vivi wait for a key input If an user want to enter the prompt mode press andy ke
134. tic int request irqs void struct key_info k int 1 for 12 0 1 sizeof key info tab sizeof key_info_tab 1 1 Kk key info tab 4 i set external irq k irq no EXT BOTH EDGES GPIO PULLUP DIS if request irq k irq no amp buttons_irq SA_INTERRUPT DEVICE NAME amp buttons irq 1 return 1 return 0 PEERS static void free irqs void 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 99 com AELB MR ZJ struct key_info k http www arm9 com cn int 1 for i 0 1 lt sizeof key_info_tab sizeof key_info_tab 1 1 k key_info_tab 1 free_irq k gt irq_no buttons_irq file_operations HY it f84t ek ASE EL static int matrix4_buttons_read struct file file char buffer size_t count loff t ppos static int key int flags int repeat if ready return EAGAIN if count 2 sizeof key value return EIN VAL save_flags flags if key key_value key key_value repeat 0 1 else repeat 1 restore_flags flags if repeat return EAGAIN E H copy to user 2 88 E305 8 H P 8 8 copy to user buffer amp key sizeof key ready 0 return sizeof key_value static unsigned int matrix4_buttons_select struct file file 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 100 com KELE DEE
135. unt th oe Qtopia HF CHUA UK 2 PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbilyG hotmail 64 com http www arm9 com cn EE virtual framehuffer 240 File Miew Hel x Play settings RE EE Jw EEJ E EF m BRAC ME A LES PE Ch FUE mi A BEE il DOIN Fg ZEB AG PRA n Hifi 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 65 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn ww virtual framebulffer 240x File View Help ERIT THR ANS LTT RAS UE AN is 22 BE a H APE il PIN Fg ZBL BEA BIE ZS Huis 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 66 com http www arm9 com cn Fifteen Pieces 4 2 3 Qtopia MREZE RRA Hif 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 67 com http www arm9 com cn Virtual framebuffer 240x File View Help Apearamce XE Ok Colors Style Frame Font Greenish Purple I Hormal Text a ee ee Od wv E EL s Bg
136. www arm9 com cn printk AUDIO_NAME_VERBOSE initialized n return 0 j static int smdk2410_audio_open struct inode inode struct file file int cold audio_active DPRINTKC audio_open n if file gt f_flags amp O_ACCMODE O_RDONLY if audio_rd_refcount audio_wr_refcount return EBUSY audio_rd_refcount else if file gt f_flags amp O_ACCMODE O_WRONLY if audio_wr_refcount return EBUSY audio_wr_refcount else if file gt f_flags amp O_ACCMODE O_RDWR if audio_rd_refcount audio_wr_refcount return EBUSY audio_rd_refcount audio_wr_refcount else return EIN VAL if cold audio rate Z AUDIO RATE DEFAULT audio channels Z AUDIO CHANNELS DEFAULLI audio fragsize Z AUDIO FRAGSIZE DEFAULT audio nbfrags AUDIO NBFRAGS DEFAULT if file 5f mode amp FMODE WRITE init s3c2410 iis bus tx audio clear buf amp output stream j if file gt f_mode amp FMODE_READ 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 107 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn init s3c2410 iis bus rx audio clear buf amp input stream MOD INC USE COUNT return 0 DMA DMA DMA
137. y except Enter key And then you can see the vivi prompt Otherwise the vivi try boot the linux kernel after waiting a few seconds or minutes DDN Fg ZBL BE PRA n Hui 020 87530209 13719442657 Email capbily hotmail 160 com KELE DEEZ http www arm9 com cn 3 2 Built in user commands This is not full described built in user comamnd But following commands is enough to use the vivi as far as I know 3 2 1 load command A load command is loading binaries to the flash or the ram Usage load lt media_type gt lt partname gt lt addr gt lt size gt lt xlylz gt lt media_type gt This argument is where to load Availabe values are flash and ram partname or lt addr gt lt size gt This arguement determines location where to load a binary If you want to use pre defined mtd partiton informations just type a partition name Otherwise you specify an address and a size lt xlylz gt This arguement determines the file transfer protocol I shy that the vivi only supprot xmodem curruntly So Available value is x For exampe you load zImage to flash memroy vivi gt load flash kernel x or you specify an address and a size vivi gt load flash 0x80000 0xc0000 x 3 2 2 part command The vivi has mtd partiton informations for the vivi This informatin not related to mtd partition informations of mtd device drivers The vivi uses partition informations when load a binary boot the linux kerne
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