



1. Availability 5 FP1 Note1 FP M Note1 Name 3 E pA we Xs p C14 C24 C56 C20 E Ed t E cte cao c72 eco tit tiu F149 A A A A N A A A N A A A A A A P149 F150 N A Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P150 N A Note2 F151 N A Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P151 N A Note2 F152 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P152 F153 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P153 F154 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A N A N A P154 F155 N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P155 N A N A Note6 Note5 F156 N A Partly Party N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P156 N A N A Note6 Note5 F157 Partly A A A N A A A A A A A A A P157 N A Note3 F158 Partly A A A N A A A A A A A A A P158 N A Note3 F159 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly N A P159 N A N A Note4 Note4 F161 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly N A P161 N A N A Note4 Note4 e A Available N A Not available Note1 For the FPO FPZ FP X FP 1 FP M the P type high level instructions are not available Note2 This instruction is available for FP Ver 2 0 or later Note3 This instruction is available for T32 type Note4 This instruction is available for FP2 FP2SH Ver 1 5 or later Note5 This instruction is available for FP X Ver 2 0 or later Note6 T
2. Availability A FP1 Note FP M Note z E mame 5 g 14 c24 cse ae o a a u m2 uz u C16 C40 C72 C32 u uL u uL F23 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P23 F25 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P25 F26 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P26 F27 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P27 F28 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P28 F30 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P30 F31 A A A A N A A A N A A A A A A P31 F32 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P32 F33 A A A A N A A A N A A A A A A P33 F34 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A P34 F35 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P35 F36 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P36 e A Available N A Not available Note1 For the FPO FPZ FP X FP 1 FP M the P type high level instructions are not available 17 89 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net pong Name Boolean Operand Description Steps F37 16 bit data 1 D D 1 D 3 P37 decrement P 1 F38 32 bit data D 1 D D 1 D 1 gt D 1 D 3 P38 decrement PD 1 F39 32 bit data D D S1 S2 D S1 1 S1 x S2 1 S2 gt D 1 D 11 P39 multiplication PD D result in 32 bits BCD arithmetic instructions F40 4 digit B S D D S gt D 5 P40 BCD data PB addition F41 8 digit DB S D D 1 D S 1 S gt D 1 D 7 P41 BCD data PDB addition F42 4 dig
3. follows Du recent _ 2 2 6 0 2 ORROT from external Cannot be device stored when Reception code is reception deleted by F159 done flag is on MTRN r 5 ON Reception done i flag R9038 or ip OFF R9048 ON Reception done flag is turned off by exe F159 MTRN cuting F159 MTRN instruction OFF execution Stored Y Y Y Receive buffer a A A A o D D i G G e H H B B B B E E E E E E E C C C Cc hub ies 25 3 0 1 25 25 0 1 0 1 1 y S Sus A Number of bytes Number of bytes Number of bytes Write pointer received is cleared received is cleared received is cleared when the header is when F159 MTRN when the header is received is executed received e The data is stored in the receive buffer in sequential order When the header is received the number of bytes received is cleared and the address write pointer in the receive buffer is reset to the initial address e Reception is disabled while the reception done flag R9038 or R9048 is on e Also When F159 MTRN is executed the number of bytes received is cleared and the address write pointer in the receive buffer is reset to the initial address f there are two headers data following the second header overwrites the data in the receive buffer e The reception done flag R9038 or R9048 is turned off by the F159 MTRN inst
4. e A Available N A Not available 17 77 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Name Boolean Symbol Description Steps Floating STF Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 point type F SCR the comparative condition S1 1 S1 S2 1 S2 real number ns data compare Start STF lt gt Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 51 52 1 the comparative condition S1 1 S1 lt S2 1 S2 or BE S14 1 S1 gt S2 1 S2 STF gt Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 E 51 56 the comparative condition S1 1 S1 gt S2 1 S2 STF gt Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 PP SIS the comparative condition S1 1 S1 gt S2 1 S2 or pE S1 1 S1 S2 1 S2 STF lt Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 Fe 51 56 the comparative condition S1 1 S1 lt S2 1 S2 STF lt Begins a logic operation by comparing two 32 bit data in 9 Fe 81 82 _ the comparative condition S1 1 S1 lt S2 1 S2 or HE S1 1 S1 S2 1 S2 17 78 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Availability FP1 FP M r name
5. 9 28 9 4 7 Positioning Control Instruction F171 Home Return Common to Transistor type 9 33 9 4 8 Pulse Output Instruction F172 JOG operation sssssssseeess 9 38 9 4 9 Positioning Control Instruction F174 Data Table 9 42 9 4 10 Pulse Output Instruction F175 Linear Interpolation sseseseessss 9 44 9 5 PWM Output Function Pulse I O Cassette cccssseeeeseseeeeeeeesceeeeseseneessecenenss 9 51 9 5 1 Overview of PWM Output Function nennen nenne 9 51 9 5 2 Instruction to be Used for PWM Output Function seeeeeeee 9 51 10 High speed counter Pulse Output and PWM Output functions For Ry Ji e HR 10 1 10 1 Overview of Each Functions eeeeeeeeeieeseeseeee ee enee enne nnn nennt ninth santa nn nnns 10 2 10 1 1 Usable Units and Cassettes ssssssssssssseseeeenneeeen nennen 10 2 10 1 2 Three Pulse I O Functions essssssssseseseseeeene ener enne 10 2 10 1 3 Performance of Pulse I O Function sse nennen 10 3 10 2 1 SpecifiCatlOns iced de en dc ele sg ERU d t e duet e Eee o ea 10 4 10 2 2 Functions Used and Restrictions seeeeeen 10 7 10 2 3 Booting Time eee WAL ien 10 8 10 3 High speed Counter Function
6. Add Default VM Item BOSE Name Valli Description Range of link relays used for 40 PC PLC link 0 0 to 64 words Range of link data registers used for 41 link 0 0 to 128 words PLC 42 Starting number for link relay 0 0 to 63 link transmission 43 Link relay transmission size 0 0 to 64 words Woo Starting number for link data register set 44 gni 9 0 0 to 127 ting transmission 45 Link data register transmission size 0 0 to 127 words 46 PC PLC link switch flag Normal Normal reverse Maximum unit number setting for ud MEWNET WO0 link 1B 14918 Range of link relays used for 50 PC PLO link 0 0 to 64 words Range of link data registers used for PC 51 PC PLO link 0 0 to 128 words PLC 52 Starting number for link relay 64 64 to 127 link transmission WO 1 53 Link relay transmission size 0 0 to 64 words set 54 Starting number for link data register 128 128 to 255 ting transmission 55 Link data register transmission size 0 0 to 127 words Maximum unit number setting for aid MEWNET WO0 link 5 mone 17 6 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net FP X Tr type Item it Name Default value Description Do not set input X0 as high speed counter Incremental input X0 CHO Decremental input X0 Do not set input XO as Two phase inp
7. Availability gt FP1 Note1 FP M Note1 Name 3 r o o we p 14 024 C56 C C20 2 N Ed z C E amp c16 cao C72 c2 amp amp amp amp F88 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P88 F89 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P89 F90 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P90 F91 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P91 F92 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P92 F93 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P93 F94 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P94 F95 A A A A N A A A N A A A A A A P95 F96 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P96 F97 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A P97 Data shift instructions F98 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P98 e A Available N A Not available Note1 For the FPO FPZ FP X FP1 FP M the P type high level instructions are not available 17 101 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net poly Name Boolean Operand Description Steps F99 Data table CMPW S D1 D2 Transfer S to D1 Any parts of the data between 7 P99 shift in and PCMPW D1 and D2 that are 0 are compressed and compress shifted in order toward D2 F100 Right shift of SHR D n Shifts the n bits of D to the right 5 P100 multiple bits PSHR n bits ina 16 bit data F101 Left shift of SHL D n Shifts the n bits of D to the left 5 P101 multiple bits PSHL n bits ina 16
8. Availability gt FP1 Note1 FP M Note1 Name 3 r E o we C14 C24 056 C20 2 N Ed z t C3 E3 amp c16 cao C72 co amp amp amp F99 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A A P99 F100 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P100 F101 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P101 F102 NA A A NA NA NA NA NA NA NA A A A P102 F103 NA A A NA NA NA NA NA NA NA A A A P103 F105 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P105 F106 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P106 F108 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A P108 F109 N A A A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A P109 F110 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P110 F111 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P111 F112 A A A A A A A A A A A A A P112 e A Available N A Not available Note1 For the FPO FPZ FP X FP 1 FP M the P type high level instructions are not available 17 103 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net poly Name Boolean Operand Description Steps F113 Left shift of WBSL D1 D2 Shifts the one digit of the areas by D1 and D2 to 5 P113 one hexade PWBSL the left cimal digit 4 bit FIFO instructions F115 FIFO buffer FIFT n D The n words beginning from D are defined in the 5 P115 define PFIFT buffer F116 Data read FIFR S D The oldest data beginning from S that was writt
9. Address Name Description pends ing ing Counting area for output Note DT90348 RE Lower words Y100 Y101 of the pulse A A Note DT90349 area Higher words cassette A AN PLS CHO The target value is set when instructions F171 SPDH M cu value F172 PLSH F174 SPOH DT90351 area Higher words and F175 SPSH are A A Note executed Counting area for output Note DT90352 Sun Lower words Y200 Y201 of the pulse A A Note DT90353 area Higher words A A No PLS CH1 The target value is set when instructions F171 SPDH n ae value F172 PLSH F174 SPOH DT90355 area Higher words and F175 SPSH are A A Nee executed DT90356 Not used N A N A DT90357 Not used N A N A DT90358 Not used N A N A DT90359 Not used N A N A DT90360 HSC CHO When HSC control is executed A N A DT90361 HSC CH1 by FO MV S DT90052 A N A DT90362 HSC CHZ2 instruction the setting value A N A DT90363 HSC CH3 for the target CH is stored in A N A DT90364 HSC CH4 each CH A N A DT90365 HSC CH5 A N A DT90366 Control flag monitor HSC CH6 A N A DT90367 area HSC CH7 A N A DT90368 HSC CH8 A N A DT90369 HSC CH9 A N A DT90370 HSC CHA A N A DT90371 HSC CHB A N A DT90372 PLS CHO A N A DT90373 PLS CH1 A N A Note Writing in the elapsed value area is available by F1 DMV instruction onl
10. error Change to PROG mode check the system register settings and change so that the settings and the instruction agree An instruction which must be written in a specific area main program area or subprogram area has been written to a different area for example a subroutine SUB to RET is placed before an ED instruction Change to PROG mode and enter the instruction into the correct area Syntax error E1 gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt Duplicated E2 Note Output Stops error Not paired error E3 E5 Program Note area error Stops A Available Note This error is also detected if you attempt to execute a rewrite containing a syntax error during RUN In this case nothing will be written to the CPU and operation will continue 17 146 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Error Opera Name tion Description and steps to take s code o mox H o status ldla ERIRE a The program is too large to compile in the program memory Change to PROG mode and reduce Compile the total number of steps for the E6 memory Stops program A A full error FP10SH If memory expansion is possible compi
11. X6 I F0 Mv DT100 While X6 is in the on state a pulse with a period of 502 5 ms and duty ratio of 50 is FO MV K500 DT101 output from Y 100 of specified channel CHO When the program runs the data table will be F173 PWMH DT100 KO as shown below Data table DT100 Control code 1 K1 DT101 Duty 2 50 1 Specify the control code by setting the K constant Resolution of 1000 Resolution of 100 K Frequency Hz Period ms K Frequency Hz Period ms KO 1 5 666 67 K20 15 6 k 0 06 K1 2 0 502 51 K21 20 8 k 0 05 K2 4 1 245 70 K22 25 0k 0 04 K3 6 1 163 93 K23 31 3k 0 03 K4 8 1 122 85 K24 41 7k 0 02 K5 9 8 102 35 K6 19 5 51 20 K7 48 8 20 48 K8 97 7 10 24 K9 201 6 4 96 K10 403 2 2 48 K11 500 0 2 00 K12 694 4 1 44 K13 1 0k 0 96 K14 1 3k 0 80 K15 1 6k 0 64 K16 24k 0 48 K17 3 1k 0 32 K18 6 3 0 16 K19 12 5k 0 08 10 51 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 2 specification of duty specify using K constant If the control code is KO to K19 the duty is KO to K999 0 0 to 99 9 If the control code is K20 to K24 the duty is KO to K990 0 to 99 Values are specified in units of 1 K10 digits behind the decimal point are rounded off oni Note f a value outside the specified range is written to the duty area while the instruction is being executed a frequency corrected t
12. 2 2 21 1 Parts And Functions ier eae 2 2 2 2 Power Supply Specifications ueessseeeeeeeeeseeises eise nennen nana r nnnm nna 2 5 2 2 1 AG Power Supply tie eh dert e Patti 2 5 2 2 2 Service Power Supply for Input Output AC Power Supply Type Only 2 5 2 2 9 DG Power SUPP yea cie racc ta tarde so P Ea d Te eR cepe Er dare 2 5 2 3 Input Specifications 2 6 2 9 1 Relay By Typ8 dise t ien eie du aeta de iae apte iu Y dua gd 2 6 2 3 2 Transistor Tr Type Common to NPN and 2 7 2 4 Output Specificatllons nox eder rosae cena n dents 2 8 2 4 Relay Ry Type eb ete RUE PUR RR nica exten idee 2 8 2 4 2 Transistor Tr Type NPN ceeeceeceeeeeeeeee cee eeeaaeeeeeeeseaeeecaaeeesaaeseeeeseaeeesaeeseneessaees 2 9 2 4 3 Transistor Tr Type PNP sssssssseseseseeeneee ener enne nnne tenens 2 10 2 5 Terminal Layout 2 14 2 5 Helay Typ6 teet mete eee ete age bietet doit alee 2 14 2 5 2 Transistor type nt a oed t etd nt aue d e tie an 2 16 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 3 Expansion Cassette and
13. 150 ms 150 ms 9 50 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 9 5 PWM Output Function Pulse I O Cassette 9 5 1 Overview of PWM Output Function PWM output function With the F173 PWMH instruction the pulse width modulation output of the specified duty ratio is obtained System register setting When using the PWM output function set the channel corresponding to the system register 402 to PWM output cS Note The pulse I O cassette AFPX PLS cannot be used with the FP X Tr type 9 5 2 Instruction to be Used for PWM Output Function PWM Output Instruction F173 X6 FO MV DT100 While X6 is in the on state a pulse with a period of 502 5 ms and duty ratio of 50 is FO MV K500 DT101 output from YO of specified channel CHO When the program runs the data table will be F173 PWMH DT100 KO as shown below Data table DT100 Control code 1 Kd DT101 Duty 2 50 1 Specify the control code by setting the K constant Resolution of 1000 Resolution of 100 K Frequency Hz Period ms K Frequency Hz Period ms KO 1 5 666 67 K20 15 6 k 0 06 K1 2 0 502 51 K21 20 8 k 0 05 K2 4 1 245 70 K22 25 0k 0 04 K3 6 1 163 93 K23 31 3k 0 03 K4 8 1 122 85 K24 41 7k 0 02 K5 9 8 102 35 K6 19 5 51 20 How
14. A Read Writ Address Name Description ing ing When the state of installation of an FP X add on cassette has changed since the power was turned on the bit corresponding to the unit No DT90011 Add on will turn on Monitor using binary display A N A verify error unit 15 44 7 3 21 O BitNo 2 1 Expansion No on 1 error off 0 normal DT90012 Not used N A N A DT90013 Not used N A N A One shift out hexadecimal digit is stored in bit Operation auxiliary positions 0 to 3 when the data shift instruction DT90014 register for data shift F105 BSR or F106 BSL is executed The A A instruction value can be read and written by executing FO MV instruction The divided remainder 16 bit is stored in DT90015 DT90015 when the division instruction F32 96 A A Operation auxiliary or F52 B instruction is executed The register for division divided remainder 32 bit is stored in instr ction DT90015 and DT90016 when the division instruction F33 D or F53 DB is executed DT90016 The value can be read and written by A A executing FO MV instruction After commencing operation the address Operation error where the first operation error occurred is eee address hold type stored Monitor the address using decimal me display The address where an operation error occurred is stored Each time an error occurs Operation error the new address overwrites the previous DT90018 address non hold M A N A
15. essen 7 27 7 9 9 1 N Communication Computer Link sse 7 30 7 9 4 MEWTOCOL Master Sample Program ssssssseeeeennn 7 33 7 4 Communication Function 2 General purpose Serial Communication 7 35 7 4 1 General purpose Serial Communication seen 7 35 7 4 2 Communication with External Devices sssssssssseseeeee enne 7 37 7 4 3 Connection with 1 1 Communication General purpose serial communication 7 47 7 4 4 1 N Communication General purpose Serial Communication 7 58 7 5 Communication Function 3 7 59 7 5 PO PEG EIDk twist 1 6 tiie ette hein eed never aed 7 59 7 5 2 Setting Communication Parameters sss 7 61 75 3 Monitoring 2 Davi Ae a tb Hr t ec eave 7 70 7 5 4 Connection Example of PC PLO Link essen 7 71 7 5 5 PC PLC Link Response Time sssssssssssssseeeee enne 7 74 7 6 Communication Function 4 MODBUS RTU Communication 7 78 7 6 1 MODBUS RTU Communication ssssssssssseeeeneen entente 7 78 7 6 2 MEWTOCOL Master Sample Program sssssseeeeeennn 7 82 8 Application Cassette eeeeeeeee
16. Dr1 0 7 aah S Fi omv 7 H1190 Duty 1 4 25 TJ 48 Hz to100 kHz Incremental CW and CCW DT 100 KO gt Pulse output instruction table shaped control eee a The data table headed by DT100 is used The data table headed by DT100 is used and pulses are output from CHO 1 R911C R10 TO R12 pe a te wet E or E Positioning done pulse 1 second R12 SS SS TMX 0 K10 Pulse output diagram 5000 Hz 10000 pulses 500 Hz 0 Hz 300 ms 300 ms 9 30 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Incremental Position Control Operation Minus Direction When X1 turns on the pulse is output from CCW output Y1 of the specified channel CHO Note In that case the memory Y1 does not turn on off according to the pulse output FP X Tr type fes Motor driver 8000 pulses Program x1 R911C 22 R20 HDF R20 R20 R21 HDF h _ R21 I L F Dmv H1100 DT100 F1 Dmv K 1000 DT 102 7 F1 DMV Kk 6000 DT104 Dmv K300 DT106 F1 Dmv K 8000 Dr108 DMV DT 110 F171 SPDH DT 100 KO R911C R20 TO R22 HFH R22 TMX 0 K10 Pulse output diagram 6000 Hz 8000 pulses 1000 Hz 0 Hz Start input side 0 V 24 V DC c Positioning data table Control code H 1100 Initial speed 1000
17. sse 5 25 5 9 4 Lifetime of Backup Battery sssssssssssssssseseeeneneeen nennen nennen tnter 5 26 5 10 Safety M asUres nnda uiui 5 27 5 10 1 Safety MOasSULI8S oir Dac oet ipu Fe BAL ege ke EAE DR paa 5 27 5 10 2 Momentary Power Failures cccescccceceeccceeeeeeceeeeeeeeceeeseaeeeeeseceeeesnseaeeneneeeeeneneaee 5 27 5 10 3 Protection of Output Sections 0 2 ce cee ceceeeeee eens ee eaeeeeaaeceeeeeesaaeeeeaaeseeeeeseaeeesaeesenes 5 27 6 Tool Port and USB PolT err retenir eerie 6 1 6 1 Tool Port and USB caradec t a giua Nain 6 2 6 2 Functions of Tool Port eeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeenee nennen nennen nnne nn nennt nante nnn nan nennen nnn 6 3 6 21 TOO Macatee ets Ment ttal ae Reto e DU fs 6 3 6 22 Tool POr Setting ira t oret e Pad Gentes 6 4 RM USB LOI CM 6 6 6 3 1 F nctions e ald cde are eats 6 6 6 3 2 USB Port SettiNg nnig pre Ree ba eit 6 7 6 3 3 USB ConnecCliOni z ii idet eee dash 6 8 6 3 4 USB Connection Procedure eene nentes nnne 6 9 6 3 5 Installation of FPWIN GR ieies orreen DEK keek Kr ren ENER RE EKA nennen nennen neris rennes 6 9 6 3 6 Installation of USB Driver enne nnns 6 10 6 3 7 Gonfirming COM POTIS tte bee tee e ee a aaa tne peo eis 6 18 6 3 8 Communication with FPWIN GR sssssssseseseeeeenee
18. eeseeesseeeeeeeeeeeee seen nennen nnn nnne nennen 10 9 10 3 1 Overview of High speed Counter Function sse 10 9 10 3 2 Input Modes and Count ssssssssssssssseseseeeee eene enne enses 10 9 10 3 3 Minimum Input Pulse Width ssssssssseseeenenneennenne nnns 10 10 10 3 4 l O ATIOGAlIOD 3 3 oneri dicente cir eret Ene eee 10 11 10 3 5 Instructions used with High speed Counter Function ssssssssss 10 11 10 3 6 Sample program Control Unit and Main Unit l O sss 10 14 10 3 7 Sample program Pulse I O Cassette ssssssseeeeeeee 10 17 10 4 Pulse Output Function Pulse I O Cassette eeeeeeeeeesseeeesss 10 20 10 4 1 Overview of Pulse Output Function ssssssseeseseneeeneen nens 10 20 10 4 2 Types of Pulse Output Method and Operation 5 10 21 1043 VO Allocation ttr ttem tede c bd 10 24 10 4 4 Pulse output control instructions FO F1 10 25 10 4 5 Wiring for Pulse Output Sample Program F171 to F174 ssss 10 27 Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 10 4 6 Positioning Control Instruction F171 10 28 10 4 7 Positioni
19. 0 Fixed E Duty on width 0 Duty 1 2 5096 1 Duty 1 4 2596 WFrequency range 0 1 5 Hz to 9 8 kHz 1 48 Hz to 100 kHz 2 191 Hz to 100 kHz WlOperation mode 0 Incremental Specifies the amount of travel number of pulses 1 Absolute Specifies the target value absolute value WlOutput method 0 CW Incremental counting 1 CCW Decremental counting 2 Pulse and direction forward off Incremental counting 3 Pulse and direction reverse on Decremental counting 4 Pulse and direction forward on Incremental counting 5 Pulse and direction reverse off Decremental counting 2 Freqency Hz lt K constant gt Frequency range 0 1 5Hzto9 8 kHz K1 to K9800 unit Hz Max error near 9 8 kHz approx 0 9 kHz Set K1 to specify 1 5 Hz 1 48Hzto 100 kHz K48 to K100000 unit Hz Max error near 100 kHz approx 3 kHz 2 191 Hz to 100 kHz K48 to K100000 unit Hz Max error near 100 kHz approx 0 8 kHz Set the frequency 1 which is initial speed to 30 kHz or less However for the medium speed channels CH2 and CH3 of the Tr type it can be set to a maximum of K20000 Hz 2 Target value K 2147483648 to K2147483647 The value of the 32 bit data specified for the target value should be within the range indicated in the table below Specification of control code Range of allowable Operation mode Output method target values Incremental counting Species
20. 4 3 FPO Expansion Unit Allocation The FP X expansion unit is installed on the right side of the FP X control unit numbers when installed as the first expansion unit Type of expansion unit Number of allocation number Input 8 points X300 to X307 FP X E1 Output 8 points Y300 to Y307 Input 16 points X300 to X30F FP X E unit Output 14 points 300 to Y30D Note E16 cannot be connected on the right side of E16 4 3 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 4 4 Allocation of FPO Expansion Unit 4 4 1 Allocation The FPO expansion unit is installed on the right side of the FPO expansion adapter The I O numbers are allocated from the unit nearest to the expansion FPO adapter in ascending order Expansion FPO adapter FPO expansion unit Expansion unit 1 Expansion unit 2 Expansion unit 3 4 4 2 Number of Expansion Units and I O Allocation Only one expansion FPO adapter can be connected at the last position of the FP X expansion bus The I O allocation varies depending on the installation location of the expansion FPO adapter Expansion location Expansion unit 1 Expansion unit 2 Expansion unit 3 Expansion 1st unit X300 to X31F X320 to X33F X340 to X35F Y300 to Y31F Y320 to Y33
21. 7 28 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 1 1 communication with programmable display GT series Overview A 1 1 computer link with a programmable display connects the FP X and the programmable display using an RS232C cable Communication is performed via commands from the programmable display and responses from the PLC No program is required for communication Simply set the mutual communications settings to operate the PLC via the programmable display Note It is recommended to connect the programmable display GT01 with a tool port FP X Programmable display GT series i Using AFPX COM1 gt 1 channel RS232C type GT series side FP X side 5 pin terminal Pin name SD Send Data RD Receive Data RS Request to Send cs Clear to Send Signal Ground lt Using AFPX COM2 gt 2channel RS232C type GT series side FP X side 5 pin terminal Pin name Signalname Abbre s1 SendDatat SD Receive Data 1 Send Data 2 Receive Data 2 Signal Ground To other device Using AFPX COM3 RS422 setting 1 channel RS485 RS232C type GT series side To power supply FP X side 5 pin terminal Pin Name Signal Name Abbre St Send Data S Send Data R Receive Data RD R Receive Data RD Using AFPX COM4 gt Combination of 1 chan
22. link mode Turns off when operation is stopped y when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Unit Turns on when Unit No 10 is communicating properly in R9069 No 10 PC PLC link mode Turns off when operation is stopped d when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Turns on when Unit No 11 is communicating properly in R906A ee PC PLC link mode Turns off when operation is stopped when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Unit Turns on when Unit No 12 is communicating properly in R906B No 12 PC PLO link mode Turns off when operation is stopped when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Turns on when Unit No 13 is communicating properly in R906C mee PC PLC link mode Turns off when operation is stopped j when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Unit Turns on when Unit No 14 is communicating properly in R906D No 14 PC PLC link mode Turns off when operation is stopped when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Turns on when Unit No 15 is communicating properly in R906E et PC PLO link mode Turns off when operation is stopped when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link mode Unit Turns on when Unit No 16 is communicating properly in R906F No 16 PC PLO link mode Turns off when operation is stopped i when an error occurs or when not in the PC PLC link
23. g c c cse a g uL uL uL uL C16 C40 C72 C32 uL uL uL uL Floating point N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF Floating point N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF lt gt Floating point N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF gt Floating point N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF gt Floating point N A Partly Partly N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF lt Floating point N A Partly Party N A N A N A N A N A N A N A Partly Partly Partly type real N A N A N A N A N A number data Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 Note1 compare Start STF lt e A Available N A Not available Note1 This instruction is available for FP X V1 10 or later 32k and F
24. Cancel Initialize Help COM2 Port No 412 Communication Mode Select the COM port operation mode Click on v and select General Communication No 413 for COM1 port No 414 for COM2 port Communication Format setting Default setting Char Bit 8 bits Patty rese Odd Stop Bit 1 bit Terminator CR Header STX not exist Enter the appropriate settings to match the communication format of the external device connected to the COM port No 415 Baud rate communication speed setting The default setting for the communication speed for the various ports is 9600 bps Change the value to match the external device connected to the COM port Click on vw and select one of the values from 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 and 115200 bps No 416 for COM1 port No 418 for COM2 port Starting address for data received No 417 for COM1 port No 419 for COM2 port Buffer capacity setting for data received To change this area specify the starting address using system register no 416 no 418 for COM2 port and the volume number of words using no 417 419 for COM port The receive buffer layout is shown below Receive buffer The number of Starting area specified a in MD register no received bytes 416 no 418 is stored here The number of words Received data gt specified in system storage area register no 417 no 419
25. LEES os ter44 and 45 DT90220to i No 2 or 10 DT90243 DT90227 System regis init Station ter 46 and 47 No 1 Setting contents DT90228 SYST rogis 40 42 44 an 46 PC PLC H Setting contents of system DT90229 link System regis register 41 43 45 and 47 Unit ter 42 and 23 l l A N A DT90230 station System regis e When the system register 46 in the home No 3 or 11 ter 44 and 45 unit is in the standard setting the values in DT90231 i System regis the home unit are copied in the system ter 46 and 47 registers 46 and 47 DT90232 System regis When the system register 46 in the home ter 40 and 41 unit is in the reverse setting the registers PC PLC System regis 40 to 45 and 47 corresponding to the home DT90233 link T j Unit ter 42 and 43 unit mentioned in the left column will be ni System regis changed to 50 to 55 and 57 and the DT90234 station ter 44 and 45 System register 46 will be set as it is pT902 System regis Also the system registers 40 to 45 90235 ter 46 and 47 corresponding to other units will be System regis Changed to the values which the received DT90236 ter 40 and 41 values are corrected and the registers 46 PC PLC System regis 8nd 57 in the home unit are set for the DT90237 link ter 42 and 43 registers 46 and 47 Unit 5 System regis DT90238 station No 5 or 13 ang D ystem regis pieces ter 46 and 47 17 41 FP X A Available N A
26. and pulses are output from CHO J cp MES X5 oS HFA Fo mv Ht08 Dr 90052 r L Overrun process Fo Mv H100 _ DT 90052 i Eee oput stop pulss output stop clear Pulse output diagram X3 JOG ON ls pp side side command OFF Motor Pa 300Hz Y100 Pulse 10 40 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net JOG operation Minus direction While X4 is in the ON state a pulse is output from the CCW output Y101 of the specified channel CHO Program 4 Data table H DF HF DMV H1121 DT310 DT310 Controlcode H1121 F1 Dmv K300 DT312 D1313 Frequency speed 300 Hz Control code H1121 Duty 1 4 25 T 48 Hz to 100 kHz Decremental counting CCW X4 I L rF172 PLsH pr 310 t Pulse output instruction JOG operation The data table headed by DT310 is used and pulses are output from CHO 5 EV HoH Fo mv H108 Dr90052 c E f Overrun process 1 l Pulse output stop pulse output stop clear Fo Mv H100 DT 9002 Pulse output diagram side lau USE ea Motor a a 300Hz Y101 Pulse ip Reference The pulse output control instruction FO is used for the pulse output stop 10 4 4 Pulse output control instruction FO F1 gt 10 41 CTi Automation Ph
27. JOG start JOG start Overrunning FP X Ry type Input terminal Positioning start Positioning start Home return start FP X pulse I O cassette Near home sensor X100 Home sensor X102 Pulse output CW Pulse output CCW Output terminal COM LL O i 9 b contact acontact a contact Stepping motor driver Common CW input Common CCW input side Stepping motor Moving table X b contact Note When the stepping motor input is a 5 V optical coupler type connect a 2 KQ 1 2 W resistor with the R1 and a 2 kQ 1 2 W to 470 Q 2 W resistor with the R2 Table of allocation No Description No Description X0 Positioning start signal X102 Home sensor input x1 Positioning start signal Y100 Pulse output CW X2 Home return start signal Y101 Pulse output CCW X3 JOG start signal R10 Positioning in progress X4 JOG start signal R11 Positioning operation start X5 Overrunning signal R12 Positioning done pulse X100 Near home sensor input R911C High speed counter control flag for CHO 10 27 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 10 4 6 Positioning Control Instruction F171 Trapezoidal e This instruction automatica
28. Left Power supply for YO to Y7 Right Power supply for Y8 to YD Service power Output terminal Not used supply for input output 3 10 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net AFPX E30TD DC power supply terminal input Input terminal Left Power supply for YO to Y7 Right Power supply for Y8 to YD Not used Output terminal Not used AFPX E30PD DC power supply 2 terminal input Input terminal mu x1 x3 x5 xz xB xD COM X2 X4 Xe xs XA XC XE nc v1 v3 ys v7 vo ve vp Nc yo Y2 ya Ye ve YA YC NC L1 LI Not used Output terminal Not used Left Power supply for YO to Y7 Right Power supply for Y8 to YD Input terminal Each COM terminal in the same terminal block is connected within the unit Output terminal Each COM terminal CO C1 of Ry type is separate Each power supply terminal of Tr type is separate Use them in the range surrounded by the bold black lines 3 11 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 3 3 FP X Expansion FPO Adapter 3 3 1 Overview For the FP X a maximum of 3 units of the FPO expansion units expansion I O unit intelligent unit can be used using the
29. Y6 CCW output Input that is not used for other applications is specified for the near home input Note The deviaion counter clear output function is not available for the CH2 and CH3 ip Reference lt 9 2 1 Table of Specifications gt lt 9 2 2 Functions Used and Restrictions gt 9 23 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Single pulse input driver pulse input and directional switching input method e One output point is used as a pulse output and the other output is used as a direction output e The I O allocation of pulse output terminal direction output terminal and home input is determined by the channel used e Near home input is substituted by allocating the desired contact and turning on and off the lt bit4 gt of special data register DT90052 When using FP X Tr type Home input Near home X4 input X100 X Driver Pulse output YO Y1 Direction output Input that is not used for other applications is specified for the near home input Note If the deviation counter clear output function is performed when the home return is done Y4 is used for the C14 Tr type and Y8 is used for the C30 C60 Tr type When using CH2 gt FP X Tr type Home input Near home input X6 Driver Pulse output Direction output Input that is not use
30. sese 14 11 14 6 Precautions for Programming eeeeeeeeeeee enenatis 14 13 14 7 Rewrite Function During RUN eeseeeeeeeeeeneeenn enne nnne nnn nn natnra nnn 14 14 14 7 1 Operation of Rewrite During RUN sssssssseseeeeeenneen enne 14 14 14 7 2 Cases Where Rewriting During Run is not 14 15 vii CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 14 7 3 Procedures and Operation of Rewrite During 14 17 14 8 Processing During Forced Input and Output eee 14 19 14 8 1 Processing when forced input output is initiated during RUN 14 19 f dus 15 1 15 1 Table of Specificatlons 15 2 15 1 1 General Spectficalionis eterne terere e enhn 15 2 15 1 2 Performance Specifications nresnain aiaa i i ener 15 7 15 1 3 Communication Specifications sssssssssseeneennene 15 10 15 2 Table of Number Allocation eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eene enne nnn nnne 15 13 15 2 1 I O Allocation of FP X Control Unit essen 15 13 15 2 2 FPO Expansion Unit Allocation sssssseeseeeseenenenen enne 15 13 15 2
31. 17 51 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Steps Name Boolean Symbol Description Note Leading ANT Connects a Form A normally open contact serially only 2 edge AND 4 H for one scan when the leading edge of the trigger is detected Trailing edge ANY Connects a Form A normally open contact serially only 2 AND H for one scan when the trailing edge of the trigger is detected Leading ort ___ Connects a Form A normally open contact in parallel only 2 edge OR 3 ee RE for one scan when the leading edge of the trigger is detected Trailing edge ORY ___ Connects a Form A normally open contact in parallel only 2 OR ED RE for one scan when the trailing edge of the trigger is detected Leading oTt p Outputs the operated result to the specified output only for 2 edge out tr one scan when leading edge of the trigger is detected for pulse relay Trailing edge OTL p Outputs the operated result to the specified output only for 2 out uirT one scan when trailing edge of the trigger is detected for pulse relay Alternative ALT YRLE Inverts the output condition on off each time the leading 3 out A gt edge of the trigger is detected AND stack ANS HH Connects the multiple instruction blocks serially 1
32. Positioning done pulse 0 5 s F smm M Setting K5 and using it as a 0 5 s timer 10 14 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Positioning operations with a double speed inverter Wiring example FP X Ry type Input terminal Conveyor Encoder input Operation start X5 Output termina Inverter Inverter operation Yo gt Operation Stop Inverter high speed Y1 gt Fast Slow COM Operation chart allocation No Description XO Encoder input Speed Main 7 f unit X5 Operation start signal VO YO Inverter operation signal Y1 Inverter high speed signal vai mnm AN cdd 3009 R100 Positioning operation running i ara R101 Positioning operation start r R102 Arrival at deceleration point i R103 Positioning done pulse Y1 di A R900C Comparison instruction flag R9110 High speed counter CHO control flag 10 15 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net Program When X5 is turned on YO and Y1 turn on and the conveyor begins moving When the elapsed value DT90300 and DT90301 reaches K4500 Y1 turns off and the conveyor begins decelerating When the elapsed value reaches K5000 YO turns off and the
33. eese 13 1 13 1 Self Diagnostic function 13 2 13 1 1 LED Display for Status Condition esses 13 2 13 1 2 Operation Mode When an Error Occurs ssssssseeeeeennene 13 3 13 2 Troubleshooting ccceeeeeceeeeeee ee eeneee seen nnee see nnee seen snes see nnne nnn nnne nn tn inse nn nnmnnn nnmnnn nnn 13 4 13 2 1 IFERBOR LED IS Flashing riea a er rb gerit 13 4 19 2 2 IL ERROR BPED IS ON ia temm oe ER Lead rige ters 13 5 13 23 ALL EEDS are teet ide Eb crit t Per ttd 13 6 13 2 4 Diagnosing Output Malfunction ssesssesesseesee nennen nnne 13 7 13 2 5 A Protect Error Message Appears seen eene 13 8 13 2 6 PROG Mode does not Change to 13 8 13 2 7 A Communication Error has Occurred through 5485 13 9 13 2 8 A Communication Error has Occurred through 523826 13 9 13 2 9 A Communication Error has Occurred through 5422 13 10 13 2 10 Expansion Unit does not Operate sssssssse eene 13 10 14 Precautions During Programming c ceeeeeeeeeeeeee 14 1 14 1 Use of Duplicated Output enne ee Aaaa anapa ai daadaa aia i daa 14 2 mre rte eben
34. Frequency 3 5000 Hz Target value 3 5000 pulses Frequency 4 1000 Hz Target value 4 2000 pulses Pulse output stop setting KO Pulse output diagram Frequency speed Hz 5000 xd Elapsed value of high speed counter 01000 3000 8000 10000 Amount of travel Execution condition 5 o R911C R911D Note When the execution condition R10 of the F174 SPOH instruction goes on the high speed counter control flag R911C R911D goes on When the elapsed value reaches 10000 and pulse output stops R911C R911D goes off 10 42 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net 1 Control code lt H constant WUpper word 0 Fixed Duty on width 0 Duty 1 2 50 1 Duty 1 4 25 WFrequency range 0 1 5 Hz to 9 8 kHz 1 48 Hz to 100 kHz 2 191 Hz to 100 kHz OOOOOOOO E Operation mode 0 Incremental Specifies the amount of travel number of pulses 1 Absolute Specifies the target value absolute value E Output method CW Incremental counting CCW Decremental counting Pulse and direction forward off Incremental counting Pulse and direction reverse on Decremental counting Pulse and direction forward on Incrementa counting Pulse and direction reverse off Decremental counting 2 Freqency Hz K constant Frequency range 0 1 5Hzto 9 8kHz K1 to
35. Power supply for YO to Y5 AFPX C14P AC power supply terminal input Input terminal _ com x1 xs xs LI n xo x2 xe y1 Y8 YS vol v2 v4 Power supply for YO to Y5 S Service power Output terminal Not used supply for input output AFPX C14TD DC power supply terminal input Input terminal 111111 1 L CoM X1 xs X7 ele x2 X4 Power supply for YO to Y5 Not used Output terminal Not used 2 16 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctiautomation net Email info ctiautomation net AFPX C14PD DC power supply p terminal input Input terminal Power supply for YO to Y5 Not used Output terminal Not used AFPX C30T AC power supply d terminal input Input terminal Left Power supply for YO to Y7 Right Power supply for Y8 to YD Service power Output terminal Not used supply for input output AFPX C30P AC power supply terminal input Input terminal um LL N coM x1 xs xs xz xo xB XD cow xo x2 xe xe xa xc Left Power supply for YO to Y7 Right Power supply for Y8 to YD LLL L Service power Output terminal Not used supply for input 2 17 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www cti
36. x Sepping UR Combined with a commercially available motor I W n RAMS driver the function enables positioning control Pulse output CCW of With the exclusive instruction you can perform JUUL driver 1 x trapezoidal control home return and JOG Vag hall Q operation AFPX PLS i T Pulse output CCW Motor A ya driver 2 O Stepping motor Servo motor 10 2 CTi Automation Phone 800 894 0412 Fax 208 368 0415 Web www ctia