
YAMAHA DME Designer Manual(1)



1. Ethersound Networks a Properties a5 NetPatch 1 0 Patch bd Codd eo Propeities MP NetPaich Q WVOPstch Coma Lit ip Tree Group a E Lt fip Tee TE Group z E ner BB net MYIG ESE4 S1 a MYTIG ESE4 Hi MYIG ESE4 2 a MYTBESEA 2 gt DMESES 83 gt DMERES 3 gt DME SoES 4 g DME LOES H4 Synchro Status Lock Routing Options SyrKheo Stats Loc re l Emergency Clock of Syncheo m OF Fl Lock Inputs Peake Sf Synctro is OF C Lock inputs C Lock Outputs Identiy C Lock Outputs ADEHA Remote Optice Sena Port Mode ADEHR Remote Opton Seny Pot Mode 1 Iana J Mode 1 MD o oaa DA POT pad OAP Saria Commuricabon Mode HA Remote Serial Port lt gt Int Slot Post Serial Comvarication Mode HA Remote Serial Port lt gt Int Shot Peet m Mode 1 Y Multicast Mode 2 O Muicstt wees 3 x t lt gt io ms t Shot Port lt gt EtherSox Uscat REESE Internal Slot Port lt gt EtherSound Hoge 3 Uricait MYIGESE4 M a Intemal Slot Post herS ound lt O Stove Mode 3 i i Slave Mois 3 Tuni Unavalsbie HA Remote Serial Pert lt gt EtherSound Turrel Unavalsbie HA Remote Senal Pot lt gt EtherSound Send Port Comigurabon Send F figa 8adRate soem Pasty BadRee wm v Party Bits per Cha Panty Bits per Char Posty Stop Bits Handihake Stop Bes Horsdthske v v
2. 44 1 kHz 110 ms to 46s Sets the speed for closing the gate 48 kHz 101 ms to 42 3s The setting range may vary depending 88 2 KHz 55 ms to 23 s on the operating frequency 96 kHz 51 ms to 21 1 s ON OFF Turns solo ON If Solo is engaged for even one channel all non Solo channels will be muted ON OFF Turns ON each channel s input Fader o to 10 dB Sets the input signal level for each channel Master Output Gain Correct ON OFF Automatically adjusts the master output level to maintain a constant level according to the number of input channels with open gates 1 ON OFF Turns ON each channel s output to 10 dB Sets the output signal level 1 The amount of gain compensation varies according to the number of input channels with open gates as follows 422 DME Designer Owner s Manual Auto Mixer Il Chapter 6 Component Guide This component detects the presence of signals at the input channels and automatically adjusts the master output level to maintain a constant level according to the number of active input channels 8 inout and 16 input types are provided Double click the component to open the component editor The component editor is the same for the 8 inout and 16 input types the only difference being the number of channels The Auto Mixer Il component editor is organized into input channel and master output sections AutoMixer II Snide Detect
3. EDMEB4N i SE DMESI C ie mo CAS Ih CAS OUT BWC It ETHERNET fee io i C OU USB i EDME 4io C F ETHERNET SIIN REMOTE oe a USB E REMOTE EDME dio ES Ki B Speaker Processor H BExtermnal Device Picture cSlas E ING T J doves S2lOLe aW E 17 DUT y i jz ja yS OUTS Paste be oe lt Slot gt Start Wire DME gt Speaker Processor gt External Device gt Picture Text Box Ellipse Device List submenu on the Tools menu or on the context menu NOTE A Configurations are added using the menu bar Tool menu gt Configuration Manager dialog box Toolkit window Component List Configuration Window The Component List displays objects that can be arranged in Configuration windows The same objects are displayed in the Component List submenu on the Tools menu or on the context menu that appears when you right click on the sheet i Designer i Designer l Paste Device List i Start Wire 4rea Parts List i DMEG4N Zone Ambient Noise Compensator gt D Component List Ambient Noise Compensator Audio Detector uto Gain Control Crossover Zone Manager Device Group Manager Configuration Manager Audio Detector Auto Gain Control Crossover v Edit Mode Sheet Audio Detector Auto Gain Control Crossover Crossover Processor Crossover Processolll Save User Module Cros
4. Sat if Tt OCO mou crame __ Swichestoanoter channel group Channel Switches oanctier channel group Turns ON all sends in the Crosspoint window The On button lights up Turns OFF all sends in the Crosspoint window O Nominal Resets all send levels in the Crosspoint window making them O dB Resets all send levels in the Crosspoint window making them dB Minimum DME Designer Owner s Manual 431 Chapter 6 Component Guide Channel Group Switching The Delay Matrix Crosspoint editor window displays four channels each for Inout and Output It displays the channel group you click on in the delay matrix component editor The Channel buttons in the Input and Output sections of the Delay Matrix Crosspoint editor window switch the channel group that is displayed in the window Input section Output section Channel menu Channel menu If you click another channel group when the delay matrix component editor is active and an Delay Matrix Crosspoint editor window is displayed that channel group will be displayed in the open Delay Matrix Crosspoint editor window Only one Delay Matrix Crosspoint matrix window is displayed for each delay matrix component editor Matrix Mixer In the matrix mixer the input channels and output buses are arranged in a checkerboard configuration You can adjust the group balance for each output bus There are 27 components in the in the M
5. Output Level dB Neild 2608 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 Input Level dB Compressor Compresses signals that exceed a threshold Narrows the dynamic range of the signal making it easier to mix or record signals with a wide dynamic range such as vocals or piano music Both mono channel and stereo channel compressors are provided Mono channel compressors have one input one output and one Keyln input Stereo channel compressors have two inputs two outputs and one Keyln input Compressor Compressor 2 j Double click a component to open the component editor for it The parameters are the same for mono channel and stereo channel components Compressor component editor Kex Library 54 oJ U4 co Attack Release 66 229m o a y i i GR WT LALA Kesin LR BOTH 10016 2720H Gain Reduction Meter Displays the gain reduction attenuation Output Meter Displays the output signal level Compressor Curve Displays results graphically The horizontal axis is the input signal level and the vertical axis is the output level 394 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 6 Component Guide Range Function 54 dB to 0 dB Sets the threshold value Ratio oo 1 1 to 00 1 Sets the compression ratio Knee o HARD 1 2 3 4 5 sets the way compression is applied Attack O to 120 m
6. 5 EADME EDME24N E Cascade Displays the windows overlapping one another E Tile Displays the windows arranged side by side 200 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 4 Designer Objects Object Types The devices shapes and wires that can be arranged in each design window are called Objects The following objects are available Component Configuration User Module SPX Component Configuration User Module Slot Component Configuration Il Legend Area An area displayed on the sheet where descriptive Zones information is presented Configuration Various design elements such as name color and size can be set in the Properties dialog box for each object Size is set using the Width and Height boxes in the Properties dialog box The maximum size values that can be set may vary according to the sheet size and object position You can set a size that allows the object to fit in the sheet DME Designer Owner s Manual 201 Chapter 4 Designer Zone There must be at least one zone in the Area window Zones are added and deleted using the Zone dialog box Zones are not displayed in the Toolkit window or in the Area Parts List submenu in the Tools Menu If you right click on the name of a zone object located in the Area window a context menu will be displayed E Zone Context Menu l l l G Paste Delete D
7. Edit checkbox in the Security dialog box has been checked can display the Designer window and edit configurations For information about the Security dialog box see Security Creating Users and Making User Settings on page 80 Edit Mode There is an Edit Mode in the Designer window when offline status When the Edit Mode is ON configurations can be edited When it is turned OFF configurations cannot be edited When online the Edit Mode is OFF NOTE C SP2060 configurations cannot be edited DME Designer Owner s Manual 183 184 Chapter 4 Designer E Edit Mode ON OFF The edit mode can be turned on or off via the Edit Mode command in either the Tools menu or the contextual menu that appears when you right click on the worksheet You can also use the Edit Mode button in the menu bar To turn Edit Mode ON click the command placing a checkmark to the left of the command name When there is a checkmark next to the command when Edit Mode is ON clicking the command again removes the checkmark and turns OFF the Edit Mode Edit Mode ON When Edit Mode Is ON you can do configuration editing tasks such as arranging objects making connections and changing properties Edit Mode OFF When Edit Mode Is OFF you can control the component editor but cannot edit configurations When offline Edit Mode is OFF NOT A Only users for whom the Operation Security Edit checkbox in the
8. Change User Information x Name Hame Designer Password Password Confirm Password d Confirm Password Add User dialog box Change User Information dialog box E Name Box Enter the user name Enter a name different than other existing user names E Password Box Enter the password When you type in the password box asterisks will be displayed instead of the characters you enter If you do not want to set a password the user leave the box blank E Confirm Password Box Enter the password once again to confirm it When you type in the password box asterisks will be displayed instead of the characters you enter If you do not want to set a password the user leave the box blank E OK Button In the Add User dialog box this creates new users according to the settings made there In the Change User Information dialog box this applies the dialog box settings and changes the user settings E Cancel Button Cancels user creation or setting changes and closes the dialog box DME Designer Owner s Manual 157 Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Creating Users Users are created as follows 1 Click Security on the Main Panel window Setup menu The Security dialog box will be displayed You can open the Security dialog box by clicking the Security button in the Main Panel window 2 Select a user from the User List in the Security dialog box
9. E Enable Event Scheduler Enables the scheduled events E Add Button Adds an event Clicking here displays the Add Event dialog box If the maximum of 50 events has already been registered this button is grayed out E Remove Button Deletes the event selected on the list This button is grayed out when no event is selected E Edit Button Lets you edit the selected event Displays the Edit Event dialog box This button is grayed out when no event is selected E Copy Button Copies the selected event This button is grayed out when no event is selected E Paste Button Pastes the copied event The event is added This button is grayed out when no event has been copied DME Designer Owner s Manual 97 Chapter 3 Main Panel Window E Clock setup Button Opens the Clock dialog box to set the DME internal clock See Clock on page 172 E Apply Button Applies any current setting changes E OK Button Applies any setting changes and closes the window E Cancel Button Closes the window without changing any settings Add Event Edit Event Dialog Box The dialog box is displayed when you click on the Add or Edit button in the Event Scheduler dialog box Here you can add or edit a scheduling event Add Event Event Hame Event Operation Operation Scene Change r Operation Setting Scene O01 Scene ogi Event Schedule EM A S
10. Saving scenes is called Scene Store Parameter settings in the configuration for each site used can be stored multiple times and recalled and used when needed There are 999 scene memories available When a scene is stored DME and SP2060 parameters are saved as preset parameters Presets are automatically created when a scene is stored Bringing back a scene making a scene the current scene is called scene recall Scenes are recalled using the V button next to the current scene on the Main Panel window or by using the Scene Manager dialog box E Scene Manager Dialog Box Click either the Tools menu Scene Manager item or the Scene Link Manager window Scene Manager button to open the Scene Manager window that allows editing of scene data Scene names security levels and presets can be changed and copy pasted as required The DME scene memory is comprised of 999 user memories while the SP2060 has 12 preset memories and 87 user memories The preset memories are read only while settings and changes can be stored to the user memories as required NOTE Security for the Logged On User The currently logged on user can store recall or edit scenes that have a security level equal to or lower than his or her own User security levels are set with the Edit Store Recall Edit item in the Security dialog box There is no OK button or Cancel button in the Scene Manager dialog b
11. 8 T we F Ok Fo om ow Flee oe Fa UT Cut Copy Paste Delete oe e Pe Be2r 046 WPS cage amp Bia se GF Duplicate Bee EEF eee ar E Beiere g Properties Chapter 4 Designer DME Designer Owner s Manual 269 Chapter 4 Designer Drawing and Editing Wires Wire Objects that are arranged on sheets in the Configuration or User Module windows can be connected to each other by wires Not only does this let you logically connect signal sources output side and destinations input side it also lets you draw connections and independent lines on the display Each wire has at least two wire nodes Between the nodes are line segments Wire Node C Line Segment E Selecting Wires and Canceling Selection You can select a line segment by clicking on it If you hold down the lt Alt gt key while clicking you will select the entire wire NOT C The color used when a wire object is selected can be set with Selected Color in the Wire Properties dialog box E Line Segment The line width default value is set from one to five pixels in the Designer window Preferences dialog box In the Wire Properties dialog box the line thickness and color can be adjusted as required for the various wires arranged on the sheet Line Segment Selection When you select a line segment by clicking on it only that line segment is selected If you hold down the lt Ctrl
12. Ao tea Ben oko RTE Delay Mattia a Wael G da d ee ee e Delete Wire E Moet me a ome I af s Delete eure ey La ere res es Duplicate Display Order etre Properties E Drawing from Anywhere on the Sheet Right click the start position for drawing the click Start Wire on the context menu that is displayed Click the location where the line should bend then double click at the end location to finish drawing Component List gt ei lv Edt Moe of ec Sheet GY 278 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 4 Designer E Finishing Drawing When the hotspots or already drawn wires are connected drawing is finished To finish drawing without connecting to a hotspot use one of the following methods e Right click the mouse e Double click e Press the lt Esc gt key Drawing also finishes if another window is made active Wire Editing You can delete wires change node positions connect to other wires and perform other wire edit operations E Delete Deleting an Entire Wire Right click the wire then click Delete Wire in the context menu Deleting Nodes Nodes can be deleted by selecting them and pressing the lt Delete gt key Nodes on both sides of the deleted node will become directly connected Selected Node E Editing by Dragging Moving Nodes You can move nodes by dragging them with the mouse When multiple nodes are selected and dragged with the mo
13. Bui object undo File type Export File G umx Cancel Export Library 123 uml Add Library File E Close Button Closes the dialog box User Module Settings Dialog Box Click the Change Settings button in the User Module Manager dialog box to open the User Module Settings dialog box Here you can edit the user module template name group name and security settings iF User Module Settings Group Library Group Mame UserModule User Module Name u setModulel Double Click Action f Open User Module Design Window C Open User Module Editor Secunty Settings Enable Security set Password Default Library None User Module Group Save in new User Module Group User Module Group Name User Module Group DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 4 Designer E Group Name Displays the pre edit user module group name and user module name E User Module Name Specifies the user module name NOTE Since the user module name is used as a file name characters that cannot be used for file names cannot be used for user module names HM Double Click Action specifies the default action when user modules in the configuration window are double clicked Open User Module Design Window Opens the User Module Design window Open User Module Editor Opens the User Module editor The user module editor is a window whe
14. Chapter 5 Components NOTE C If you drag controls like knobs and sliders edit boxes and labels that show parameter types and place them one by one in the user control editor they must be arranged in the user control editor If you select multiple items and drag them you can copy them as a group into the user control editor keeping their original arrangement When copying multiple controls from a single component editor if you select all the controls you want copy and drag them together as a unit their original positional relationship and tab order will be maintained E Placing Controls by Dragging Them User Control Editor You can drag the controls you want to copy from the component editor to the user control editor 1 Open the component edit window that has the controls you will be placing in the user control box 2 Open the user control editor User control names are displayed in the View User Control submenu in the Main Panel window Click a user control name to open its window 3 Right click in the component editor or the user control editor The context menu will be displayed 4 Click Design Mode on the menu E Master Volume DEK Snare Library T S tf 0 Store Recall Design Mode Set Us h Module As Master Layout Peak Hold gt Level Meter Enable Close All Editor Windows Open Parameter Link Design mode will be turned ON 5 Drag the controls from the component editor to the user control editor
15. Copies the selected scene link setup The Copy button will be grayed out and inoperable if a scene link setup is not selected E Paste Button Pastes a cut or copied scene link setup to the currently selected scene link setup in the scene link tree view The selected scene link setup will be overwritten The Paste button will be grayed out and inoperable if no scene link setup has been cut or copied E Cut Button Cuts the selected scene link setup The Cut button will be grayed out and inoperable if a scene link setup is not selected E Insert Button Inserts a cut or copied scene link at the currently selected scene link position in the scene link tree view The selected scene link setup and all others below it will be moved down one position The Insert button will be grayed out and inoperable if no scene link setup has been cut or copied E Move UP Button Moves the currently selected scene link setup up one position in the scene link view The Move UP button will be grayed out and inoperable if a scene link setup is not selected E Move Down Button Moves the currently selected scene link setup down one position in the scene link view The Move Down button will be grayed out and inoperable if a scene link setup is not selected E Recall Button Recalls the scene number specified for the currently selected scene link setup in the scene link view to the corresponding devices The Recall button will be gra
16. Fader i Feedback Suppressor Filter Meter Miscellaneous Mixer Pan Room Combiner Router H Source Selector Gh i g H B Speaker Processor me ix Mi gt tee H DSPX ii 1 o A ae Sheet E Title Bar Displays Device name Zone name Device Group name Configuration name The configuration window using Configuration for a DME64N placed in Device Group1 of Zone will be DME64N Zone1 DME Group1 Configuration1 The device name is set in the properties for the device placed in the Zone window E Objects Objects such components user modules and shapes are arranged in the Configuration window When you double click a component placed in the window the editor set in Double Click Action in User Module Properties will open E I O Component Depending on the settings for the DME placed in the Zone window I O components will be automatically placed or added e O components can be arranged in the DME24N DME Satellite and SP2060 configuration window e When Show Cascade Port is ON in the DME64N DME Device Properties dialog Cascade I O is added automatically e When you set a slot in the properties for a DME placed in the Zone window Slot I O will be automatically added You cannot apply edit operations like cut copy paste duplicate to I O components Slot I O and Cascade O DME Designer Owner s Manual 291 Chapter 4 Designer Placing Components Yo
17. Foot Monitor external device to Floor Monitor e Addition External Device types have been provided e External Devices can be double clicked to open a file saved by other applications page 224 e Picture objects can be double clicked to open a specified editor page 240 e Text objects can be double clicked to open a specified editor page 243 DME Designer Owner s Manual User module port labels can be edited page 237 Graphics can be placed to represent user modules page 236 The Legend field automatically resizes to accommodate project names and titles of different lengths A Generic MY Others setting has been provided to accommodate third party MY cards E Component Editor Window Undo and Redo are now shortcut compatible A scroll bar appears when the size of the component editor window is reduced The size and position of the component editor window are memorized An option to allow mouse over zooming of the edit box has been added page 313 A Back button that allows switching between related parent and child windows has been added page 310 A Close All Editor Windows button has been added to the contextual menu Source Selector Soeaker Processor Limiter Slot In Cascade In and Cascade Out components have been added The Delay algorithm has been revised page 389 LEVEL and MUTE are effective when Delay is Off for each channel The name of the overall Delay
18. HiehGut Snare METI E User Control Security Security can be set independently for each User Control User Control levels higher than the user security level will not be displayed in the menu or the User Control Manager dialog box The security level settings for both the user control and the user affect editing and display of user controls E User Control Security Level security 1 10 can be set for each level or user Level 1 is the highest level and 10 is the lowest If the security level for a user control is set to 2 only users at level 1 or level 2 can display or edit it security levels for user controls can be changed in the User Control Manager dialog box by a user who has logged on at a security level equal to or higher than the user control 1 Click User Control Manager on the Main Panel window Tools menu The User Control Manager dialog box will be displayed 2 Changing User Control Security 318 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 5 Components e To Change the Security level Click the Security Level box of the User Control to be changed The security level list will appear User Control Manager Open User Control at startup New Delete Cancel The levels displayed on the list will differ according to the security level of the user Click the level to be set for the User Control The selected level will be displayed in the Security Level box e Setting Security
19. Meter response may deteriorate as the number of meters displayed in a single device group in DME Designer increases In such cases meter response can be improved by dividing the device group See Changing Device Groups on page 283 NOTE A DME and SP2060 units cannot be combined in the same Device Group Bowe All devices in a Device Group must be on the same subnet Device1 Group Master Device2 Slave DME Designer Owner s Manual The DME Designer Software Application The DME Designer software application provides a convenient central interface for the creation and control of DME based audio systems By connecting the computer on which the DME Designer application is running to a Group Master it becomes possible to control multiple devices simultaneously With DME Designer DME audio systems can be designed and configured via a comprehensive block diagram interface on the computer screen DME Designer m Ea A EE K A TA ODE te Zone Scene 2 Device Group User E Mute Rx Compressor Snap AETI i La 1 Channel i L982 Channel i 4 Channel i iw 8 Channel f 12 Channel i16 Channel so a e 8 Inrut 8 Output 6669 2719H gt H 2 Miscellaneous s i ae Mi A BesourceM x Mixer T 3 SamplineFrequency 48 0kHz dl Auto Mixer Si U i 2 iDelay Matrix i i 2hput B Input io i feg Output f fiM Output E8 Output 12 Output i i 4
20. Mode 1 to 10 Pitch shift precision Pitch 1 24 to 24 semitones Channel 1 pitch shift Fine 1 50 to 50 cents Channel 1 pitch shift fine Pitch 2 24 to 24 semitones Channel 2 pitch shift Fine 2 50 to 50 cents Channel 2 pitch shift fine Level 1 100 to 100 Channel 1 level plus values for normal phase minus values for reverse phase Pan 1 L63 to R63 Channel 1 pan Level 2 100 to 100 Channel 2 level plus values for normal phase minus values for reverse phase Pan 2 L63 to R63 Channel 2 pan Delay 1 0 0 to 1000 0 ms Channel 1 delay time FB Gain 1 99 to 99 Channel 1 feedback gain plus values for normal phase feedback minus values for reverse phase feedback Delay 2 0 0 to 1000 0 ms Channel 2 delay time FB Gain 2 Channel 2 feedback gain plus values for normal phase feedback minus values for reverse phase feedback Mode Pitch shift precision Rotate Rotation stop start Speed Rotation speed see SLOW and FAST parameters Slow SLOW rotation speed Fast FAST rotation speed Drive Overdrive level Dual Pitch Two input two output pitch shifter Rotary One input two output rotary speaker simulator Accel Acceleration at soeed changes Low Low frequency filter High High frequency filter source Modulation source oscillator or input signal Osc Freq Oscillator frequency FM Freq 0 05 to 40 00 Hz Oscillator frequency modulation speed Ring Mod Two input two output ring modu
21. Security dialog box has been checked can turn the Edit Mode ON Designer Window You can display or hide the Designer window using the Designer command on the View menu in the Main Panel window Navigator Window Title Bar 1 in Menu Bar i Toolbar Toolkit Window Design Window Resource Meter Window Title Bar Designer is displayed on the title bar You can move the window by dragging the title bar There are Minimize Maximize Restore and Close buttons at the right edge of the title bar Menu Bar Commands that can be executed in the application are collected into categories on the menu bar When you click one of the categories a list of commands is displayed DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 4 Designer Toolbar Frequently used commands are arranged here as buttons Redo Button Navigator Button Probe Monitor Button Arrow Button Print Button Copy Button Analyze button Zoom In Button Edit Mode Button a SAH ee amp k ay a Undo Button Paste Button Show Signal Delay button Actual Size Button Zoom To Button Cut Button Resource Meter Button Zoom Out Button Hand Button E Print Button page 194 Prints the active design window E Undo Button page 195 Undoes the most recent edit operation E Redo Button page 195 Restores operations undone with the Undo button back to their original condition E Cut Button page 195 Cut
22. Sheet in Objects page 253 E Prohibit Diagonal Connections All connections will be drawn with horizontal and vertical wires only Diagonal wires cannot be drawn Drawing Settings in Drawing and Editing Wires page 273 E Grid Opens the Grid dialog box Displays or hides the grid and sets the grid spacing Grid in Design Window Shared Settings and Operations page 261 DME Designer Owner s Manual 199 Chapter 4 Designer E Arrow The mouse cursor appears as crosshairs and can be used to select objects E Hand The mouse cursor appears as a hand shape and can be used to click and grab the worksheet for scrolling E Export DXF Exports the information in the active window and saves it as a DXF file which is compatible with CAD software sold by other companies Exporting the Design Window in Design Window Shared Settings and Operations page 262 E Preferences Displays the Preferences dialog box Sets the line thickness and the design window edit operations Preferences in Design Window Shared Settings and Operations page 259 Window Menu Arranges multiple windows The lower part of the menu displays the names of currently open windows A checkmark appears next to the active window When you click the name of a window that window becomes active F Designer Cascade Tile A 1 Zone 2 New Area
23. and size Refer to Select Font Dialog Box in the Objects section on page 255 for more information about the Select Font dialog box Alignment Select Left Center or Right alignment Scene Specifies the scene that will be selected when the button is clicked Click the Select Scene button to open the scene selection menu Scene O01 Scene O01 Device Group Device Scene j All RENE OME Group EES Scene 00T i 002 Scene D02 003 Scene 003 a Group SP Group FH SP2060 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 5 Components Changing the Tab Order The tab order for edit boxes is determined by the order in which they were pasted into the user control editor or user module editor If you right click the user control editor or user module editor you can check or change the tab order using the Tab Order command on the context menu If you select the Tab Order command tab order numbers will be displayed at the upper left of each edit box Clicking the displayed numbers changes the order NOTE C The tab order for other controls such as knobs sliders and buttons cannot be set 1 Right click in the user control editor or user module editor The context menu will be displayed E Unsaved User Module DE Snar Zox LS Design Mode Set User Module s Master Layout Close All Editor Windows Open Parameter Link Set
24. dialog box Because this function allows you to make sure there are no problems with component arrangement and wires without connecting to the DME unit it is useful for eliminating complier errors before executing Synchronization NOTE D The Analyze command on the Tools menu can be selected only when a configuration window is active Analyze Message Compile Options Delay Compensation OFF Fixed Wire Delay ON Analyzing OK E Message Box Displays the progress of the analysis operation When the analysis finishes the results are displayed If errors are detected during analysis they will display as shown below Analyze Message Compile Options Delay Compensation OFF Fixed Wire Delay ON SlotIn Cascadeln cannot be directly connected to SlotOut CascadeOut when using a 64 Input Matrix Mixer E Close Button Closes the dialog box E Progress Bar A progress bar will appear during analysis but in some cases it may not exactly match the progress of the analysis process Also the appearance of the progress bar is no guarantee that analysis will be completed successfully If analysis continues for an inordinately long period of time click the Abort button to stop processing NOTE If the analysis process fails try eliminating unnecessary components and connections and replacing components that place a heavy load on resources with more efficient ones then run the analysis again Once
25. dialog box that can be used to select a background color Number of Lines sets the number of scale markings lines between the minimum and maximum values Line Color Click the Select Color button and select the desired scale line color in the Select Color dialog box Cap Size select a knob cap size from the list Very Large Large Middle Small Very Small Cap Color Select a knob cap color from the list Black Gray White Red Yellow Green Blue Violet Show Scale Check this item to show the numeric scale values Number Color Click the Select Color button and select the desired scale number color in the Select Color dialog box DME Designer Owner s Manual 335 336 Chapter 5 Components E Toggle Button Properties Dialog Box The Toggle Button Properties dialog box will appear when you either double click the ON OFF button or right click it and select Properties from the contextual menu This sets the text displayed by the button along with the color of the button gae Togele Button Properties Ok Cancel Color Displays a list where you can select the color of the button If you click the W a list of button colors will be displayed Toggle Button Properties Text Font Size Select a button size from the list Small 37x11 Small 51x11 Medium 74x11 Medium 74x22 or Large 111x33 Text box E
26. 3 and so on Multiple components placed in the configuration are independent and you can set different parameters for each of them i DME64N Zone1 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 292 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 4 Designer SP2060 Configuration Window SP2060 Zone1 SP Group 3x2way SP2060 Output Routing 1 2 Speaker Processor 1 2 Input EQ SUM Input Delay SUM JIN B i i pm om oa l BINA QUT ts l g E IN SUM JIN B Input A B Link Button Although SP2060 configurations cannot be edited the Input A B Link status can be changed Clicking this button alternately turns INPUT A B linking ON and OFF When switched ON the input level EQ and Delay component parameters are copied from Input A to Input B and are thereafter linked Probe Monitor Probe monitor is a function that lets you monitor output ports in your configuration with headphones You can turn it ON or OFF using Probe Monitor in the Tools menu or the Probe Monitor button on the toolbar The probe monitor can be set to ON or OFF for each DME64N 24N The probe monitor can be used only when online with the DME64N 24N and Configuration window or user module active NOTE DME Satellite and SP2060 do not support the probe monitor E Probe Monitor Procedure 1 Turn the probe monitor ON Click Probe Monitor in the Tools menu or the Probe Monitor button on the toolbar T
27. 4 When the DME SP2060 and ICP1 units to be restored have been checked click the Update button The firmware update will begin NO During the restore process do not disconnect any USB or Ethernet cables or turn the DME SP2060 or ICP1 power off Doing so can result is loss of the DME Designer communication port settings When the restore update is complete the DME SP2060 and ICP1 units will restart automatically It is also necessary to restart the DME designer DME Designer Owner s Manual 179 Chapter 3 Main Panel Window E Recovery Update Recovers restores the DME SP2060 or ICP1 firmware If a cable is unolugged or the power is cut off during a firmware update the firmware may be corrupted and unable to launch In such cases the Recovery Update function can restore the firmware NOTE When performing a firmware recovery operation on a DME unit disconnect from the network and carry out the operation with the DME unit directly connected to the computer via USB 1 Select Firmware Update Recovery Update from the Hardware menu The folder select dialog box will be displayed 2 Select the folder that contains the update file then click the OK button The Firmware Update window will open H Firmware Update Selected Folder Firmware Please do not disconnect cable or turn off any device while updating IP Address i M DME24N Select All Clear All Update Close 3 Chec
28. A user will be created subordinate to the selected user Administrator can be selected only if the logged on user is the Administrator If there are multiple users select the user that will be above the new user Multiple users can be created subordinate to a single user lW Enable Auto Log On Administrator User List Operation Security Administrator I Edit SustemE ngi 7 nde i View DME Design Window i Manager i i Control Component Editor MainO perator l Operator W o h Operatard W Change Configuration Operatar2 i Operators W View Component Editor Synchronization View Log Window Scene Store HecallLevel 2 User Control Level Add User Remove User Change 3 Click the Add User button The Add User dialog box will be displayed 4 Enter the user name into the Name box 5 Enter the password into the Password box You can also create users with no password If you do not want to set a password for the user leave the Password box blank 158 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 3 Main Panel Window 6 Enter the password into the Confirm Password box also If you do not want to set a password for the user leave the Confirm Password box blank also e Add User Hame Password Confirm Password A NOTE If the text entered into the Password and Confirm Password boxes is not the same a Different pass
29. Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Current Scene Displays information about the current scene You can switch between scenes Change displayed Scene displays DME groups SP2060s Scene Number Scene Name Scene Manager Button E Change Display Scene selects the information to be displayed When All is selected scene link information is displayed in Scene Number and Scene Name When a DME group or SP2060 is selected scene information is displayed in Scene Number and Scene Name Refer to Scene Manager on page 80 for information on scenes and Scene Link Manager on page 146 for information on scene linking E Scene Number Displays the number of the current scene or scene link A list where you can select a scene or scene link is displayed when you press the Y The EDIT indicator will light when a parameter has been edited after recalling or storing a scene Device Group ene On line wv O01Scene O01 O07 Scene O02 OO3 Scene O03 Scene 100 199 l F scene 200 299 scene 300 399 scene 400 499 ocene 500 599 F F F F scene G00 699 scene 700 799 scene 800 899 scene 900 999 NOTE S Press lt Ctrl gt key and lt gt key simultaneously recall the next scene and press lt Ctrl gt key and lt gt key simultaneously recall the previous scene These settings can be changed via the Shortcut keys dialog box page 151 E Scene Name Displ
30. Click the Network Setup item in the Hardware menu to open the Network Setup window This window can be used to set the IP address and device group master slave status of DME and SP2060 units These settings can be edited regardless of the current settings of the DME and SP2060 units The DME Utility screen Lock page and SP2060 Utility screen User Lock settings only apply to the device panels DME64N 24N and SP2060 slave devices will not be displayed The settings cannot be changed for devices in a device group that is online Network Setup Window Names and Functions Network Setup Network Setup ME NETWORK Master Slave f Masher C Slave IP Address EE EG EU EE Master ID 192 168 3 oo i 2 Link Mode log 10B ase T f Q0Base Ts MAC Address 00 40 DE 2515 4E Cancel E Communication Port List Tx Rx selects the communication port for the device to be set up E Master Slave Displays and sets whether the DME or SP2060 unit connected to the port specified by the Communication Port dialog box is the device group master or slave NOTE When combining DME64N 24N and DME Satellite units in a device group be sure to assign a DME Satellite unit as the device group master Synchronization cannot be performed if a DME64N 24N is assigned as the device group master 160 DME Designer Owner s Manual Chapter 3 Main Panel Window E IP Address Displays and set