
ZOOM MR-1608 Manual



1. Input section Display section Track parameter section Control section A eg i Sam ipi our Fee eo oo e180 0 o Colle e cc i Clo OC mg Jf TE gt 1608 aen Jo JE am CJ a Effect ss oe section CJC ee a cem JM evene v a owt DDBOOOOO e ge 1 M Dose IE c9 cS ee H E Rhythm section Fader section Transport section Input section INPUT controls 1 8 PEAK indicators 1 8 p CLIP indicator 5 REC LEVEL control 53 BTRACK RECORDING key ON OFF keys Effect section TUNER key BYPASS key INPUT SOURCE key DIST key ACO BASS SIM key BYPASS TUNER Eu CLEAN key BASS key ACOBASS am ost amass CLEAN DIST BASS ALGORITHM keys Jw C Cer m e Joe oe emm ame JD see 41 MIC key MASTERING key
2. normal When set to on the phase is inverted Track Track Master Drum Input Parameter Display Setting range Description 1 8 19 16 track basstrack 1 8 Adjusts high frequency boost or J 5 9 y P cut in the range from 12 to 12 EQ HI GAIN 124208 dB This parameter is only shown O O O when HI EQ is on Adjusts turnover frequency for EQ HI 500 high frequency boost cut This o o o FREQUENCY 18000 Hz parameter is only shown when HI EQ is on Adjusts mid frequency boost or cut in the range from 12 to 12 EQ MID GAIN d dB This parameter is only shown O O o when MID EQ is on EQ MID Adjusts turnover frequency for mid frequency boost cut This FREQUENCY 40 18000 Hz parameter is only shown when O O MID EQ is on Adjusts the Q value bandwidth EQ MID 01 10 for mid frequency EQ This o o o Q FACTOR parameter is only shown when MID EQ is on Adjusts low frequency boost or cut in the range from 12 to 12 EQ LOW GAIN do tee dB This parameter is only shown O O when LOW EQ is on EQ LOW Adjusts turnover frequency for low frequency boost cut This FREQUENCY 40 1600 Hz parameter is only shown when O O LOW 15 on CHORUS x Adjusts the chorus delay effect LEVEL TE 0 100 send level for the track input 9 REVERB SEND Adjusts the reverb effect send le
3. i KICK SNARE CLOSEDHAT OPENHAT TOM1 TOM2 TOM3 RIDE CRASH EXTRACYMBAL EXTRA1 EXTRA2 Tracks 1 14 ee HINT e You can mix the signals from the INPUT jacks into the bounce recording f you select only one mono track as the bounce destination the signal mixed to mono will be recorded e f necessary you can play back all tracks 1 16 and bounce the signal onto an empty V take of a selected track Making bounce settings Before using the bounce function you may have to make certain settings Specifying playback mute for the recording track s By default the bounce destination recording track s will be muted To play back a track while you bounce record onto another V take of that track use the following procedure to change the internal setting so that the recording track s will also play back 1 From the main screen press the UTILITY TRACK EDIT key The indication UTILITY TR EDIT appears on the display 2 Use the cursor left right keys to bring up the indication UTILITY BOUNCE on the display and press the ENTER key 3 Use the cursor left right keys to bring up the indication BOUNCE REC TRACK on the display and press the ENTER key The current setting is shown RECTERCK The indications
4. Import destination track 1 Refer to steps 1 5 of Basic steps for V take editing to select the import destination track V take and to bring up the indication IMPORT on the display Then press the ENTER key The name of the import source project is shown on the display IMPORT FPR TEE f Import source project name FREI et Project number 2 Turn the dial to select the import source project and press the ENTER key A track V take in that project is shown While this screen is shown the level meter section of the display indicates the status of the V take in the source project by the segment flashing lit out status T Track V take number V take name 3 Usethe cursor left right keys and the dial to select the track V take to import When an unrecorded track V take is selected the indication DATA is shown instead of the V take name 4 Press the ENTER key The indication IMPORT SURE appears on the display If audio data exist at the import destination the indication OverWrt is shown When the import operation is performed these data will be overwritten 5 To execute the import operation press the ENTER key once more When the import operation is completed the unit returns to the V take selection menu By pressing the EXIT key instead of the ENTER key you can cancel the operation and back up one step at a time Z
5. 19 Turning power 19 Turning power off shutdown 19 Listening to a Demo Song 20 Selecting the demo song 20 Playing the demo song 20 Let s Record 21 QUICK 22 Step 1 Preparations 22 1 1 Creating a new project 22 1 2 Selecting the rhythm pattern to use 23 Step 2 Recording the first track 24 2 1 Adjusting input sensitivity 24 2 2 Applying the insert 25 2 3 Selecting a track and recording 26 Step 3 Overdubbing 28 3 1 Making settings for input sensitivity and insert ffect yro Leto dee ee eres 28 3 2 Selecting a track and recording 28 Step 4 Mixing 29 4 1 Turning off the input and rhythm section 29 4 2 Adjusting volume panning and EQ 29 4 3 Applying the send return effect 31 4 4 Applying the insert effect to a track 32 Step 5 Mixdown 33 5 1 Using the mastering insert effect 33 5 2 Mixdown on the master track 34 Reference Recorder 35 V takes si hae le dues etr eer aed 35 About 35 Switching
6. NOTE The editing start point for time stretch compress is always from the beginning of the V take The point where you stop playback when checking out the time stretch compress effect becomes the editing end point 1 Refer to steps 1 6 of Basic steps for range editing to select the track V take for time stretch compress and press the ENTER key The indication T mStrDst appears on the display In this condition you can select a track V take on which to place the audio data after time stretch compress Tmstrizt TR 1 1 2 Use the cursor up down keys and the dial to select the destination track V take and press the ENTER key The display indication changes as follows This screen lets you specify the ratio for time stretch compress in two units as listed below e Stretch ratio 96 Expresses the length of the track after time stretch compress 54 ZOOM MRS 1608 Tempo BPM Sets the tempo beats per minute after time stretch compress using the tempo set in the rhythm song as reference In the default condition the current tempo of the rhythm section is shown 3 Use the cursor left right keys to select the unit for making the time stretch compress setting The selected unit flashes 4 Turn the dial to make the time stretch compress setting When you change one item the other item also changes accordingly The setting range of 50 150 fo
7. ClearDMS Enhances clarity and spaciousness Boosts overall sound pressure level EMPTY ZOOM MRS 1608 207 Appendix Send return Effect CHORUS DELAY No Name Comment Vocal Chorus adding color to vocals GtChorus Chorus for weak guitar sound Doubling Versatile doubling Echo Showy analog style delay Delay3 4 Dotted 8th note delay in sync with rhythm tempo Delay3 2 Dotted quarter note delay in sync with rhythm tempo FastCho Fast rated chorus DeepCho Versatile deep chorus ShortDLY Versatile short delay DeepDBL Deep doubling SoloLead Keeps fast phrases tight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WarmyDly Simulates warm analog delay EnhanCho Enhancer using phase shift doubling E e Detune For instruments with strong harmonics such as electronic piano or synthesizer A Natural Chorus with low modulation for backing E Whole 4 4 x whole note delay in sync with rhythm tempo E Delay2 3 Half triplet note delay in sync with rhythm tempo A N Delay1 4 16th note delay in sync with rhythm tempo REVERB 2 Comment TightHal Hall reverb with a hard tonal quality BrgtRoom Room reverb with a hard tonal quality SoftHall Hall reverb wit
8. Drum sequence Pad sampler Audio signal Sample Sample Track V Take Sample CD ROM R RW Sample Sample Sample Projects ZOOM MRS 1608 121 Reference Pad Sampler Material that can be imported into the sample The following types of audio material can be imported into the sample pool 1 Any audio track from the currently loaded project You can select any track V take from the currently loaded project and specify a range for use as a sample 2 Audio file stored on CD ROM R RW disc A stereo or mono audio file sampling frequency 8 48 kHz 8 bit or 16 bit WAV AIFF file stored on a CD ROM R RW disc can be used as a sample NOTE All audio files will be played at a sampling frequency of 44 1 kHz When using an audio file that was recorded with a different sampling frequency convert it to 44 1 kHz during importing as required Discs not compliant with the ISO 9660 Level 2 standard cannot be used CD R RW discs with unfinalized sessions cannot be used Importing a sample This section explains how to import samples into the sample pool Basic steps for sample importing When acquiring samples for use with the pad sampler some steps are similar for each source 1 Fromthe main Screen press t
9. 20 Digital copy 182 Display section 13 S 109 Drum 87 Adjusting the level of each drum sound with the faders lic xa EE Dalen AREE 117 Assigning a name to a drum kit 116 Changing the drum 90 Changing the sound and other settings for 220 ZOOM MRS 1608 INDEX each ius radia 114 Importing a rhythm pattern rhythm song from Copying a drum 116 another project 117 Creating your own drum 114 Importing a sample 122 MIDI 171 Importing a sampler program 133 Drum sequence 88 Importing a sampler program from another Drum sound set 87 90 project136 Drum Rea Ae Uil 11 23 Importing a SMF into a project 174 DiVOE 2 4 56 Seed eat se tutes 109 Importing a V take from another project 64 DUO Iv 59 Importing an audio CD into project 160 Duration 98 IN 40 Ihp timlXer tet tere 77 Input SECTION mx 12 EffGc s Pex nde nd hen Seth cds M 138 Input 5 24 78 Impo
10. 46 Setting a mark 46 Locating a mark 47 Deleting mark 47 Making settings for pre count operation 48 Reference Track Editing 49 Editing a range of data 49 Basic steps for range editing 49 Copying a specified range of data 50 Moving a specified range of data 51 Erasing a specified range of data 52 Trimming a specified range of data 52 Fade in fade out of a specified data range 53 Reversing a specified range of audio data 54 Changing the duration of a specified range ofidata uus RES bed E vs eredi 54 Compensating the pitch of a specified range 55 Generating a 3 part harmony from a specified range of audio data 57 Generating a 1 part harmony from a specified range of audio data 59 Editing using V takes 61 Basic steps for V take editing 61 Erasing a 62 Copying a V take 62 Moving a V take 63 Exchanging V takes 63 Importing a V take from another project 64 Track capture and swap 65 Capturing a track 65 Swapping track data and captured data
11. 35 Assigning V take names 36 Moving to a desired point in the song locate function 37 Playing back the same passage repeatedly repeat function 37 Finding a desired location scrub preview function uec rut nre entr ace 38 Using scrub preview 38 Changing the scrub direction and duration 38 Re recording only a specified region punch in out function 39 Using manual 39 Using auto punch in out 40 Recording several tracks on a master track mixdown function 41 About the 1 41 Master track mixdown steps 41 Playing the master track 41 Combining multiple tracks on one or two tracks bounce function 42 How bounce works 42 Making bounce settings 42 Executing bounce recording 43 Recording the drum bass sound rhythm recording 44 Selecting drum bass track as recording source 44 Recording o P bah ae Rer 44 Recording on 8 tracks simultaneously 8 track recording mode 45 About 8 track recording 45 Assigning an input signal a track 45 Marker function
12. Sample name Sample number 4 Turn the dial to select the sample whose parameters you want to adjust When you press the PLAY gt key the currently displayed sample is played When the sample number is empty the indication EMPTY is shown in the sample name field 5 Press the EDIT key A parameter of the selected sample is displayed SAMPLER TART Ha B MEASURE BEAT TICK MARKER BB Use the cursor up down keys to call up the parameter that you want to adjust START Specifies the playback start point of the sample in milliseconds In the default condition this is the beginning of the sample ZOOM MRS 1608 125 Reference Pad Sampler END Specifies the playback end point of the sample in milliseconds In the default condition this is the end of the sample max 22 seconds NAME Specifies the name of the sample e SIZE Indicates the size of the currently displayed sample 7 Use the dial and the cursor keys to adjust the setting Setting START END Use the cursor left right keys to move the flashing section on the display and turn the dial to adjust the value Setting NAME Use the cursor left right keys to move the flashing section to the character you want to change and turn the dial to select the new character HINT e f you press the PLAY key while setting a parameter the sample is played The SIZE parameter is for inform
13. 5 Use the cursor up down keys the keys the track parameter section to select a track parameter and adjust other parameters in the same way When a parameter is displayed pressing the corresponding key in the track parameter section toggles the parameter between on and off The parameters that can be selected for tracks 1 8 and tracks 9 10 15 16 are listed in the table on the next page HINT n the default condition of a project the SUB OUT SEND LVL and SUB OUT SEND PAN parameters are turned off For information on how to control these parameters see page 82 Some track parameters level EQ panning balance send return effect intensity etc can also be used for the drum bass track and input signals 29 Quick Tour Track parameter list Parameter Corresponding key Display Setting range Description EQ HI GAIN EQ HI FREQUENCY EQ HIGH key 12 12dB Adjusts high frequency range boost cut 500 18000 Hz Adjusts center frequency for high frequency range boost cut Adjusts mid frequency range boost EQ MID GAIN 12 412dB cut EQ MID Adjusts center frequency for mid FREQUENCY EQ MIDI koy 40 18000012 frequency range boost cut EQ MID 01 10 Adjusts Q value bandwidth for Q FACTOR mid frequency EQ EQ LOW GAIN 4241298
14. 175 Reference MIDI SMF playback You can select any SMF imported into a project and play it as follows NOTE When playing an SMF the rhythm section tempo will be disregarded and playback starts with the timing programmed in the SMF However if a tempo change event is programmed somewhere in the rhythm song this tempo change will become active To use the SMF tempo throughout you should first select an empty rhythm song e f the time signature information of the SMF and the rhythm section is different the audio track position and SMF position may be different when locating in measures beats ticks 1 From the main screen press the UTILITY TRACK EDIT key in the display section The utility menu appears 2 Use the cursor left right keys to bring up the indication UTILITY SMF on the display and press the ENTER key The indication UTILITY TR EDIT appears on the display 3 Use the cursor left right keys to bring up the indication SMF OUTPUT on the display and press the ENTER key In this condition you can decide whether to enable SMF playback OUTFLIT 4 Verify that the setting is ON and press the EXIT key In the default condition of a project the setting is ON If it was set to OFF turn the dial to select ON 5 Use the cursor left right keys to bring up the indication SMF FILE SEL on the display 6 Press the ENTER key In this condit
15. 9 Repeat steps 7 8 while changing the quantize value and duration as necessary to enter the desired bass pattern When you reach the end of the pattern the unit automatically returns to the first measure letting you continue the input 10 To erase an entered note repeatedly press the STEP key to move to the position that you want to erase Then hold down the DELETE ERASE key and press the respective pad The note recorded at that point is erased and the pad goes out NOTE When searching for a note to erase set quantize to the same value as the smallest value used during recording or to a smaller value Otherwise the start of a note may be missed 11 when you have finished step input press the STOP W key The REC 6 key goes out and the rhythm pattern selection screen appears again By pressing the PLAY gt key you can check the rhythm pattern that you recorded ZOOM MRS 1608 99 Reference Rhythm 12 To return to the main screen press the EXIT key several times Entering rhythm pattern chord information When you have recorded a rhythm pattern and you later set the chord information root chord type the bass phrase in a rhythm song will be transformed based on the original chord information of that rhythm pattern HINT For patterns not used in a rhythm song or for which no bass sequence is input this procedure is not necessary 1 From the main screen press the PAT
16. A E E o N E Percushn Gives air presence and stereo spread to percussion E Distortion with emphasized midrange body SnrSmack Emphasizes snappy snare sound Shudder Sliced sound for techno tracks N N SwpPhase Phaser with powerful resonance DirtyBiz Lo fi distortion using ring modulator A Doubler Doubling for vocal track SFXlab Forced SFX sound for synthesizer SynLead2 Old style jet sound for synthesizer lead N For sequence phrases or single note muted guitar Soliner Simulates analog strings ensemble HevyDrum For hard rock drums EMPTY ZOOM MRS 1608 205 Appendix 8x COMP EQ algorithm Comment Recommended input 1 8 Guitar amp Bass amp Vocal For vocal band For vocal band Chorus Drum Keyboard Guitar amp Bass amp For jazz or fusion band Piano Drum Keyboard Acoustic bass Piano Vocal AcoBand For acoustic band Chorus Acoustic guitar Percussion Guitar Bass Keyboard Vocal 1ManBand For private recording studio Chorus Sequence Bass drum StdDrum Standard sound for recording each sound of drum kit Snare drum Hi hat High tom Mid tom EhcdDrum Punchy compression drum sound Low t
17. CLASSIC Drum percussion sounds in the style of ZOOM stand alone rhythm machines When you press the ENTER key the respective drum sound set is loaded and a screen for selecting a rhythm pattern or rhythm song appears 5 To select a drum kit press the KIT PROG key in the rhythm section The currently selected drum kit is shown on the display Drum kit number Pl AD JANK OCTAVE Drum kit name HINT If you operate the cursor up down keys while selecting a drum kit the combination of sounds playable by the pads pad bank will be switched Turn the dial to select the desired drum kit The drum kit becomes active immediately For a list of drum kits that can be selected refer to the appendix at the end of this manual 7 e To return to the main screen press the EXIT key several times ZOOM MRS 1608 Changing the bass program 1 Press the BASS key You can now use the pads to play a bass program 2 Press the KIT PROG key in the rhythm section The currently selected bass program is shown on the display Bass program number Bass program name Key range of scale playable by pads HINT If you operate the cursor up down keys while selecting a bass program the octave playable by the pads will be switched 3 Turn the dial to select the desired bass program The bass program becomes active immediately For a list of bass programs that can be selected refer to t
18. MEASURE BEAT TICK MARKER Total playing time of projects 3 Turn the dial to select the desired playlist 4 Press the PLAY gt key Projects are played in the order as registered in the playlist The display indication changes as follows SEG PLAY Project name Current playback number Use the MASTER fader to adjust the playback volume When a project has played through the next project is 178 ZOOM MRS 1608 automatically loaded and played During project playback the following keys can be used to select a track pause play or locate a certain point PLAY gt key Starts playback from the beginning of the current project e STOP W key Interrupts project playback and returns to the start of the current project ZERO M4 key Returns to the project registered for playback position 1 e FF gt gt key Playback stops and the system jumps to the beginning of the next project REW lt lt key Playback stops and the system jumps to the beginning of the previous project When playback of the last project is completed the recorder stops 5 To return to the main Screen press the EXIT key several times Reference Other Functions Using the tuner function The MRS 1608 incorporates a versatile tuner that can also accommodate 7 string guitar and other unconventional tunings This section explains how to use the tuner function Using the chromatic tuner The
19. 5 When you have finished adjusting settings press the EXIT key several times The unit returns to the main screen NOTE The UTILITY REC SRC setting is stored for each project Before you begin recording other parts be sure to change the setting back to WET 146 ZOOM MRS 1608 Using the send return effect This section explains how to select and edit patches for the send return effect chorus delay reverb About the send return effect patches The reverb and chorus delay send return effects are separate and independent Reverb and chorus delay each have an effect type that determines the general sound of effect and various parameters that let you adjust the sonic character Settings for the effect type and parameters together with a name are collectively called send return effect patches A newly created project contains 30 reverb patches and 30 chorus delay patches You can instantly switch reverb or chorus delay settings simply by choosing the effect and then selecting a patch The number of patches available for each effect is as follows Effect Patch number preprogrammed patches REVERB 30 22 CHORUS DELAY 30 18 Selecting a send return effect patch This section explains how to select a reverb or chorus delay patch 1 e Press the REVERB key or CHORUS DELAY key in the effect section When you press a key a patch select screen for th
20. Bass Drum kit DRUMBASS 1 2 3 Rhythm section E emm aT Mixer section NOTE While using the pad sampler p 121 the drum kit bass program sound is not available 87 Reference Rhythm Rhythm patterns A project can contain accompaniment patterns with drum bass performance data for up to 99 measures each This is called a rhythm pattern The MRS 1608 has 511 such patterns Inside each rhythm pattern the area that holds the drum performance data is called the drum sequence and the area that holds the bass performance data is called the bass sequence In the default condition a project contains preprogrammed rhythm patterns in numbers 000 472 509 510 You can edit a portion of a rhythm pattern or use an empty slot to create an entirely original rhythm pattern The rhythm patterns you modify or create are saved on the hard disk as part of the project 1 2 3 4 Rhythm PATTERN PATTERN section Drum sequence Drum sequence Bass sequence Bass sequence Rhythm song Multiple rhythm patterns arranged in a desired order of playback are collectively called a rhythm song Besides the rhythm pattern data a rhythm song comprises information about various aspects such as chord tempo and beat to create the accompaniment for an entire song Up to 10 rhythm songs can be programmed in one
21. Repeat steps 4 5 until the name is as desired 7 e When you have finished editing the name press the EXIT key The new name is accepted and the unit returns to the condition of step 2 If necessary you can edit the names of other V takes 8 To return to the main screen press the EXIT key The V TAKE key goes out 36 ZOOM MRS 1608 HINT If the contents of a V take are fully erased the name reverts to NO DATA Moving to a desired point in the song locate function You can specify a location within the song in time units minutes seconds milliseconds or in measure units measure beat tick units and move to that location Measures Ticks Hours Seconds 01012668 Say 2 A Minutes Milliseconds Beats HINT If you use the marker function p 46 to set marks for recorder positions you can use the locate function to move among marks l Verify that the recorder is stopped 2 Usethe cursor left right keys from the main Screen to move the flashing part to the unit you want to change For example to change the minutes cause the segment marked to flash dj MEASURE BEAT MARKER Saf 2 B8 ez 668 3 Turn the dial to change the value shown for the flashing part When you change the displayed value the recorder immediately moves to the new location Pressing the PLAY key starts playback from that point HINT The measure beat tick i
22. n 8 track recording mode eight inputs can be used simultaneously In this case you can select the input with the respective ON OFF key and adjust track parameters for each input except for the record level The display will show the number of the input INPUT 1 INPUT 7 etc 3 Use the cursor up down keys to select the track parameter you want to adjust For a list of available parameters see the table on the next page For track parameters which have dedicated keys you can select the parameter directly by pressing the key 4 Turn the dial to adjust the value 5 For parameters where on off can be selected marked with an asterisk in the table on the next page repeatedly press the respective key in the track parameter section until the key is out Each push of the key toggles between lit on and out off For example when switching high range EQ from on to off the display indication changes as follows Pressing the respective key once more restores the previous condition On condition Off condition Repeat steps 3 5 until all desired parameters are adjusted If required you can use the cursor left right keys status keys and ON OFF keys in this condition to change to another track input and adjust other parameters 7 e Toreturn to the main screen press the EXIT key 80 ZOOM MRS 1608 Track parameter list Reference Mixer
23. project PATTERN A PATTERN B PATTERN C PATTERN D PATTERN E Rhythm song li Measure number 1 2 3 4 5 y 6 PATTERN A PATTERN PATTERN B Drum sequence Bass sequence Drum sequence Bass sequence Drum sequence Bass sequence Chords Am Dm7 G7 C Rhythm pattern mode and rhythm song mode The rhythm section can operate in one of two modes rhythm pattern mode in which you can create and play rhythm patterns and rhythm song mode in which you can create and play a rhythm song One of these two modes will always be selected The rhythm pattern mode is selected by pressing the PATTERN key and the rhythm song mode by pressing the SONG key The selected key lights up Rhythm pattern mode Rhythm song mode Lit Lit J PROG PROG PATTERN Synchronizing the recorder section and rhythm section In the default condition of the MRS 1608 the rhythm section will operate in sync with the recorder section When you operate the transport section to start the recorder section running the rhythm pattern or rhythm song will also begin playing If desired the rhythm section can be disconnected from the recorder section and used independently To see whether the recorder is synchronized with the rhythm section check the lit out status of the RHYTHM key in the display section When operation is synchronized this key will be out When the key i
24. 2 CLOSED HAT 42 44 68 3 OPEN HAT 46 54 67 4 TOM 1 50 48 64 5 TOM 2 47 45 62 6 TOM 3 43 41 63 7 RIDE 51 52 59 8 CRASH 49 57 70 9 EXTRA CYMBAL 53 55 69 X EXTRA 1 37 56 65 EXTRA 2 Instrument name 39 58 66 Instrument name Sticks Ride Cymbal 1 Claves Metronome Click Ride Bell Metronome Bell Tambourine Kick Drum 2 Splash Cymbal Kick Drum 1 Cowbell Side Stick Crash Cymbal 2 Snare Drum 1 Vibraslap Hand Clap Ride Cymbal 2 Snare Drum 2 High Bongo Low Tom2 Low Bongo Closed Hi Hat Mute High Conga Low Tom 1 Open High Conga Pedal Hi Hat Low Conga Mid Tom 2 High Timbale Open Hi Hat Low Timbale Mid Tom 1 High Agogo High Tom 2 Low Agogo Crash Cymbal 1 Cabasa Hi Tom 1 Maracas 214 ZOOM MRS 1608 Appendix z o ow Comments Ry 01 1A Drum loop 1 Ry 01 1B Drum loop 2 Ry 01 1C Drum fill 1 Ry 01 1D Drum variation 1 Ry 01 1E Drum fill 2 Ry 01 1F Drum variation 2 Ry 01 1G Drum end Ry 01 2A Drum intro Ry 01 2B Drum loop 1 Ry 01 2C Drum loop 2 Ry 01 2D Drum break Ry 01 2E Drum variation 1 Ry 01 2F Drum fill Ry 01 2G Drum variation 2 R
25. 54 Changing the sound and other settings for Rhythm 87 each pad sos ums 114 Assigning name to a rhythm pattern 101 GOUD eR Ru s Re Rotes hentai a dus 114 Changing the drum bass sequence volume Panning 2 000 e eee eee eee 29 80 level a cee of ace adnan 101 Patch Copying a rhythm 102 Insert 139 Entering chord information 100 Send return 147 Erasing a rhythm 103 Phrase loop 67 Real time input 94 95 Adjusting the parameters of aphrase 71 Selecting a rhythm pattern 89 Copying a phrase 73 Step 96 98 Deleting a phrase 73 Rhythm pattern mode 87 Importing a phrase from another project 71 Rhythm recording 44 Importing a phrase from the current project 69 Rhythm related troubleshooting information 189 Importing a WAV AIFF 70 Rhythm 10 13 87 Writing a phrase loop to a track 73 Changing the metronome volume 119 Phrase pool 0060s e cece eee eee eee ee
26. 66 ZOOM MRS 1608 Reference Phrase Looping 67 Which kind of phrases can be used 67 Loading a 68 Basic phrase loading steps 68 Importing a phrase from the current project 69 Importing a WAV AIFF file 70 Importing a phrase from a different project 71 Adjusting phrase parameters 71 Copying a phrase 73 Deleting a phrase 73 Writing a phrase loop to atrack 73 Using FAST input for the phrase loop 74 Writing a phrase loop to a track 75 Reference Mixer 77 About the mixer 77 Assigning input signals to recording tracks 78 Adjusting the signal for each track track parameters 80 Linking two tracks stereo link 82 Assigning an input track signal to the SUB OUT Jack EE e cet ats cid tee lesu teta ate 82 Using the solo function 84 Saving recalling mixer settings scene function 84 Saving a scene 84 Recalling a scene 85 Switching scenes automatically 85 Deleting certain parameters from a scene 86 Reference 87 About the rhythm section 87 Drum kits and
27. EFFECT 4 HINT With the 8x COMP EQ algorithm the 8 channel signals are processed separately by the HPF compressor and EQ effects Input and output for each channel therefore is always mono Editing the insert effect patches The effect modules of the insert effect have various effect parameters that can be adjusted to make detailed changes to the character of the effect By editing the effect parameters you can obtain the desired sonic result For some effect modules you can also change the effect type For example the MODULATION DELAY effect module of the MIC algorithm provides 18 effect types such as chorus flanger phaser etc When you change the effect 142 ZOOM MRS 1608 type the effect parameter arrangement also changes Effect MODULATION module DELAY v Effect chorus FLANGER PHASER type Effect DEPTH DEPTH POSITION parameters RATE RATE RATE MIX FB COLOR This section explains how to edit the effect type and effect parameters for the currently selected patch 1 Use the ALGORITHM keys to select the algorithm and then use the PATCH SELECT V A keys or the dial to select the patch to edit Itis not possible to later change the algorithm of a patch For this reason you must first begin by selecting a patch that uses the desired algorithm even to create a patch from the beginning HINT The indication EMPTY appears instead of the patch name if the patch is
28. Generating a 1 part harmony from a specified range of audio data You can specify a KEY and SCALE and shift the pitch of the audio data by a third up or down to create a 1 part harmony This is called the Duo Harmony function The pitch shifted audio data can be either added to the source material or written to another track V take For example when KEY C and SCALE Major is specified and shift upwards is selected for the Duo Harmony function the following harmony will be created Source track Duo Harmony V7 Write target track eases tt 353 gees Geter NOTE For the Duo Harmony function to work properly the audio data should represent single notes recorded without applying delay reverb chorus or other effects 1 Refer to steps 1 6 of Basic steps for range editing to select the track V take for harmony generation and press the ENTER key The indication DHmnyDst appears on the display In this condition you can select the target destination for writing the created harmony DHmrreazt TR 1 1 NOTE You can only select a single mono track or one track of a Stereo pair as source track for Duo Harmony ZOOM MRS 1608 59 Reference Track Editing 2 Use the cursor up down keys and the dial status keys to select the track V take to be used as destination If you specify the sam
29. MultiTrak Recording Studio MRS 1608 e v JJ MASTER SOLO Track RECORDING CJ I TG T LI Operation Manual ZOOM Corporation Reproduction of this manual in whole or in part by any means is prohibited USAGE AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS In this manual symbols are used to highlight warnings and cautions for you to read so that accidents can be prevented The meanings of these symbols are as follows AN This symbol indicates explanations about extremely dangerous matters If users ignore this symbol and handle the device the wrong way serious injury or death could result Warning AN This symbol indicates explanations about dangerous matters If users ignore this symbol and handle the device the wrong way bodily injury and damage to the equipment could result Caution Please observe the following safety tips and precautions to ensure hazard free use of the MRS 1608 Power requirements The MRS 1608 is powered by the su
30. PROJECT SIZE View the size of the currently loaded project PROJECT COPY Duplicate a specified project on the hard disk PROJECT ERASE Erase a specified project from the hard disk PROJECT NAME Edit the name of the currently loaded project PROJECT PROTECT Switch the protection status of the currently loaded project on or off ZOOM MRS 1608 165 Reference Projects PROJECT SEQ PLAY Continuously play the master tracks from several projects saved on the hard disk gt 177 3 Press the ENTER key to execute the operation or change the setting that you selected For details on the procedure refer to the sections that follow 4 To return to the main screen press the EXIT key several times Depending on which selection was made in step 2 the main screen may return automatically Loading a project You can select a project that was saved on the hard disk and load it 1 Refer to steps 1 2 of Basic procedure to bring up the indication PROJECT SELECT on the display Then press the ENTER key The name and number of the project to be loaded are shown on the display aa Project name Project number 2 Turn the dial to select the desired project 3 Press the ENTER key to load the project When loading is completed the unit returns to the main screen By pressing the EXIT key instead of the ENTER key you can cancel the operation and back up
31. PhraseA Phrase Phrase Phrase D V take Write Audio data ZOOM MRS 1608 73 Reference Phrase Looping Using FAST input for the phrase loop When creating a phrase loop the FAST Formula Assisted Song Translator method developed by ZOOM can be used to specify phrase sequence and number of plays The keys and pads of the rhythm section are used for FAST input as described below D key Enters the closing bracket used for linking several phrases 1 key Enters the opening bracket used for linking several x pad Enters the x that specifies the repetition phrases of a phrase ee JD 8 9 CRASH EXTRA CYMBAL EXTRA1 EXTRA2 4 5 6 y TOM 1 TOM2 TOM3 RIDE 0 1 2 3 KICK SNARE CLOSED HAT OPEN HAT Pads 0 9 pad Specify phrase numbers Enters the for lining and repetition count up phrases The basic rules for creating a phrase loop are as follows Select the phrase Use pads 0 9 to select a phrase number from 0 99 Line up phrases Use the symbol to line up phrases For example entering 0 1 2 will result in the following phrase sequence being written Phrase 0 Phrase 1 Phrase 2 Repeat phrases Use the x symbol to specify phrase repetitions x takes precedence over For example entering 0 1 x 2 2 will result in the following
32. The rhythm song will begin playing If something has been recorded on the audio tracks those tracks will play back simultaneously The display shows information about the rhythm pattern number chord type and other information at the current location SOMG E t Rhythm pattern number Current chord 3 To stop the rhythm song press the STOP H key 4 To play the rhythm section independently press the RHYTHM key while stopped so that the key lights up The rhythm section will be disconnected from the recorder section The pad bank or scale octave setting will be shown at the right side of the