
ABB ACS850 Standard Control Program Firmware Manual



1. ras 14 72 DIO invert mask 16 0b0000000000 0b0000000000 091111111111 15 Analogue outputs 15 03 REAL 0 22 7 20 000 mA 15 04 REAL O 22 7 4 000 mA 1507402750 vapor 0 000 BENE RN WC ap RES S Aa F enm NUNC EAM Em S mA mA S A 276 Additional parameter data Moj same we i ee UP coy macro rer aozsemeax Ren 32 exea ooo Rae REAL 32 T a 0000 mapos T 1 32 H e _ marrosen Ren 32 areare som smspOSsemm REAL 32 32168308 omo psmporss T 1 32 gt rre pszpOrsvmer REAL s 32930 som Esa pO sem REAL 32 T a omo 0b0000 0b1111 0b0000 16 System elisa e 27 i 19 Speed calculation 0 30000 1500 rpm Esmas 0 10000 8 000 ms 19 10 0 30000 o N Additional parameter data 277 Default Factory macro DIG o 5 0 Limits 3 21 Speed ref 2 Speed ref ramp 0 30000 0 30000 0 10000 N 0 30000 30000 0 0 30000 N 0 1600 1600 0 ES EII SL BA EMOS EU CAC E X pee pee e SR L E ue p y Cal A ee EC E ME px 999 EL rr rpm rpm ms rpm rpm A 96 96 96 96 rpm rpm rpm O NOPE DOT DOT N N NINI DT N NINNIN S O Eal Of OF OF OF SO SO SO SO O Al Al a S O O O O O SO SO
2. eee 2 1 About the manual What this chapter contains 339 xa x REOR ROECRE A EUER OE o RR DOME GAD Ew eR 11 eui MT rM 11 Safety INSTUCIONS iii aia EROR Ica ER AUR OR HC eax 11 Reader ed eR RE ii a es iio dd 11 P enim M rU 12 Iselated manuals ovio diria it A RED EE E 12 Terms and abbreviations llle eee eee es sss 12 2 The ACS850 control panel What this chapter contains 333 acd x da A oe RO o VE COGOR S CUR ad 15 Features p rrr 15 Installation M T 16 Mechanical installation 4 5 u d dci e CC a TARA di ba AA 16 Electrical iInstallatiol 1 neres 9 SR Ema e a teed Pee Pee do cle ERR RR e RC 16 ELSYQUE A DC rre 17 cIEHT ADMITTIT 18 Operating MSTUCUONS 2 2 iced erre E nidoni teses dide bes Ei ibl DO bibe bad 19 Basics of operation espa dao E o o Ud ea e d QR D e VC 19 List of taSkS io adora caa CE op du data a Bo c dE SE ORAE QUE on EORR CR i 20 Help and panel version Any mode 0c cece eee eens 21 Basic operations Any mode es 27 Output mode PERPPT 23 PaFamelerS said rra ji A AA dd de Fedora o Sad doa 25 cd cp rm 32 Changed Parameters nnana nananana 33 Fall Logger siirre cease eed RROXAGORDEWOR GUERRA RULA EKAT A R EE 35 Tine amp Date paved riadas TE RR ia ERA wes 37 Parameter Backup 1 cc rn 39 UO Settings screener trit bub cws too Sed aes ae A teeter bab Sends 47 Reference EU WD PP 49
3. The subtraction 21 01 Speed ref1 sel 21 02 Speed ref2 2 sel of the reference sources is used as speed reference 1 dd ub Mul The multiplication of the reference sources is used as speed reference 1 Min Max i 3 The smaller of the reference sources is used as speed 4 reference 1 The greater of the reference sources is used as speed reference 1 172 Parameters 21 04 Speed ref1 2 sel Configures the selection between speed references 1 and 2 The sources for the references are defined by parameters 21 01 Speed ref1 sel and 21 02 Speed ref2 sel respectively 0 Speed reference 1 1 Speed reference 2 DI5 Const Pointer 21 05 Speed share 8 000 8 000 21 07 Speed ref jog1 30000 30000 rpm 21 08 Speed ref jog2 30000 30000 rpm 21 09 SpeedRef min abs 20 01 Digital input DI5 as indicated by 02 01 DI status bit 4 1074004481 Digital input DI6 as indicated by 02 01 DI status bit 5 1074070017 Bit pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 Defines the scaling factor for speed reference 1 2 speed E reference 1 or 2 is multiplied by the defined value Speed reference 1 or 2 is selected by parameter 21 04 Speed ref1 2 sel Speed reference scaling factor 1000 1 Defines the speed reference for jogging function 1 For more information on jogging see page 85 Speed reference for jogging function 1 Defines the speed reference for jogging function 2 F
4. em ooe EN EC UE GS 0 07 Jog1 start Bit pointer 32 0 Jog2 start Bit pointer 32 0 09 Jog enable 1 1 1 1 1 Bit pointer C FALSE C FALSE C FALSE DI3 32 0 11 Bit pointer 32 10 13 Em stop off3 Bit pointer 1 0 15 10 17 32 ij 11 Start stop mode 11 02 Dc magn time UINT32 0 10000 11 03 Stop mode enum 1 11 04 Dc hold speed REAL 0 1000 11 05 UINT32 1 0 100 11 06 Bit pointer 11 07 Autophasing mode enum 12 Operating mode 12 01 Bit pointer 3 2 03 Ext1 ctrl mode enum 2 05 Ext2 ctrl mode enum 3A 13 01 08 ZI 1 10 Fault reset sel Bit pointer 19 20 0 0 d e is 1 1 2 O 2 N N E ala o ala l l ala a O O N OJ N O N 88 Al1 filt time REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL S mA or V pss p 22 22 mA or 11 11 V 22 22 mA or 11 11 V 32768 32768 32768 32768 0 30 22 22 mA or 11 11 V 22 22 mA or 11 11 V O e w O 13 08 274 Additional parameter data A L en Factory macro ESOS AZmarscae REAL sz aars aare wow ES Reni e R ES fare ARminscae REA 32 ora 995 ESTA marscae REAL 32 ares aare 35099 S20 pines REM s save serves ooo Esa pusmerscso REM s2 azar tem 1325 AlSmin scale REAL x2 sasaa omo ESmABmarscae REAL 32 aars aare 35099 3 30 A
5. EM SS S e A a E S rw ES C FALSE N a a a al a a a a a Qa a afjl a S SO SOF SOF SOF SO SO OF OF 9 OF SO O Al Al APT a OF O O O O O O O O ajl Ml A Of O Gl GQ AY Gl N a a 0b00 0b11 a 5 O 0 65535 0 65535 a O 7 LD gt D 0 65535 eo N f o o o e ES w N N w gt al a aja N N N o a a N co 0x0000 0xFFFF 0 65535 0 65535 16 16 A 16 16 16 0x0000 0xFFFF 0x0000 0xFFFF a c T w D o N mb O O OINI O NIN 286 Additional parameter data Tvpe Data Range Default YD len 9 Factory macro 52 FBA data in sra nr uvm o o s 53 FBA data out 5503 Snpra vae 5504 Sgnatrmode wr 3 ar 5505 mme A 3 me 7 3505 Sgnal mode wr 1 3 a 5607 oer UNE 94 om 7 57 D2D communication 0h00000000 Oh7FFFFFFF 0h00000000 Oh7FFFFFFF Follower cw src Val pointer 57 15 D2D com port enum 58 Embedded Modbus 0 10000 100 ms Disabled Alarm ala O O el MI M G olo Oo D D R WO pol ml wel gt NO N 0h00000000 0h00000000 P 03 05 P 03 13 P 02 31 Broadcast on board Modbus RTU Enw meram umm s 9 8 5508 par ome x 9 3 er as comargone untae zi 0 8 AaBemanced Srl unr 32 5 999 me 9
6. euzruzso 4x REA 9 99 faf eapo we 9 99 faf zuo 00 REA 9 99 faf SIT RE 6 9 99 fa GH ms REA 9 99 faf p MIN ala O O 74 Appl programming 2 2 g 5 90 Enc module sel Enc cable fault Enc par refresh 1 Absol enc conf Sine cosine nr 16 Abs enc interf Rev count bits 1 91 04 Pos data bits 16 P 03 03 2 2 2 2 Ta rs RR R RR RR RR R w 7 MEM Eg SS pe N j 3 3a al a O O D Ol o O gt e E a S Gl ojo Mal ml ala o S o 9 Gl a e lt 0 65535 o ala Eal o w N O 0 32 0 32 Additional parameter data 289 Type Data Range Default YD len 9 Factory macro S om 8 ot e ros abs pos racing S Te TRS Bro arenas party om e H om S eum 8 H H H Ses si umma 6 25 9 Ssss umm 6 n 3 rzr Sspostormss unre 36 ted SEA 55m p uwmr 39 3 98 SEIC emm 39 91 T sias wm 8 HT rzs ssimode emm 36 9 1 as SEI wm 3 00s 91 30 Endat mode Initial pos 91 31 Endat max calc enum 92 Resolver conf 0 5 0 65535 93 12 Enc2 type Enc2 sp CalcMode 4 Ext IO conf e Co wm A 4 0 5 Hw configuration Ctrl boardSupply 5 03 Temp inu ambient INT32
7. Control through the embedded fieldbus interface 331 E Modbus register addresses for the ABB Drives classic profile The table below shows the Modbus register addresses for the drive data with the ABB Drives classic profile This profile provides a converted 16 bit access to the drive data Note Only the least significant 16 bits of the drive 32 bit Control and Status words can be accessed Register Address Register Data 16 bit 400001 Fieldbus Control Word CW See section Contro Word for the ABB Drives profiles on page 324 400002 Fieldbus reference 1 REF 1 400003 Fieldbus reference 2 REF2 400004 Fieldbus Status Word SW See section Status Word for the ABB Drives profiles on page 326 400005 Fieldbus actual value 1 ACT1 400006 Fieldbus actual value 2 ACT2 400007 Fieldbus data in out 1 Drive parameter 58 35 Data I O 1 400030 Fieldbus data in out 24 Drive Parameter 58 58 Data l O 24 400101 409999 Register address 16 bit drive parameter 400000 100 x group index Example Modbus register address to drive parameter 03 18 is 400000 100 x 3 18 400318 Drive parameter access 32 bit drive parameter 420000 200 x group 2 x index Example Modbus register address to drive parameter 01 27 420000 200 x 1 2x 27 420254 332 Control through the embedded fieldbus interface E Modbus register addresses for the ABB Drives enhanced profile Register address Register data 16 bit words
8. 01 on the menu with keys A and SY 2 and pressing 1 Actual values 04 Appl values 06 Drive status EXIT 00 00 SEL Select the appropriate parameter group with keys CAN LOC PAR GROUPS 10 and S Y7 Here the bit pointer parameter 10 02 Ext 0 IT StOD start in1 is used as an example Press to select the appropriate parameter group LOC Y PARAMETERS Current value of each parameter is shown below its 1001 Extl start func name In 1002 Ext1 start inl 1003 Ext1 start in2 1004 Ext2 start func EXIT 00 00 EDIT Select the parameter 10 02 Ext1 start in1 with keys LOC 5 PARAMETERS CA and Cw 1001 Extl start func 1002 Ext1 start inl DI1 1003 Extl start 1n2 1004 Ext2 start func EXIT 00 00 EDIT Press lt lt LOCU PAR EDIT 1002 Ext1 start inl P 02 01 00 CANCEL 00 00 SEL The ACS850 control panel 29 Specify a new value with keys As and SY P The text below the cursor shows the corresponding parameter group index and bit Press to accept any of the preselected values and to return to the parameters list To freely define a bit of a binary parameter as the value choose Pointer and press Kel The parameter group index and bit will be shown Select the parameter group with A and SY P The text below the cursor displays the currently selected parameter group Press y to select the parameter index Again the text below the cursor reflects the current setting Press lt to s
9. 918 MO JeMOJJOJ 9078 aus Zjeud LOLS US J9Y 90 LS seu 1ewolo3 S0 4G NO utew qa oe zo 2jeJ AZA ee zo 1481 AZA ce co ysew Jevoro4 7O LS SH3MOTIO3 YILSVIN E oun sso uuo Z0 19 SSeJppe euoN 078 F epow yun L0 78 SONILLAS NOWINOO NOILVOINDQIWIWOO aza egeue ueis 101 ainjoid sngpiey ees es oso1ne4 OL OL wgiuu WEIS BL OL apou WEIS L0 LL Nj apou dois 0 LL Control chain and drive logic diagrams 367 aanva 1SY02 dOLS 1X3 les exa nxa vor Id dOLS TIVINHON SNINNOH L YIOZNI SLNI 4o dois wa SL 0L YZNI 3LENI GREENS 440 epo dojs wg LOL aea c330 133O 8d t dols WA JAIME M J9MOIJOJ AZA LEO a7avsia qeu Do U ZPJOM SNJEIS ZO 90 x Hd 180 01 Meis 2 v0 0L LDJOM SnjelS 10 90 ANIHOVW 31V1S weis 2Bor 8001 weis oroo YIOZNI SENI YZNI 2LNI aea 18V1S 201 PA Tavis 1X3 JulM e pued Od 3GOW 19071 oun ajqeue uns LL OL 919071 SANG T L 9160 SALI eigeue yu amp elS LOL es 1ese11ne 4 OL OL WAMU ues 6L 0L apow uei Lo LL epoui doiS 0 LL 1SvO9 NW dOLS IVINHON lao 84 paje poe eq oj speeu AWO eiouie NO 19MOI104 AZA LEZO 2430 1430 dOLS WA MS Uew ygd b Z0 OWO ejouied LLa elqeue Dor 60 0L z Buibbor 018 BuibBor 6g a qeu3 uny ues zBor g0 0 L 1SvO9 epoudis AIN ve epouidis 1430 epoudis ues L6or 10701 dOLS W3 epouidis 330 W3 epouidis ues LYVLS do
10. e bio WUNWIXEIN 0 yz 9 922 4431 922 eje gea We gea 9 Vas 4431 vay civ Liv OY3Z Jes ppe jeJ biol ZO pz dn dues biol 90 pz uonooejes epoui Burjeaedo uoneoyipoui a9usajal onbJ0 366 Control chain and drive logic diagrams L 119 dd SseooJgd t0 v0 WINWIUIL Ald 6L Z2 ano did sseooid S0 v0 Joe SS3D0Id 0 YO alid WNWIXeW dd 8SL72 Sseoo0ld eue doaie ZZZ Aejap dn axem 97 2Z ena dn eXew SZZ fejep dees yz 2z eg deals ez z epouu deel s 77 27 AUI 10448 ld gL ZZ 18 uep Ald gL ZZ m eun uep Ald pL IZ eun Bejur did cL 1Z utes did ZL 1Z aun Xq did 0L Ze X ure jq Cid 60 2Z 149 ds joy enbuo 60 0 pedueij joypeeds s0 0 anbio dold peeds doug YO pana epoui ald LLC eya aza e AZA g1 83 1491 92 pajess ZIV pajeos LIV oJez Jes juiodjes ald L07c did sSse2oJdg ouns 44 Ald COLE ulu Cx Aid 80 22 xew 240 Ald 20 17 ulu 1494 Ald 9077c xew 190 Ald 60 Z eje qea US aea cJeJ a4 1491 92 pajeos ZIV pajeos Iv oJez c US HA ald v0 7c eje aca 1481 aea cJ9J g4 1491 92 pajess ZIV pajeos LIV OJ9SZ L DS 194 ald 0 22 SdjB ow J81 IN v14G dub ow US XEN El LG dnoi6 ow Jay ZV4G WIAOO NIVHO 1SVOLL IW l ed A sw jest LL4S m le syo ous jawy 078 ONAS TINY3A m epouw ou s eWay 6078
11. 04 Appl values Process and counter values EN 04 01 Process act1 Process feedback 1 for the process PID controller 100 7 1 unit 04 02 Process act2 Process feedback 2 for the process PID controller 100 7 1 unit 04 03 Process act Final process feedback after process feedback selection and 100 1 unit modification 04 04 Process PID err Process PID error i e difference between PID setpoint and 10 1 unit feedback 04 05 Process PID out Output of the process PID controller 10 1 unit 04 06 Process var1 Process variable 1 See parameter group 35 Process 1000 1 variable 04 07 Process var2 Process variable 2 See parameter group 35 Process 1000 1 variable 04 08 Process var3 Process variable 3 See parameter group 35 Process 1000 1 variable 04 09 Counter ontime1 Reading of on time counter 1 See parameter 44 01 Ontime1 1 1s func Can be reset by entering a 0 04 10 Counter ontime2 Reading of on time counter 2 See parameter group 44 05 1271s Ontime2 func Can be reset by entering a O 04 11 Counter edge1 Reading of rising edge counter 1 See parameter group 44 09 1 1 Edge count1 func Can be reset by entering a 0 04 12 Counter edge2 Reading of rising edge counter 2 See parameter group 44 14 1 1 Edge count2 func Can be reset by entering a 0 04 13 Counter value Reading of value counter 1 See parameter group 44 19 Val 1 1 count func Can be reset by entering a 0 04 14 Counter value2 Reading of value co
12. 23 18 Icoef at min sp Actual speed rpm 23 16 PI adapt 23 15 Pl adapt min sp max sp Kp Proportional gain T Integration time 23 18 Icoef at min sp Integration time coefficient at minimum actual speed See parameter 23 15 PI adapt max sp 0 000 10 000 Integration time coefficient at minimum actual speed Parameters 183 23 20 PI tune mode 23 21 Tune bandwidth 00 00 2000 00 Hz No tuning has been requested normal operation The parameter also reverts to this value after an autotune is completed Request speed controller autotune with preset settings for 1 smooth operation Request speed controller autotune with preset settings for 2 medium tight operation Request speed controller autotune with preset settings for 3 tight operation Request speed controller autotune with the settings defined 4 by parameters 23 21 Tune bandwidth and 23 22 Tune damping Speed controller bandwidth for autotune procedure User mode see parameter 23 20 PI tune mode A larger bandwidth results in more restricted speed controller settings Tune bandwidth for User autotune mode 10021Hz Activates the speed controller autotune function The autotune will automatically set parameters 23 01 Proport gain and 23 02 Integration time as well as 01 31 Mech time const If the User autotune mode is chosen also 23 07 Speed err Ftime is automatically set The status of the autotune routine is shown by para
13. 6 210 Parameters ereis DeeWon IE 01 02 Motor speed see page 103 01 03 Output frequency see page 103 01 22 Power inu out see page 103 1073742102 01 23 Motor power see page 103 1073742103 SpRef unramp 03 03 SpeedRef unramp see page 114 1073742595 Parameters 211 No WawNaus beson PER Value pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 35 09 Signal2 max Defines the real value of the selected signal that corresponds to the maximum display value defined by parameter 35 13 Proc var2 max 04 07 Process var2 35 10 35 09 Signal selected by 35 08 Signal2 param Defines the real value of the selected signal that corresponds to the minimum display value defined by parameter 35 14 Proc var2 min See diagram at parameter 35 09 Signal2 max 35 11 Proc varz dispf Scaling for process variable 2 This setting also scales the value for fieldbus 100 1 1000 1 10000 1 100000 1 Specifies the unit for parameter 04 07 Process var2 process variable 2 See parameter 35 05 Proc var1 unit 32768 32768 Minimum value for process variable 2 212 Parameters 35 15 Signal3 param Selects a signal to be provided as parameter 04 08 Process NEN vara 01 02 Motor speed see page 103 01 05 Motor current see page 103 Value pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 35 16 Signal3 max Defines the real value of the selected signal that correspo
14. RemoteDsNr RemoteDsNr Std Mcast Group X Std Mcast Group X 356 Drive to drive link Follower to follower s multicasting Master Follower Follower Follower Dataset table Dataset table Dataset table Dataset table LocalDsNr RemoteDsNr RemoteDsNr Std Mcast Group Std Mcast Group X X E Broadcast messaging In broadcasting the master sends one dataset to all followers or a follower sends one dataset to all other followers after receiving a token from the master The target Target Grp is automatically set to 255 denoting all followers Note The master does not receive any data broadcast by the followers Master to follower s broadcasting Master Follower Follower Dataset table Dataset table Dataset table Target Grp 255 LocalDsNr RemoteDsNr RemoteDsNr Drive to drive link 357 Follower to follower s broadcasting Master Follower Follower Follower Dataset table Dataset table Dataset table Dataset table LocalDsNr RemoteDsNr RemoteDsNr 358 Drive to drive link B Chained multicast messaging Chained multicasting is supported for drive to drive reference 1 and Control
15. 7 User motor par E 5 o a e N e E e N 290 Additional parameter data CACA EA len Factory macro 9710 Sinalimecto umm ie 0 4 Diei 9720 Penge oreet REAL a ooo o e e 99 Start up data poor Language emm f e te poo moore eum is o2 AW e own mm Ww oo e Bes monomeren REM 3 06m a osa 59 07 Marnom wotage REAL 32 wz v 90V buenos Rem 5 m I wrs2 s2 TRR Nm RRR sea bnnmede ewm 98 e Fault tracing 291 Fault tracing What this chapter contains The chapter lists the alarm warning and fault messages including possible causes and corrective actions The alarm fault code is displayed on the control panel of the drive as well as the DriveStudio PC tool An alarm or a fault message indicates abnormal drive status Most alarm and fault causes can be identified and corrected using the information in this chapter If not an ABB representative should be contacted In this chapter the alarms and faults are sorted by the four digit code The hexadecimal code in brackets that follows the alarm fault message is for fieldbus communication Safety WARNING Only qualified electricians are allowed to maintain the drive The Safety Instructions on the first pages of the appropriate Hardware Manual must be read before you start working with the drive How to reset
16. 86 Data storage parameters pot US o Cd esd Baek a 88 Drive to drivelinK RR RR 88 Table of contents 7 5 Application macros What this chapter contains a a ia A a A PERRO AA Ree Re 89 General 1210200425010 de AST tS Eee ELAR As abad bd bk m dni di 89 Factory BISBEO syira 33 bs da a AAA EA 90 Default control connections for the Factory macro 0000 eee 91 Hand Auto Macro 2 52 x dedo daa Rib iei i BSS bork Srl dh bathed 92 Default control connections for the Hand Auto macro 0c c eee 93 PID control macro 94 Default control connections for the PID control macro 0c cece eee 95 Torque control Macro 96 Default control connections for the Torque control macro eee 97 Sequential control Macro 98 Default control connections for the Sequential control macro 100 6 Parameters What this chapter contains 0600s ss x EG RR ERO eee de AA 101 Terms and abbreviations oommmoncocc ee ee eee eee eee ee 102 Parameter liste cad bated eet beoe bese DEPO e RI miu ardido dd 103 01 AGUA valles ssp oia aid rias A oa 103 02 I O values Ur 104 inicie PLC cp 114 04 elel RC ee ee ee ee eS ee ee ee eee 115 06 Drive status 14x ddan AC i eee a a ie CA edo Can RC eas 116 OS Alarms amp faults s scrip erinan ZR AR Se AAA AAA 119 OS SVSISM DIO TTT 124 10 Start stop dir oia a EROR Rd A AAA CR AAA 124 14 STar stop MOUS ir a Ioa RO RORIS RA AAN A 131 12 Opberatliqmode
17. Application programs can be built out of function blocks based on the IEC 61131 standard Some drive parameters are used as firmware function block inputs and can therefore be modified also via the application program Note that parameter changes made via the application program override changes made via the DriveStudio PC tool For more information see Application guide Application programming for ACS850 drives 3AUA0000078664 English and DriveSPC User manual 3AFE68836590 English Application program licensing and protection The drive can be assigned an application licence consisting of an ID and password using the DriveSPC tool Likewise the application program created in DriveSPC can be protected by an ID and password If a protected application program is downloaded to a licensed drive the IDs and passwords of the application and drive must match A protected application cannot be downloaded to an unlicensed drive On the other hand an unprotected application can be downloaded to a licensed drive The ID of the application licence is displayed by DriveStudio in the drive software properties as APPL LICENCE If the value is O no licence has been assigned to the drive Program features 59 Notes The application licence can only be assigned to a complete drive not a stand alone control unit A protected application can only be downloaded to a complete drive not a stand alone control unit Cont
18. 0 09 L 31 9 9 Constantspeed 1 Constant speed 6 1 J Constantspeed 7 me Dita npa Das cta by 0207 DI aos BS H Bit pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page Poi 102 26 03 Const speed sel2 When bit O of parameter 26 01 Const speed func is O Separate selects a source that activates constant speed 2 When bit O of parameter 26 01 Const speed func is 1 Packed this parameter and parameters 26 02 Const speed sel1 and 26 04 Const speed sel3 select three sources that are used to activate constant speeds See table at parameter 26 02 Const speed sel1 Bit DI as rated by 020701 ius BR 07407007 Bit pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page un 102 26 04 Const speed sel3 When bit O of parameter 26 01 Const speed func is O Separate selects a source that activates constant speed 3 When bit O of parameter 26 01 Const speed func is 1 Packed this parameter and parameters 26 02 Const speed sel1 and 26 03 Const speed sel2 select three sources that are used to activate constant speeds See table at parameter 26 02 Const speed sel1 Digital input DI1 as indicated by 02 01 DI status bit O 1073742337 188 Parameters No NamVaus Deseripion rin 016 Bisainpu 016 as incised by 0201 DI status biS 1074070017 Bit pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page Pointer ane 26 06 Const speed Defines constant speed 1 DEAEEEEM 30000 30000 C
19. 0 000 30 000 s Filter time constant 1000 1s 13 22 Al5 max Defines the maximum value for analog input Al5 The input type depends on the type and or settings of the I O extension module installed See the user documentation of the extension module 22 000 22 000 Al5 maximum value 1000 1 unit mA or 11 000 11 000 V 13 23 Al5 min Defines the minimum value for analog input Al5 The input type depends on the type and or settings of the I O extension module installed See the user documentation of the extension module 22 000 22 000 Al5 minimum value 1000 1 unit mA or 11 000 11 000 V 140 Parameters 13 24 AI5 max scale Defines the real value that corresponds to the maximum analog input Al5 value defined by parameter 13 22 A 5 max Al scaled Al mA V 13 25 Al5 min scale Defines the real value that corresponds to the minimum analog input Al5 value defined by parameter 13 23 A 5 min See the drawing at parameter 13 24 A 5 max scale 32768 000 Real value corresponding to minimum Al5 value 32768 000 13 26 Al6 filt time Defines the filter time constant for analog input Al6 See parameter 13 01 AI1 filt time 0 000 30 000 s Filter time constant 1000 1s 13 27 Al6 max Defines the maximum value for analog input Al6 The input type depends on the type and or settings of the I O extension module installed See the user documentation of the extension module 22 000 22 000 AI6 maxi
20. 12 Local fb 1 Fieldbus local control is active 0 Fieldbus local control is inactive Zero 1 Drive speed is below limit defined by parameter 19 06 Zero speed speed limit Ext2 act 13 Drive has not reached zero speed limit 14 Revact 1 Drive is running in reverse direction 0 Drive is running in forward direction Reserved 16 Fault T A fault is active See chapter Fault tracing on page 291 0 No fault is active 17 Local 1 Local control is active i e the drive is controlled from PC tool or panel control panel 0 Local control is inactive 1 Reserved O O 8 26 Reserved 27 Request ctl 1 Control Word is requested from fieldbus 0 Control Word is not requested from fieldbus 28 SWB28 Programmable status bits unless fixed by the used profile See parameters 29 sw B29 90 08 50 11 and the user manual of the fieldbus adapter 80 RSS 02 38 EFB main ref1 Internal and scaled reference 1 of the drive received through the embedded fieldbus interface See parameter 50 04 Fb ref1 modesel and chapter Control through the embedded fieldbus interface on page 313 02 39 EFB main ref2 Internal and scaled reference 2 of the drive received through E the embedded fieldbus interface See parameter 50 05 Fb ref2 modesel and chapter Control through the embedded fieldbus interface on page 313 03 03 SpeedRef unramp Used speed reference before ramping and shaping in rpm 100 1 rpm 03 05 SpeedRef ramp
21. 32 Number of bits For example 32768 positions per revolution 1 1 corresponds to 15 bits 91 05 Refmark ena Enables the encoder zero pulse for the absolute encoder input X42 of an FEN 11 module if present Zero pulse can be used for position latching Note With serial interfaces i e when parameter 91 02 Abs enc interf setting is EnDat Hiperface SSI or Tamag 17 33b zero pulse must be disabled 91 06 Abs pos tracking Activates a position tracking function that counts the number of absolute encoder overflows single turn and multiturn encoders and resolvers in order to determine the actual position uniquely and clearly after power on or encoder refresh especially with an odd load gear ratio 1 Disabled Position tracking disabled Note Activating parameter 90 10 Enc par refresh clears the overflow counter This is required if the encoder was turned by more than half the encoder range while the drive was Switched off Enabled Position tracking enabled Parameters 253 91 10 Hiperface parity Defines the use of parity and stop bits for HIPERFACE encoder i e when parameter 91 02 Abs enc interf setting is Hiperface Typically this parameter does not need to be set Odd O Odd parity indication bit one stop bit Even parity indication bit one stop bit 91 11 Hiperf baudrate Defines the transfer rate of the link for HIPERFACE encoder i e when parameter 91 02 Abs enc interf setting is Hiperface
22. FBA ref1 02 26 FBA main ref1 see page 109 1073742362 FBA ref2 02 27 FBA main ref2 see page 109 1073742363 D2D ref1 02 32 D2D ref1 see page 110 1073742368 D2D ref2 02 33 D2D ref2 see page 110 1073742369 Pointer Value pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 27 05 PID fbk1 max Maximum value for process feedback 1 D2D ref2 02 33 D2D ref2 see page 110 1073742369 32768 00 Maximum value for process feedback 1 100 7 1 32768 00 27 06 PID fbk1 min Minimum value for process feedback 1 32768 00 Minimum value for process feedback 1 100 1 32768 00 27 07 PID fbk2 max Maximum value for process feedback 2 32768 00 Maximum value for process feedback 2 100 1 32768 00 27 08 PID fbk2 min Minimum value for process feedback 2 32768 00 Minimum value for process feedback 2 100 1 32768 00 27 09 PID fbk gain Multiplier for scaling the final feedback value for process PID controller 32 768 32 767 PID feedback gain Al2 scaled 02 07 AI2 scaled see page 105 1073742343 190 Parameters 27 10 PID fbk ftime Defines the time constant for the filter through which the process feedback is connected to the PID controller 0 000 30 000 s Filter time constant Unfiltered signal Filtered signal T OzIx 1 ef filter input step O filter output t time T filter time constant 27 12 PID gain Defines the gain for the process P
23. Hand Auto macro Application macros 93 B Default control connections for the Hand Auto macro External power input 24VI 24V DC 184 Relay output RO1 Ready 250 V AC 30 V DC Im Relay output RO2 Modulating 250 V AC 30 V DC L NC 6 2A NO COM N 9 al Relay output RO3 Fault 1 250 V AC 30 V DC 2A A O a x e O c x 24 V DC 24V q A a x z O U Diotelinput DIA Constant opera DIGN 4 Start interlock 0 Stop DIIL gt amp Wj N al E Analog input Al1 EXT1 Reference Speed ref1 Al1 iS Current or voltage selectable by jumper Al1 AM n Analog input AI2 EXT2 Reference Speed ref2 AI2 Current or voltage selectable by jumper Al2 Al2 Al1 current voltage selection jumper Al2 current voltage selection jumper AGIS Analog output AO1 Current 3 oupur AO Curent t o rap x Analog output AO2 Speed 96 Lt AO2 Drive to drive link termination jumper MEE REN Drive to drive link XD2D Safe torque off Both circuits must be closed for the drive to start XSTO i NI BE Control panel connection Memory unit connection 94 Application macros PID control macro The PID control macro is suitable for process control applications for example closed loop pressure level or flow control systems such as pressure boost pumps of municipal water supply systems level controlling pumps of water reservo
24. The parameter is a 16 bit word with each bit corresponding to a function Whenever a bit is set to 1 the corresponding function is in use The bits of the binary number correspond to the following functions U Timer ena Time period 1 enable 1 Timer2 ena Time period 2 enable 2 Timers ena Time period 3 enable 2 Timer ena Time period 4 enable 4 Boost ena Boost enable 218 Parameters 36 24 Timed func4 Selects which time periods 1 4 are used with timed function 4 Also determines whether boost is used with timed function 4 The parameter is a 16 bit word with each bit corresponding to a function Whenever a bit is set to 1 the corresponding function is in use The bits of the binary number correspond to the following functions Timer1 ena Time period 1 enable Timer2 ena Time period 2 enable Timer3 ena Time period 3 enable 3 Timer4 ena Time period 4 enable 4 Boost ena Boost enable Flux reference and U f curve settings See also section User definable U f curve on page 67 38 01 Flux ref Sets the flux reference in percent of parameter 99 08 Mot nom freq at field weakening point 0 20096 Flux reference at field weakening point 38 03 UT curve func Selects the form of the U f voltage frequency curve below the field weakening point Note This functionality can be used in scalar control only i e when 99 05 Motor ctrl mode setting is Scalar Linear Linear U f curve Recommended for c
25. start stop change the direction and switch between local and remote control EXIT You get to the Output mode by pressing CZ repeatedly The top right corner of the display shows the LOCU reference value The center can be configured to 49 10 show up to three signal values or bar graphs see page 37 for instructions on selecting and modifying 7 the monitored signals DIR 00 00 T MENU How to change the direction of the motor rotation If you are not in the Output mode press EP repeatedly REM Y until you get there 49 10 Hz 0 50 a 10 7 DIR 00 00 MENU If the drive is in remote control REM shown on the status line switch to local control by pressing The display briefly shows a message about changing the mode and then returns to the Output mode 00 00 MENU To change the direction from forward tu shown on the status line to reverse 2 g shown on the status line or vice versa press d How to set the speed frequency or torque reference in the Output mode See also section Reference Edit on page 49 If you are not in the Output mode press EP repeatedly REM R 0 00rpm until you get there 49 x 10 HZ 0 5 a A 10 7 BTR 00 00 MENU 24 The ACS850 control panel If the drive is in remote control REM shown on the status LOC amp 30 00rpm line switch to local control by pressing The display 4 9 10 briefly shows a message about changing the mode and Hz
26. then returns to the Output mode E b A 10 7 x DIR 1 00 00 MENU To increase the highlighted reference value shown in the top right corner of the display press As The value changes immediately It is stored in the permanent memory of the drive and restored automatically after power switch off To decrease the value press amp W 7 DIR 00 00 MENU How to adjust the display contrast If you are not in the Output mode press rA repeatedly LOC 5 until you get there 49 10 HZ 0 50 4 10 7 x _ DIR 00 00 MENU MENU To increase the contrast press keys A and CAN simultaneously To decrease the contrast press keys wl and Cv simultaneously DIR 00 00 MENU The ACS850 control panel 25 B Parameters In the Parameters option you can view and change parameter values start stop change the direction and switch between local and remote control How to select a parameter and change its value Go to the Main menu by pressing X if you are in the LOC t MAIN MENU 1 Output mode EA press EP repeatedly until you get to the PA RAM ET E RS Main menu ASSISTANTS CHANGED PAR EXIT 00 00 ENTER Go to the Parameters option by selecting PARAMETERS L oc PAR GROUPS 01 on the menu with keys A and SY 7 and pressing e Select the appropriate parameter group with keys CAN LOCU PAR GROUPS 99 and SY 7 99 Start up data values 00 00 SEL LOC t PARAMETERS 9901 Language English 9904 Mo
27. when 14 14 DIO4 conf is set to Output Enabled Bit 1 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073808897 Started Bit 2 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073874433 Running Bit 3 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073939969 RunningRelay Bit 3 of 06 02 Status word2 see page 117 1073939970 146 Parameters N Hee EA eee M O Name Value Ref running Bit 4 of 06 02 Status word2 see page 117 1074005506 Charge ready Bit 9 of 06 02 Status word2 see page 117 1074333186 Bit 0 of 06 03 Speed ctrl stat see page 118 1073743363 Zero speed Bit 1 of 06 03 Speed ctrl stat see page 118 1073808899 Above limit Bit 2 of 06 03 Speed ctrl stat see page 118 1073874435 At setpoint Bit 3 of 06 03 Speed ctrl stat see page 118 1073939971 Supervision1 Bit O of 06 13 Superv status see page 119 1073743373 Description Neg speed Supervision2 Bit 1 of 06 13 Superv status see page 119 1073808909 Supervision3 Bit 2 of 06 13 Superv status see page 119 1073874445 Const Bit pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 Pointer when 14 18 DIOS conf is set to Output Ready Bit 0 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073743361 Enabled Bit 1 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073808897 Started Bit 2 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073874433 Running Bit 3 of 06 01 Status word1 see page 116 1073939969 1 E Zero speed Bit 1 of 06 03 Speed
28. 0 00 100 00 Amplitude logger 2 samples between 50 and 60 100 1 64 30 AL2 60 to 70 Percentage of samples recorded by amplitude logger 2 that fall between 60 and 70 0 00 100 00 Amplitude logger 2 samples between 60 and 70 100 1 64 31 AL2 70 to 80 Percentage of samples recorded by amplitude logger 2 that fall between 70 and 8096 0 00 100 00 Amplitude logger 2 samples between 70 and 80 100 1 64 32 AL2 80 to 90 Percentage of samples recorded by amplitude logger 2 that fall between 80 and 90 1 0 00 100 00 Amplitude logger 2 samples between 80 and 90 100 1 64 33 AL2 over 90 Percentage of samples recorded by amplitude logger 2 that exceed 90 0 00 100 00 Amplitude logger 2 samples over 90 100 1 74 Appl programming Parameters for application programming See section Application programming on page 58 74 01 SpeedRef ramp in Selects the source of the speed ramp input The default value is P 03 03 ie 03 03 SpeedRef unramp Pointer Value pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 74 02 SpeedRef nctrl Selects the source of speed reference in speed control mode The value is fixed to P 03 05 ie 03 05 SpeedRef ramped Pointer Value pointer setting see Terms and abbreviations on page 102 74 03 Speed fbk nctrl Selects the source of actual speed in speed control mode The value is fixed to P 01 01 ie 01 01 Motor speed rpm Value pointer setting see Terms and abbr
29. 0x6300 Note This fault cannot be If fault is still active contact your local reset ABB representative 0309 APPL LOADING Application file incompatible or Check the fault logger for a fault code 0x6300 corrupted extension See appropriate actions for Note This fault cannot be each extension below reset Refer to Application programming for ACS850 drives 3AUA0000078664 English Extension 8 Template used in the Change the template of the application application incompatible with in DriveSPC drive firmware Extension 10 Parameters defined in the Check the application for conflicting application conflict with parameters existing drive parameters Extension 35 Application memory full Contact your local ABB representative Extensi